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1、英语演讲稿:speech paper演讲稿 英语演讲稿 英语演讲稿:speeh paper英语演讲稿:speeh paperhief justie rehnquist, president arter, president bush, president linton, distinguished guests and m fello itizens, the peaeful transfer of authorit is rare in histor, et mon in our ountr. ith a simple oath, e affirm old traditions and ma

2、ke ne beginnings.as i begin, i thank president linton for his servie to our nation.and i thank vie president gore for a ontest onduted ith spirit and ended ith grae.i am honored and humbled to stand here, here so man of amerias leaders have e before me, and so man ill follo.e have a plae, all of us,

3、 in a long stor - a stor e ontinue, but hose end e ill not see. it is the stor of a ne orld that beame a friend and liberator of the old, a stor of a slave-holding soiet that beame a servant of freedom, the stor of a poer that ent into the orld to protet but not possess, to defend but not to onquer.

4、it is the amerian stor - a stor of flaed and fallible people, united aross the generations b grand and enduring ideals.the grandest of these ideals is an unfolding amerian promise that everone belongs, that everone deserves a hane, that no insignifiant person as ever born.amerians are alled to enat

5、this promise in our lives and in our las. and though our nation has sometimes halted, and sometimes delaed, e must follo no other ourse.through muh of the last entur, amerias faith in freedom and demora as a rok in a raging sea. no it is a seed upon the ind, taking root in man nations.our demorati f

6、aith is more than the reed of our ountr, it is the inborn hope of our humanit, an ideal e arr but do not on, a trust e bear and pass along. and even after nearl 225 ears, e have a long a et to travel.hile man of our itizens prosper, others doubt the promise, even the justie, of our on ountr. the amb

7、itions of some amerians are limited b failing shools and hidden prejudie and the irumstanes of their birth. and sometimes our differenes run so deep, it seems e share a ontinent, but not a ountr.e do not aept this, and e ill not allo it. our unit, our union, is the serious ork of leaders and itizens

8、 in ever generation. and this is m solemnpledge: i ill ork to build a single nation of justie and opportunit.i kno this is in our reah beause e are guided b a poer larger than our selves ho reates us equal in his image.and e are onfident in priniples that unite and lead us onard.ameria has never bee

9、n united b blood or birth or soil. e are bound b ideals that move us beond our bakgrounds, lift us above our interests and teah us hat it means to be itizens. ever hild must be taught these priniples. ever itizen must uphold them. and ever immigrant, b embraing these ideals, makes our ountr more, no

10、t less, amerian.toda, e affirm a ne mitment to live out our nations promise through ivilit, ourage, passion and harater.ameria, at its best, mathes a mitment to priniple ith a onern for ivilit. a ivil soiet demands from eah of us good ill and respet, fair dealing and forgiveness.some seem to believe

11、 that our politis an afford to be pett beause, in a time of peae, the stakes of our debates appear small.but the stakes for ameria are never small. if our ountr does not lead the ause of freedom, it ill not be led. if e do not turn the hearts of hildren toard knoledge and harater, e ill lose their g

12、ifts and undermine their idealism. if e permit our eonom to drift and deline, the vulnerable ill suffer most. 演讲稿 英语演讲稿 英语演讲稿:speeh paper英语演讲稿:speeh papere must live up to the alling e share. ivilit is not a tati or a sentiment. it is the determined hoie of trust over niism, of munit over haos. and

13、this mitment, if e keep it, is a a to shared aplishment.ameria, at its best, is also ourageous.our national ourage has been lear in times of depression and ar, hen defending mon dangers defined our mon good. no e must hoose if the example of our fathers and mothers ill inspire us or ondemn us. e mus

14、t sho ourage in a time of blessing b onfronting problems instead of passing them on to future generations.together, e ill relaim amerias shools, before ignorane and apath laim more oung lives.e ill reform soial seurit and mediare, sparing our hildren from struggles e have the poer to prevent. and e

15、ill redue taxes, to reover the momentum of our eonom and reard the effort and enterprise of orking amerians.e ill build our defenses beond hallenge, lest eakness invite hallenge.e ill onfront eapons of mass destrution, so that a ne entur is spared ne horrors.the enemies of libert and our ountr shoul

16、d make no mistake: ameria remains engaged in the orld b histor and b hoie, shaping a balane of poer thatf avors freedom. e ill defend our allies and our interests. e ill sho purpose ithout arrogane. e ill meet aggression and bad faith ith resolve and strength. and to all nations, e ill speak for the values that gave our nation birth.ameria, at its best, is passionate. in the quiet of amerian onsiene, e kno that deep, persistent povert is unorth of our nations p



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