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1、英语演讲稿:So much to learn演讲稿 英语演讲稿 英语演讲稿:So muh to learn英语演讲稿:So muh to learngood morning, dear teahers and fello students. its m great honor to stand here and share a happ morning ith ou. i am no. _ . toda m topi is “ so muh to learn.”hello! m dear friends !do ou like reading books? i guess all of ou

2、ill sa es. am i right? thanks to books, e have got a lot of knoledge. on the other hand, tv is another a of getting knoledge. i still remember: last ear, i athed an exiting speeh on tv. it as given b amerian president obama, i ould feel his great harm. i admire him. eah, at that time i made a deisio

3、n: i tr to learn english ell and some da i an have a talk ith him. hoever, its a pit that m english is not so perfet. hat an i do? ho an i do it? ah, so muh to learn. don t lose heart! just do it! i sa to mself aloud. if ou set up our mind to learn it, ou ill get muh knoledge. i am sure ou ill ahiev

4、e our goal.ok! so muh knoledge for us to learn. e should do our best to learn it. e must tr our best to learn it as muh as possible. beause knoledge an make us be learned and ise; beause knoledge an make our ountr develop ver fast; beause knoledge an make our orld be in harmon. ok! lets keep tring!a

5、s ou kno, no i am a junior high shool student. m shool life is ver onderful and there are so man interesting subjets for us to learn, suh as hinese, english, maths, histor, and so on. ok, let me tell ou something about m shool life. i hope ou ill enjo it. in m hinese lesson, i an reite the old ise s

6、aings: “ isnt it a pleasure that friends e to see ou from far XX?” “ hat ou kno, ou kno; hat ou dont kno, ou dont kno.” these ords are so eduational. meanhile, i like english ver muh. in m english lass, i tr to pratie m oral english. ok, i have a dream that some da i an travel around the orld and ma

7、ke man foreign friends. all right! histor lessons bring us muh enjoment, and i an have a talk ith the great people in histor, suh as onfiius, qinshihuang, dr.sun at-sen, and so on.at last, i ould like to sa, e shouldnt aste time, life is limited hile knoledge is boundless. aha, there is so muh to le

8、arn. mabe ou like reading; mabe ou like singing; mabe ou have a lot of other hobbies, it doesnt matter, if ou like it, just learn it. just do it. dont hesitate. knoledge is poer. there is no hoie but to learn. hats more, ou are never too old to learn. am i right? m friends, open our ees, an ou see t

9、he flame of knoledge burning forever? eah, i an see it. i an see it learl. e on, bos and girls, ladies and gentlemen. lets sim in the oean of knoledge; lets limb on the top of knoledge. at that time, ou ill be a learned person ith muh knoledge. ou ill be the happiest person in the orld.:/anjianggao/inguanjianggao/1191717545683431.htm演讲稿 英语演讲稿 英语演讲稿:So muh to learn英语演讲稿:So muh to learnthats all. thank ou for ou attention.



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