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1、举例式英语演讲开场欣赏举例式英语演讲开场欣赏:*By Taking Examples#举例式开场欣赏 Yu feel it elling up inside yu, this delicate tingling, as if yur every nerve ere firing at n。*by taking examples#举例式开场欣赏 yu feel it elling up inside yu, this delicate tingling, as if yur every nerve ere firing at nce. yu ant t grup fr the nespaper,

2、 yur hmerkanythingbut yu n lnger cntrl yur bdy. these secnds f helpless anticipatin seem like an eternity, but then the spell is brken. yu crash frard, yur muscles cntracting like a fist, and yu cant even see that peple are running aay frm yu because smething has frced yur eyes shut. and then its ve

3、r. yu relax. yur head is clear, yur bdy under cntrl. i am talking, f curse, abut sneezing. ie frm a lng line f sneezers. my father sneezed, and his father and his fathers father befre him ere all men fr hm a blat frm the nse as every bit as bracing as a plunge int the sn flling a sauna. this invlunt

4、ary reflex knn as the sneeze is nt ne f the burning mysteries f ur time, but id like t tell yu abut sme superstitins that have sprung up arund sneezing and als let yu kn hats actually happening hen yu sneeze. finally, in the interests f scial harmny, ill tell yu h t sneeze safely and plitely. 你会觉得全身

5、冒汗,发抖,好像你的每一根神经即刻就断了似的;你想收拾一下报纸,整理一下家务,做点什么的,可你一下子却不能自我。 这么一会儿的无可奈何的预兆几乎是永恒的,有时这种发作也会中断。当你猛地向前一倾的时候,你全身的肌肉就会收缩得像一只拳头,看不到前面有人从你身边擦身而过。这是因为好像有点什么东西立刻使你闭上眼睛。 过去了之后,你就轻松了,头脑清醒,也恢复了自我。 当然,我在此是谈谈打喷嚏。我出身于一个打喷嚏有着悠久历史的家族。我的父亲如此,我父亲的父亲如此,我们的先辈都如此。我们这些人鼻子都是哇哧哇哧的,每每都好像大雪天洗蒸汽浴之后那么一种冰冷的感觉。 打喷嚏也是一种无意识的轻松,它并不是我们这个时

6、代秘密的焦点之一。但是,我想跟你们谈谈有关它的一些流传的迷信问题,谈谈你认为打喷嚏到底是回什么样的事。最后,考虑到社会协同关系,我还想谈谈有关打喷嚏的礼节性问题。 i am nt a pet, s i cannt praise my prfessin ith beautiful pems. i am nt a schlar, s i cannt value my price ith my deep thughts. i am nt a singer, s i cannt sing a sng fr my pst. but i am middle schl teacher f english.

7、n i uld like t use my beautiful english rds in my mind tpse my mst beautiful praise frm my heart. n i uld like t rk ut the mst mysterius philsphy in my heart. n i uld like t sing a mst enchanting praise fr my prfessin frm my heart. i lve the prfessin as a teacher. i lve my rking pst. 我不是诗人,不能用美丽的诗篇赞

8、美我的职业;我不是哲人,不能用深邃的思想思考我的价值;我不是歌手,不能用动听的歌曲歌唱我的岗位。然而,我是教师我是一名中学英语教师,我要用我脑海里所能采撷的、如花的英语词汇,构筑我心中最美妙的诗篇;我要用深深的思索,推演我心中最奥秘的哲理;我要用凝重的感情,唱出我心中最迷人的颂歌我爱我的教师职业,我爱我的工作岗位。 many rads, in all directins, lng and shrt, narr and ide present befre us, f hich nly ne ay is left fr the yuth t feel and take and this ay is called make yur ay ut. 世上有不少的路,东西南北,长短宽狭,其中有一条,好像是专留给青年们去摸索的,叫出路。


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