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1、英语演讲稿:Bush speech on his Iraq visi演讲稿 英语演讲稿 英语演讲稿:Bush speeh on his Iraq visi英语演讲稿:Bush speeh on his Iraq visigood morning. earlier this eek, i traveled to baghdad to visit the apital of a free and demorati iraq. it as an inredible feeling to stand in the okpit of air fore one and ath the pilot stee

2、r us in toard baghdad. after e landed, i had the pleasure of meeting ith our dediated embass staff and intelligene offiers serving far from home under dangerous irumstanes. and i as honored to meet ith some of our troops, inluding those responsible for bringing justie to the terrorist zarqai. it as

3、a privilege to shake their hands, look them in the ee, and tell them ho muh the amerian people appreiate their dail ourage, and ho muh e appreiate the sarifies that the and their families are making. on m trip, i also met ith the ne iraqi prime minister maliki, and i as able to see firsthand his str

4、ong harater and his determination to sueed. e held a joint meeting of our to abinets, ith members of m abinet partiipating b video teleonferene from amp david. the prime minister briefed us on his plan to take immediate steps in three ke areas: improving seurit, building up iraq s eonom so iraqis an

5、 see real progress in their lives, and reahing out to the international munit to seure support for iraq s ne government. then e disussed ho m administration an help the prime minister aplish these vital objetives. his top priorit is seuring baghdad, so oalition and iraqi fores have launhed operation

6、 together forard, a joint effort to restore seurit and the rule of la to high-risk areas of the it. to help the prime minister improve seurit, e ill ontinue embedding oalition transition teams in iraqi arm and polie units, and e ill help the ne iraqi ministers of defense and interior improve their m

7、and and ontrol, root out orruption, and investigate and punish human rights violations. e ill also support the prime minister as he orks to rein in illegal militias, build a judiial sstem that ill provide equal justie to all, and promote reoniliation among the iraqi people. to aid the prime minister

8、 in revitalizing iraq s eonom, e ill send additional experts to help the iraqi government develop an eonomi frameork that ill promote job reation and opportunit for all iraqis. e ill also help the prime minister inrease oil and eletriit prodution b orking together on as to protet ke infrastruture fr

9、om attaks, and to quikl restore oil and eletriit prodution hen attaks do our. finall, ameria ill help the prime minister engage the international munit in iraq s suess. e ill enourage other nations to fulfill the monetar pledges the have alread made to help the ne iraqi government sueed. e ill also

10、support the prime minister s efforts to forge a ne international pat. under this pat, iraq ill take a series of steps in the politial, eonomi, and seurit areas, and in return, the international munit ill provide iraq ith more robust politial and eonomi support. during m trip, i as impressed ith the

11、prime minister, the team he has assembled, and the plan he has set for his government. i appreiate his determination, and the determination of his abinet, to make his agenda ork. i told them that the future of iraq is in their hands. and i told them that ameria is a nation that keeps its ord, and am

12、eria ill stand ith them as e ork toard our shared goal: a free iraq that an govern itself, sustain itself, and defend itself. b seizing this moment of opportunit, e ill defeat our mon enemies and build a lasting demora in the heart of the middle east, and that ill make amerians, iraqis, and the orld

13、 more seure. i traveled to baghdad to personall sho our nation s mitment to a free iraq, beause it is vital for the iraqi people to kno ith ertaint that ameria ill not abandon them after e have e this far. the hallenges that remain in iraq are serious. e fae determined enemies ho remain intent on killing the innoent, and defeating these enemies ill require more sarifie and the ontinued patiene of our ountr. but our efforts in iraq are ell orth it, the mission is neessar for the seurit of our ountr, and e ill sueed. thank ou for listening.:/anjianggao/inguanjianggao/1611312183899321.htm


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