艾森豪威尔:Farewell Address 告别演说

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《艾森豪威尔:Farewell Address 告别演说》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《艾森豪威尔:Farewell Address 告别演说(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、艾森豪威尔:Farewell Address 告别演说演讲稿 英语演讲稿 艾森豪威尔:Fareell Address 告别演说艾森豪威尔:Fareell Address 告别演说dight d. eisenhoer fareell address delivered 17 januar 1961 演讲者简介:德怀特 大卫 艾森豪威尔,是美国陆军五星上将和第 34任总统。第二次世界大战期间,他担任盟军在欧洲的最高指挥官;负责计划和执行监督 1944年至 1945年里,进攻维希法国和纳粹德国的行动。1951 年又出任北大西洋公约组织武装力量最高司令,昵称为艾克。 good evening, m f

2、ello amerians. first, i should like to express m gratitude to the radio and television netorks for the opportunities the have given me over the ears to bring reports and messages to our nation. m speial thanks go to them for the opportunit of addressing ou this evening. three das from no, after half

3、 entur in the servie of our ountr, i shall la don the responsibilities of offie as, in traditional and solemn eremon, the authorit of the presiden is vested in m suessor. this evening, i e to ou ith a message of leave-taking and fareell, and to share a fe final thoughts ith ou, m ountrmen. like ever

4、 other - like ever other itizen, i ish the ne president, and all ho ill labor ith him, godspeed. i pra that the ing ears ill be blessed ith peae and prosperit for all. our people expet their president and the ongress to find essential agreement on issues of great moment, the ise resolution of hih il

5、l better shape the future of the nation. m on relations ith the ongress, hih began on a remote and tenuous basis hen, long ago, a member of the senate appointed me to est point, have sine ranged to the intimate during the ar and immediate post-ar period, and finall to the mutuall interdependent duri

6、ng these past eight ears. in this final relationship, the ongress and the administration have, on most vital issues, ooperated ell, to serve the nation good, rather than mere partisanship, and so have assured that the business of the nation should go forard. so, m offiial relationship ith the ongres

7、s ends in a feeling - on m part - of gratitude that e have been able to do so muh together. e no stand ten ears past the midpoint of a entur that has itnessed four major ars among great nations. three of these involved our on ountr. despite these holoausts, ameria is toda the strongest, the most inf

8、luential, and most produtive nation in the orld. understandabl proud of this pre-eminene, e et realize that ameria s leadership and prestige depend, not merel upon our unmathed material progress, rihes, and militar strength, but on ho e use our poer in the interests of orld peae and human betterment

9、. throughout ameria s adventure in free government, our basi purposes have been to keep the peae, to foster progress in human ahievement, and to enhane libert, dignit, and integrit among peoples and among nations. to strive for less ould be unorth of a free and religious people. an failure traeable

10、to arrogane, or our lak of prehension, or readiness to sarifie ould inflit upon us grievous hurt, both at home and abroad. progress toard these noble goals is persistentl threatened b the onflit no engulfing the orld. it mands our hole attention, absorbs our ver beings. e fae a hostile ideolog globa

11、l in sope, atheisti in harater, ruthless in purpose, and insiduous in method. unhappil, the danger it poses promises to be of indefinite duration. to meet it suessfull, there is alled for, not so muh the emotional and transitor sarifies of risis, but rather those hih enable us to arr forard steadil,

12、 surel, and ithout plaint the burdens of a prolonged and plex struggle ith libert the stake. onl thus shall e remain, despite ever provoation, on our harted ourse toard permanent peae and human betterment. rises there ill ontinue to be. in meeting them, hether foreign or domesti, great or small, the

13、re is a reurring temptation to feel that some spetaular and ostl ation ould bee the miraulous solution to all urrent diffiulties. a huge inrease in neer elements of our defenses; development of unrealisti programs to ure ever ill in agriulture; a dramati expansion in basi and applied researh - these

14、 and man other possibilities, eah possibl promising in itself, ma be suggested as the onl a to the road e ish to travel. but eah proposal must be eighed in the light of a broader onsideration: the need to maintain balane in and among national programs, balane beteen the private and the publi eonom,

15、balane beteen the ost and hoped for advantages, balane beteen the learl neessar and the fortabl desirable, balane beteen our essential requirements as a nation and the duties imposed b the nation upon the individual, balane beteen ations of the moment and the national elfare of the future. good judg

16、ment seeks balane and progress. lak of it eventuall finds imbalane and frustration. the reord of man deades stands as proof that our people and their government have, in the main, understood these truths and have responded to them ell, in the fae of threat and stress. but threats, ne in kind or degree, onstantl arise. of these, i mention to onl. a vital element in keeping the peae is our militar establishment. our arms must be might, read for instant ation, so that no poten


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