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1、应用型本科院校特色专业建设研究摘 要随着我国社会经济体制改革的不断深入,高等教育呈现大众化、多样化的趋势,从而导致教育市场的竞争日趋激烈,注重办学特色成为高等学校寻求胜利的普遍共识。尤其是近几年刚刚兴起的应用型本科院校,多数是在原来的专科基础上,通过合并由教育部批准新组建的普通本科院校。2007 年 9 月 19 日在杭州“中德论坛:高层次应用型人才培养”中,教育部副部长吴启迪指出:“ 高等教育的大众化决定高等教育必须走多样化发展的道路,如何应对社会需求,培养高素质应用型人才是眼下高等教育界共同面对的一个新课题。高层次应用型人才与传统本科院校人才培养相比,显著特色是以能力培养的系统化取代知识培

2、养的系统性;而与面向岗位和职业培养的技能应用型人才相比,高层次应用型人才面向的是行业,它要求学生具有较为综合的专业知识和良好的文化素质,可持续发展能力更强。” 但由于应用型本科院校办学的特殊性,由两个或多个学校合并而成,容易在办学过程中片面追求专业设置的大而全迷失了本身原有的特色,因此,增强自身的特色才能在激烈的竞争中脱颖而出,作为高校办学的基本组成单位专业,特色专业是一所高校是否有特色的显著标志之一。一所应用型本科院校如果拥有几个独具特色的专业作为支撑,培养出高素质的应用型本科人才,就能在激烈的教育市场竞争中焕发出勃勃生机。但目前我国应用型本科院校在特色专业建设中存在着许多问题,导致其几乎失


4、tesofProfessionalConstructionAbstractWith the continuous deepening of Chinas economic reform, higher education isshowing popularity and the trend of diversification,and resulting in an increasinglycompetitive education market, focusing on school characteristics, as institutions ofhigher learning to

5、seek victory in the general consensus. Particularly the rise ofapplication-oriented institutions in recent years are mostly on the basis of the originalspecialist, through the merger approved by the Ministry of Education, the newlyformed common undergraduate colleges. September 19, 2007 in Hangzhou,

6、Sino-German Forum: high-level application-oriented personnel training, the ViceMinister of Education Wu Qidi said: Popularization of higher education decision todiversify higher education must take the road of, how to deal with the social needs,cultivating high-quality application-oriented talents i

7、s a new task of the highereducation sector now facing. And high-level application-oriented personnel with thetraditional undergraduate institutions, personnel training, compared notable feature isa capacity-building to replace the knowledge of the systematic cultivation of systemic;with jobs and voc

8、ational training for the skills of applied talent than the application ofhigh-level talents for the industry, which requires students to have a morecomprehensive professional knowledge and good culture of quality, capacity forsustainable development is more Strong. However, because of application-or

9、ientedinstitutions, schools which are unique, from the merger of two or more schools, easyto process in the school set up a one-sided pursuit of professional high, large andcomprehensive and lost their original characteristics. Therefore, in order to enhanceits features stand out in the fierce compe

10、tition, as the basic unit of university school -professional, characteristics of professional colleges and universities is a significantfeature one of the hallmarks. If An application-oriented institutes have a few uniqueprofession as a support and cultivate high-quality application-oriented talents

11、, whicheducation can be in the fierce market competition, full of vitality. However, Chinascurrent application-oriented institutions in the characteristics of the professionalbuilding, there are many problems, leading to its almost lost its own characteristics,can not meet the communitys multi-level

12、, multi-type, multi-standard talent needs,IIwhile also application-oriented hospital school into the plight of the development.To resolve this core issue is how to build application-oriented institutes of itsfeatures professional. To this end as a starting point, document analysis, case studies,inte

13、rviews and other methods, the use of higher education and higher educationmanagement and other aspects of the theory applied to the current characteristics ofthe professional colleges in the process of building problems as the starting point,analysis of the causes, through the Shenyang Institute of

14、Engineering SpecialtyConstruction case to study the characteristics of professional construction experienceand enlightenment, for the application-oriented institutes of the characteristics of theprofessional building of the corresponding measures.Keywords:application-orientedinstitutes,features,dist

15、inctiveprofessions,professionalfeaturesIII的竞争能力。专业建设情况如何,直接影响着人才培养和教学工作的质量。 高等学校的应用型本科院校特色专业建设研究第一章 绪论一、选题背景与研究意义(一)选题背景20 世纪 80 年代兴起于我国的高等职业教育虽然为现代化建设培养和提供了大量高技能型专门人才,在现代化建设的进程中发挥了重要作用,但随着社会进入知识经济时代,大批“知识密集型 ”产业问世,社会的各行各业越来越需要较高层次的、能运用科学的基本知识和方法有效解决实际问题的专门人才,但由于高等职业教育学制短,依据岗位群的课程设置针对性过强,知识结构相对单一,专业

16、和学科的综合性不强,而普通本科院校培养的毕业生专业知识应用能力和实践动手能力又难以适应实际工作要求。因此,发展应用型本科院校,培养符合知识经济社会高等教育发展的应用型本科人才,对于人才培养类型结构的优化、本科人才培养模式的创新和多样化以及经济和社会的发展都有很重要的作用。另一方面,从就业市场的人才分布结构来看,实际上大多数的本科毕业生都在从事应用型工作。据统计,在我国,实际上约 90%的工科毕业生在工厂企业工作,只有约 10%的毕业生在科学研究与技术开发机构工作1。可见,在知识经济社会和高等教育大众化阶段,应用型本科院校的地位、作用和发展优势将会日益显现出来,并能够大有作为。2应用型本科院校是一种以专业为导向的教育,其专业设置主要是为了满足社会对某类人才的需要,不再以学科发展为主要依据,学科只对专业起支撑作用,其专业会随着产业结构调整和人才需求变化而进行调整;当某一类产业在整个国民生产总值中居于主导地位时,相应的专业设置的数量就多,规模就大;反之,专业设置数量少、规模小。3但由于社会对高等学校评价的导向,使得许多应


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