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1、 智感 位(申 清华大学 学博学位” ) 养 单 位 : 机 学与 术学 : 机 学与 术研 究 生 :吴 陈 指 教 师 :刘 浩 教 一 年六月Wireless Indoor Localization viaCrowdsensingDissertation Submitted toTsinghua Universityin partial fulfillment of the requirementfor the degree ofDoctor of PhilosophybyWu Chenshu( Computer Science and Technology )Dissertation

2、Supervisor : Professor Liu YunhaoJune, 2015关 学位” 使用 权 明本” 全 清华大学有关 留、使用学位” ,即:清华大学 有在著作权 范 学位” 使用权,其中包 :(1) 学位 研究生须按学校 学位” ,学校用影印、缩印或其 复制手 存研究生上 学位” ;(2)为教学 研 ,学校 将公开 学位” 作为资 在 书 、资 等场所 校 师生阅,或在校 网上 校 师生浏分 ;(3)根据中华”民共 学位条 行 ,向 书 送 公开 学位” 。本” 遵 上 。( ” 在后 遵 此 )作者签名: 师签名:期: 期:摘 摘 位置息,是currency1 联网 最本 素

3、,是物联网中最 感 息, ” 生生活切关。”类80% 上 在 fl 中活currency1, 使 位市场 展、需求持 攀升。 十 年来,各各样 位 术层不穷。 网 大范 currency1 备 全球性普, WiFi 智 手机 位逐渐广 ,但为止尚 何一主 全球性、全天候位服。 前最主流 WiFi指 位 在 际 用中也面临着多挑战:指 位中不 缺失 ” 场 测fl 署 居 不下,长期署程中静态 指地 适 currency1态 fl 化 下降,在currency1fl 中 位有限性 不稳,等等。 WiFi指 位 上 指地 、指地 弱、位置估 低三大 ,本” 研究 智感 位理”与 , 低硬 成本、低

4、署成本、低 成本 位,使 位在 际 用中大模署、长 行、 位成为 。具体来 ,本 主 研究 创 成 包 :(1) 指地 currency1 。利用currency1智感 思 , 用大普通用户 currency1性, 指地 currency1 术,将 本需 专业”持专用 备执行专才 成 场 测,通大普通用户普通 备 意与 式 成,成 指 位中耗 费 ” 场 测fl ,大幅降低 指 位 署 。真 fl 中 currency1 指地 与” 测 性 当。(2) 指地 适 。通currency1用户 常行为 分 ,利用普通currency1 备 “静止性”,将其作为 currency1考 用 收 指数据

5、,并 匹配 来 currency1考 确位置。 数据,通模位置 指之 关模 整个指地 。所 需 外 硬 署 ” 成本, 指地 currency1、 、,使 静态 指地 够currency1态适 长期行程中 生 fl 化。 适 地 有效性 确性,明由此带来 使用静态指地 升 两倍。(3) currency1fl 下 位 。入索 分 造成currency1fl 下智 手机 位 低 层次 , 造成指 位 但此前却未 甚 未 AP表 异性、指不一 性、指“错位” 象I摘 三大 。 ,” 一套适用 智 currency1 指生成、 与匹配 ,其中 义 表 子来化不同AP 表 , 用稳健 归 术 异常指

6、匹配 ,“幻影指”克服currency1 备上 指伪 错位 。 际fl 中 表明 多传 位 降低 一半 上。关键:位置; 位;指;智 手机,智感 IIAbstractAbstractLocation contexts act as a primary element of mobile internet and a fundamentaltype of sensing data for Internet of Things and thus plays a crucial role in our every-day life. People spend more than 80% of the

7、ir time indoors, stimulating the flourish-ing markets and increasing demand of Location-based Services (LBS). During the pastdecades, various indoor location technologies have been proposed. WiFi-based localiza-tion for smartphones, among others, becomes attractive and popular, thanks to the wideava

8、ilability of wireless networks as well as the global popularization of smartphones. Apredominant location system that provides worldwide and round-the-clock services, how-ever, still lacks. Even the mainstream WiFi fingerprint-based scheme encounters criticalchallenges in practice. Particularly, its

9、 applicability is extremely limited by severe draw-backs including high deployment costs due to the cumbersome site survey, biased radiomaps caused by environmental dynamics especially during long-term running, and unsat-isfactory performance in mobile environments, etc. This dissertation targets at

10、 the aboveproblems and studies crowdsensing-based wireless indoor localization by designing ahigh-accuracy system at low hardware costs, low deployment costs and low maintenancecosts, which enables wireless indoor localization deployable at large scale, runnable overlong term, and applicable with hi

11、gh accuracy. In summary, the major results and corecontributions are as follows:(1) Automatic construction of radio maps. Leveraging crowdsensed user mobility, wedesign an automatic method for radio map construction method, which eliminatesthe e orts of time-consuming and labor-intensive site survey

12、 by the participatorysensing of a number of mobile users. The proposed scheme significantly decreasesthe deployment costs of fingerprint-based localization. Results from real experi-ments demonstrate that comparable performance can be achieved by automaticallybuilt radio maps compared with manually

13、calibrated ones.(2) Adaptable self-updating of radio maps. An automatic and continuous radio mapself-updating service is proposed for wireless indoor localization, which exploitsthe static behaviors of mobile devices. By accurately pinpointing mobile deviceswith a novel trajectory matching algorithm

14、, we employ them as mobile referencepoints to collect real-time RSS samples when they are static. With these fresh refer-IIIAbstractence data, the complete radio map is adapted by learning an underlying relationshipof RSS dependency between nerghboring locations, which is expected to be rela-tively

15、constant over time. The e ectiveness is validated through real experiments,which show 2 improvement in location accuracy by appropriately adapting theradio maps.(3) An accurate localization algorithm for mobile environments. This dissertation in-vestigates fingerprint-based localization in mobile environments and reveals crucialobservations that act as the root causes


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