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1、英语演讲稿:Caring for nature演讲稿 英语演讲稿 英语演讲稿:Caring for nature英语演讲稿:Caring for natureMother Nature is an exquisite and plex life-sstem. It s harm appears in the trees, stream, soil, insets, moss and fungus, all the things on the earth in different shapes, hih are interdependent. When ou get lose to nature

2、, please remember, eah tree, stone and speies of animals here has lived harmoniousl for hundreds, thousands or even millions of ears. When e pass XX, the ill ontinue to live. The are the real masters, hile e are just the passer-b. Hoever, the ondut e unonsiousl do, suh as piking, lumbering, tramping

3、 and abusing an probabl destro the balane of their life. Therefore, e must redue our bad influene as muh as possible. While ou are enjoing the nature, do not forget please, the beaut of the lives also needs to be onerned ith and to be proteted. Eah life on the earth has a long and touhing evolutiona

4、r stor. From the origin, the lives of the human being are equal to those of others; the both are the posing parts of Mother Nature. Nevertheless, for some inexpliable reasons, the human bees the spirits of all reatures. Of ourse, it is the result of the evolution, but still e should be grateful to a

5、ll our panions in nature for the opportunit the offer. In spite of this, humans annot live ithout earth. The live on the earth, drink the seet ater, and enjo the sunshine, the air, the sk, the fruit; the grains utilize the energ and so on. In a ord, the human being annot live ithout nature, and Moth

6、er Nature makes us gro stronger. I do not like the ord Pet , but preferring the ord Animal instead. I have been loving animal sine I as just a little bo. When thinking of the Pet Fashion , I alas feel muh annoed. For the animals ill be given a shakle and lose their libert if the bee someone s pets.

7、Their natural attribution an be deprived, too. Up to no, reling on their sientifi poer, the human have opened up too muh and over developed nature, in order to fill up their groing appetites of ealth. The destro the balane of nature, hoever, the don t realize, their on development and existene ill b

8、e threatened. Therefore, our sights should be foused on nature and e should tr to develop the onept of keeping human and nature in unit . We should la emphasis on our eduation ith onsider ultural and natural emotion. To use the vivid example to ake up the onsiene in people s hearts.演讲稿 英语演讲稿 英语演讲稿:Caring for nature英语演讲稿:Caring for natureTo love nature is to love our mankind. As the ne generation ho enter the ne entur, e should make efforts to love and respet nature, to treat it ell and protet it. At last, e have the night to enjo it.:/anjianggao/inguanjianggao/1511216084477373.htm


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