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1、舞动的青春英语演讲稿范文演讲稿 英语演讲稿 舞动的青春英语演讲稿范文舞动的青春英语演讲稿范文2017-04-30 distinguished leaders, oung friends: hello, everone! m name is xu rong, i have to speak on the theme outh dane. the health groth of oung people beteen the ell-being of millions of households and the ountr s future development. to ahieve the ed

2、uation goal of modernization of the proposed for eduators pointed out the diretion, the oung orkers in the first assault team should of ourse,adhere to people-oriented theor. ministr of eduation, fous attention on infrastruture, regulate all kinds of ork sstems of the time, e should inrease the team

3、 of adres of management and servie efforts. in order to full mobilize the enthusiasm of the team of adres, but also developed a plete sstem for quantifiation of grassroots ork, establish and perfet a reasonable an effetive inentive mehanism; in order to improve our overall qualit of adres and skills

4、, the team held a ontest to run puter appliations, english spoken training ourses, and organizing people to learn from advaned areas to broaden their horizons in order to understand the team of adres orking onditions in shools, the ministr of eduation has traveled a number of primar and seondar shoo

5、ls to ondut researh, listen to the vies of the shool part and government leaders to make shool leadership adres reeive attention and guidane of the ministr of eduation to arr out a variet of pratial ativities to ativel lead the majorit of oung teahers ork hard to bee qualified personnel and for them

6、 to put up the ast talent stage, a single sail saing, after numerous tists and turns arrived in port, if there is ind, a hand, and naturall smooth arrival and guide students to strive to exel, need to nazhen ind - teaher. teahers should be ideologial and moral eduation, ulture eduation and the needs

7、 of students organiall bining various ativities for the students or students to arr out their on. for example: shool quiz petitions, essa ontests, ke benju performanes and other ativities to enable students to give full pla to their talents. teahers rush toil, in order to that ill enable students to

8、 ontinue to dra nutrients, to help them gro up healthil and bee pillars of the ountr before. for all students in general eduation, the government departments have also not forget those ho ared about the diffiulties of single-parent hildren, the ma have a normal hild life unimaginable burden and psho

9、logial stress. ministr of eduation has a strong seed spread in national blossom everhere, pouring a lot to overe diffiulties and to exert themselves in a tpial, these seeds do not make the hild a strong anti-up, is even more so the parents get stronger, and ith the sinere to pa for the hildren in ex

10、hange for a happ to help eah hild out of the shados, health groth.in the majorit of the oung munist league students, but fe people kno the ords meaning. in the red of the season, e haveushered in one another 54 , hih provides an opportunit for generations of oung people to hom the surging blood the

11、festival, folloed b ma 5th is our oung people have engraved in our minds ever da. ma 5, 1922, the munist outh league held its first national ongress, hih is also a sign forever keep pan ith oung people, alas put the motherland the fate and self-development losel linked to hinese outh organization of

12、 the proletariat, as established. histor ill forever remember this da - ma 4, 1999, hina s outh ill be patrioti as shoked to rite in their on big flag. the spared no efforts in the spirit of death have XXkened the slumbering nation, but also kindled hope of the nation ith the blood and heroi sons an

13、d daughters of the outh pose a song of eternal song of outh, loud and enlightening group song sung so far. 54 movement brought me strong, it shook me. and sometimes i ask themselves 54 hat is it in the end the spirit of hat it means toda, ho man times i have to explore the, realling the heroi histor

14、 of potter in the taste of it filled ith suffering and tears, listening to the all of the bleak. shoulong those past events, suh as the tent-first entur hest, i have a taste of that majesti momentum. i have asked mself ountless times, toda s so-alled fourth spirit or eight ears ago the 54 spirit do

15、toda, 54 or a spirit of the motherland, the people unlimited sinerit, our munit and studing histor for their devotion, the spirit of do hange it ill hange over time do hatever the oute, e, as the tent-first entur, oung people, in this deade, the looking into the ne entur, e remember the suffering of

16、 the last entur the hinese nation and the revolution diffiult, e should herish toda s harvest, so-alled a sub - hard, no gain. our tent-first entur, oung people, but also should be a high sense of mission, responsibilit, a sense of estas, and the sinere ork of flu, 54 inheritane of traditional spirit of the 54 sporting spirit to flourish, for the motherland s soialist presented a ontribution to the building. let us burn ith passion for the ears up to outh dane bar! thank ou!nt


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