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1、英语演讲稿范文分享演讲稿 英语演讲稿 英语演讲稿范文分享英语演讲稿范文分享ldies and gentleman,good evening! i s m great honor to present this speeh toda.m name is peae and i am from lass 1 of teahing hinese as a foreign language. m topi toda is living at present is m top onern 。 e ve often heard the famous ords; esterda is histor,tomor

2、ro is mister,but toda is a gift,that s h it s alled present .indeed,rih or poor,ever one is endoed ith this most preious gift .onl b treasuring it and living to our fullest potential in the present,an e projet our a forard to a bright and rearding future. lving at present requires a positive attitud

3、e to onfront life;it s having the isdom to spend our life s resoures engaging in the most produtive affairs; it s direting our time and energ toards the most effiient a to ahieve a promising future! b living at present, e ll have more time and energ to fous on our goals and make a diffferene to hate

4、ver our urrent task ma be. furthermore, it s learning from the past instead of unneessaril arring heav burdens from esterda, and planing our future to isel prepare for it instead of being impatient or restless . if e dran, or let ourselves be overe b esterda s memories or strong feelings , ho an e b

5、e observant enough to fous on things going on around us? if e are into dreaming or unneessar onern for tomorro,ho an e prepare ell for the exiting uping future? tat is h living at present is m top onern. living at present demands the ourage to thro XX useless enumbranes of the past , to aept hat is

6、unhangeable, to hange hat is hnageable, and to learn from the past hih should be a lesson. ,instead of an obstale. living at present also requires the isdom to onentrate on the present ,preparing for the future and ourageousl displaing the patiene to ait for tomorro. over a long period of time, taki

7、ng are of m little brother and making mone at universit push me too hard ,and i as so exhausted and anxious that i ouldn t even sleep though m sleeping time is extremel limited.eventuall, i ame to realize that i must la off the mental burdens like orries from the past and onerns for the future and live at present. i need just to realise that i am on m a to m destination.; beause i no kno, that m top onern is living at present !:/anjianggao/inguanjianggao/1611312183817171.htm


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