PEP Book 7 Unit 2 B Read 教案 教学反思 说课稿 课件

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1、61PEP Book7Unit 2 Where is the Science Museum?Part(B) Lets read教学目标与要求1.能够理解并会朗读 Lets read 部分,能够完成选词填空练习。2.能够完成 Task time 的任务。3.能写简单的路线说明并了解写信的基本格式。重点能够听、说、认读句子:“Start from the bus stop .Get off our schoolTake the No17 busGet off at the post officeWalk east for three minute.Find the white building O

2、n the left Look for me near the door难点 同重点教具 录音机 教学挂图 邀请卡教学环节 师生活动教学问题最佳解决方案Preparation准备活动1.Sing a song:Where are you going?【设计意图】在音乐中活跃气氛,使学生身心得到放松,积极主动地参与到课堂中来.为学生提供语言交际的机会,巩固学过的单词和句子。2.Free talkA:Excuse me. Where is the post office?B:Its east of the cinema.A:And then?B:Turn left at the cinema, t

3、hen go straight. Its on the left.A:Thank you.【设计意图】活跃课堂气氛,把学生的注意力快速集中到课堂教学当中来,同时又为本节课的进行做了很好的铺垫。62教学环节 师生活动教学问题最佳解决方案Pre-reading阅读前活动1.Preview (预习)师生进行日常会话。以下问题可供参考:How old are you? How d0 you go to school?Which bus do you take? Where is your home?Whats the colour of the building you live in?2.Lets

4、talk(1)教师课前安排一名学生站在教室外面充当邮递员,上课铃响后,邮递员敲门递给教师一封信说:“There is a letter for you ”教师接过信,看了看信封说:“This letter is from Sarah ”然后从信封中取出一张邀请卡,说:“Its an invitationWhat does it say?”教师请学生回答该问题。(2)教师出示教学挂图说“Yes,Look !Its Sarahs birthdayHow old is she? Where is her home ?How Can we get to her home? Lets read agai

5、n ”让学生带着问题阅读对话,提出不懂的单词或句子,教师答疑。【设计意图】学生在一定的实际任务下练习,使学习不再空洞.让学生画一画,是为了检测他们对短文的理解程度.(3)“过三关”活动教师朗读 Lets read 部分,朗读时故意读错三处,请学生看课文听教师朗读,听到错误及时指出。如果所出现的三处错误没有被学生发现,则表明教师已闯过三关。(4)教师指导学生完成选择填空。(5)教师要求学生根据 Sarah 信中的说明,画出到她家的路线图。比一比谁画得既快又好。 (6)教师事先准备课文当中指示路径的六个句子,随意打乱顺序,要求学生正确排序,看哪一组排得既快又准确。【设计意图】提高阅读能力。提出问题

6、,让学生带着问题进行阅读,激活思维。63教学环节 师生活动教学问题最佳解决方案In-reading阅读中活动1.General reading 略读简单判断:Start from the bus stop behind the school. ( )Find the white building on the left ( )【设计意图】通过简单判断,给与学生阅读的自信并通过快速阅读理解语篇的大意。2.Detailed reading 细读细读文章,并选择中下列问题的正确答案:Amy is one year older than Sarah. How old is Amy?A: 11 B: 1

7、2 C:13Sarahs home is _of the post office.A: east B: west C :northWhats the colour of the building Sarah lives in?A :red B: white C: brown【设计意图】培养学生获取信息、处理信息的能力。3.Read and write 读一读,写一写Dear Amy,Please come to my 12th birthday party at 6 pm on Saturday. Now let me tell you how to come.Yours,Sarah【设计意图

8、】落实到写。阅读前可布置书上的填空题或教师设计的书面练习4.Listen to the tape 听音看录像,听出主句型。模仿。【设计意图】通过看录像或听录音听模仿语音语调。5.Read aloud 朗读个人自由朗读小组合作朗读全体学生齐读【设计意图】大声朗读培养朗读能力、增强语感。64教学环节 师生活动教学问题最佳解决方案Post-reding阅读后活动Task time教师引导学生仔细看 Task time 中的地图,观察各处场所的位置以及公交车路线。然后让学生两两分组依照对话泡中的示范语言询问和回答某场所的位置以及到达该场所的路线。教师可适当提示学生图中交通指示灯四周的场所都可步行到达;

9、而 museum 和hospital 则可乘一一路公共汽车到达。借鉴句型:A: How can I get to the hospital?B: Where is the cinema.C: The bookstort is next to the shoe store.D: Take the No.1 bus at the museum.板书设计Book 7 Unit 2 Where is the Science Museum ?Part(B) Lets talk.Dear Amy,Please come to my 12th birthday party at 6 pm on Saturd

10、ay. Now let me tell you how to come._Yours,Sarah教学反思65家长签字: 组长评价: 教师抽查情况:能 力 测 试课堂达标一Listen and choose.(听音选择 )二.Look and write.( 连词成句)1. library get can to I how the (?)2. it to the science next museum is (.)3. is the where post office (?)4. left at the turn park (.)5. bus by you No.6 go can the (.)

11、6. bike I to sometimes by school go (.)三.Read and judge. (读一读,判断正 T 误 F)Lucy : Excuse me . Is there a library near here ?Bob : Yes ,there is . Go straight and turn left . Its on Green Street on the right . Its next to a supermarket .Lucy : Thank you very much .Bob : You are right .( ) 1. Lucy wants

12、to go to a supermarket .( ) 2. The library is far from here .( ) 3. The supermarket is next to a library .( ) 4. The library isnt on Green Street .( ) 5. Bob knows the place (地点) that Lucy wants to go .家庭作业:1基础训练:第 13 页第题; 第 16 页第,题; 2配套练习:第 13 页第六题; 第 14 页第七题; 第 15-16 页的笔试题; 3拓展部分:上网,生活中的英语,收集预习内容:五.Preview the next lesson.( 预习下一课内容)1、不会读的单词_2、不理解的句子_3、准备好课前英语报告。



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