Direct Hits sat 单词

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1、1) 19ambivalent a. 纠结的, 矛盾的 having mixed or opposing feelings at the same time 2) 3anomaly n. 反常的事物 deviation from the norm or what is expected 4anomalous a. 异常的 atypical, full of anomalies 3) 12sarcastic, 6sardonic, 6snide a. 讽刺的,嘲讽的 mocking; derisive; taunting; stinging 4) 10dearth, 6paucity n. 稀缺

2、,缺少,少量 a scarcity or shortage of something 5) prattle v. 唠叨,闲扯 to speak in a foolish manner; to babble incessantly 6) 5wry, 3droll a. 幽默嘲讽的 dry; humorous with a clever twist and a touch of irony 7) 8unconventional, 6unorthodox a. 非正统的,非传统的 not ordinary or typical; characterized by avoiding customary

3、 conventions and behaviors 8) 9meticulous, 6painstaking, 5fastidious a. 一丝不苟的,苛求的 extremely careful; very exacting 9) 3audacious a. 大胆的,放肆的 fearlessly, often recklessly daring; very bold 10) 1indifferent, 6apathetic a. 无感情的,冷淡的 marked by a lack of interest or concern; nonchalant 11) 6diffident, 4sel

4、f-effacing a. 羞怯的,缺乏自信的,低调的 hesitant due to a lack of self-confidence; unassertive; shy; retiring 12) 19pragmatic a. 注重实效的,实用主义的 practical; sensible; not idealistic or romantic 13) 4evocation n. 唤起,召唤 an imaginative re-creation of something; a calling forth 14) 6presumptuous a. 自以为是的,放肆的 taking libe

5、rties; brashly overstepping ones place; impertinently bold; displaying effrontery 15) 2recalcitrant a. 桀骜不驯的 stubbornly resistance and defiant; obstinate; obdurate; refractory; disobedient 16) 3boon n. 恩惠 a timely benefit; blessing 2bane n. 祸根 a source of harm and ruin 17) 3clandestine, 4surreptitio

6、us a. 秘密的,暗中的,偷偷摸摸的 secret; covert; not open; not aboveboard 18) 2affable, 5amiable, 2genial, 4gregarious a. 和蔼的,易亲近的 agreeable; marked by a pleasing personality; warm and friendly 19) 6austere a. 朴素的 having no adornment or ornamentation; bare; not ornate 3austerity a. 简朴,节衣缩食 great self-denial, eco

7、nomy, discipline; lack of adornment 20) 4altruism n. 利他,无私 unselfish concern for the welfare of others 21) 6ambiguity n. 歧义,模棱两可 the quality or state of having more than one possible meaning; doubtful; equivocal 9ambiguous a. 模棱两可的,不明确的 unclear; uncertain; open to more than one interpretation; not d

8、efinitive; dubious 22) upbraid, 4reproach, 4castigate n. 指责 to express disapproval; to scold; to rebuke; to censure 23) 17nostalgia n. 怀旧,思乡 a wistful, sentimental longing for a place or time in the past 24) 9conjecture n. 推测,猜测 an inference based upon guesswork; a supposition 25) 13obsolete, 6archa

9、ic, 5antiquated a. 过时的,不再使用的 no longer in use; outmoded in design or style 26) 4auspicious, 2propitious a. 吉利的,有利的 very favorable 27) 1gaffe n. 失礼,失言 a blunder; a faux pas; a clumsy social or diplomatic error 28) 1impasse n. 僵局 a deadlock; stalemate; failure to reach an agreement 29) 3anachronism n.

10、 时代错误 the false assignment of an event, person, scene, or language to a time when the event, person, scene, or word did not exist 30) 5belie v. 证明 是错的 to contradict; to prove false, used of appearances that are misrepresentative 31) 7mitigate, 8mollify, 5assuage, 4alleviate v. 减轻,缓和 to relieve; to l

11、essen; to ease 32) 4covet v. 垂涎,觊觎 to strongly desire; to crave covetous a. 贪求的 grasping, greedy, eager to obtain something; avaricious 33) 1antithesis n. 对立,相对 the direct or exact opposite; extreme contrast; antipode 4antithetical a. 相反的,反对的 exactly opposite; antipodal 34) 3prototype n. 原型 an origi

12、nal model; an initial design 35) 4aloof a. 冷漠的,疏远的 detached; distant physically or emotionally; reserved; standing near but apart 36) 3trite, 5hackneyed, 4banal, platitudinous, 5insipid a. 陈腐的,老生常谈的 unoriginal; commonplace; overused; clichd 37) 1antecedent n. 前事,前情 a preceding event; a forerunner; a

13、 precursor 38) 11plausible a. 可信的,貌似有理的 believable; credible 7implausible a. 不太可能的,难以置信的 unbelievable; incredible 39) 7prudent a. 审慎的,精明的 careful; cautious; sensible 40) 9aesthetic a. 美学的,审美的 relating to the nature of beauty, art, and taste; having a sense of what is beautiful, attractive, or pleasi

14、ng 41) 15paradox n. 悖论 a seemingly contradictory statement that nonetheless expresses a truth 42) 5enigmatic, 8inscrutable a. 神秘的,不可思议的 mysterious; puzzling; unfathomable; baffling 43) 1acquiesce v. 默许 to comply; to agree; to give in 44) 15nave, 2gullible a. 天真的,轻信的 unaffectedly simple; lacking worldly expertise; overly credulous; unsophisticated; immature; inexperienced; ingenuous 45) 13autonomy n. 独立自主 independence; self-governance 7autonomous a.


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