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1、120 世界建筑 2009/12澳门高等校际学院 ( IIUM ) 的新校园将容纳大约1 200 名 在读本科学生和 400 个研究生,在同一地段中, 还将有一所超过 800 名 学生的高中。设计团队由东京工业大学的角永博教授领导。 从2002 年起, 由是永美树带领的来自角永博实验室的研究小组,与澳门的众多学者和机构的协作,已经对澳门的传统建筑和城市规划进行了研究 (参见第 112 页 )。 通过研究各种各样的开放空间,他们解析了历史城区中城市肌理的层次性结构。这个校园设计的主要概念是内部空间和外部空间之间的空间对话。校园建筑的平面布局中安置了不同类型的开放空间,如庭院、平台、走廊、天井等。

2、这些空间为高级中学和大学之间、教学空间和休闲区域之间、 学生和教员区之间创造了更多交互式的交流。它们让人想起澳门市有机的城市肌理。并且通过排布不同的开放空间, 提供了建筑中的自然通风环境。校园广场与平台校园广场被不同的建筑物包围着, 因而营造出一个大型的容纳多种活动的开放空间。在建筑之间和角落里营造出较小的开放空间供小组或者个人使用。 在篮球澳门高等校际学院的新校园, 中国NEW CAMPUS OF INTER-UNIVERSITARIUM INSTITUTUM MACAONENSE, MACAO, CHINAThe new campus of the Inter Institute Univ

3、ersity ofMacau (IIUM) will house around 1 200 undergraduateand 400 postgraduate students, and there will be asenior secondary school for up to 800 students on thesame site.The design team was lead by Koji Yagi from TokyoInstitute of Technology and Design System. Since 2002,the research team from Yag

4、i s laboratory, led by MikiKorenaga, has researched heritage architecture andurban planning in cooperation with several academicsand institutions of Macao (see previous text in thisissue). Focusing on various open spaces, a hierarchicalstructure was found in the urban fabric of the historicalareas.

5、The main concept of this campus design is aspatial dialogue between exterior and interior spaces.The plot plan of the campus buildings are arranged withdifferent types of open spaces such as courtyards,platform, galleries, patios to create more interactivecommunication between the senior secondary s

6、chooland the university, teaching/study spaces and relaxationzones, student and faculty areas. It reminds on Macao sorganic urban texture. In addition, the arrangement ofbuilding contributes to a natural ventilation throughvarious open spaces.Campus Plaza & PlatformThe campus plaza is embraced by di

7、fferent buildingswhich create a large open area for various activities.Smaller open spaces are created between buildings andat corners for smaller groups or individuals. Platformson roofs over basketball court, auditorium and thelibrary can provide open spaces directly connected tothe class rooms or

8、 student dormitories to make a threedimensional network of open areas.GalleryA high gallery with two storeys provides a coveredwalkway from the main gate to the atrium to leadstudents smoothly to class rooms even on days withheavy rain and strong sunshine.AtriumTo establish a building that supports

9、andencourages social activities with dynamic study andresearch, many open study areas are organizedaround the atrium. Conceptually, the atrium createsa vibrant heart in the building. The soaring atriumprovides a wide range of interior space attainedthree dimensional connections through a large voidw

10、ith an open canteen, bookshop, staircase, balcony,bridges.121 模型图片(中庭) /Model Photo (Atrium)2 剖面 /Section121数字建构 / DIGITAL TECTONICS澳门 : 回归十年之建筑与城市 / MACAO: 1999-2009PatioSmaller open patios are located on various spotsbetween classrooms opening to a wide corridor. Naturalwind from the hill behind t

11、he building can come throughpatios located on different floors into the main atriumreducing the energy for air conditioning. ( Koji Yagi,Miki Korenaga )场、 礼堂和图书馆上方的屋顶平台, 提供了直接通往教室或学生宿舍的开放空间, 造就了开放区域的三维空间网络。走廊一条两层高的走廊从主要入口通向中庭, 为学生们提供了有遮蔽的路径, 使他们即使在暴雨或烈日的天气里也能顺利地抵达教室。中庭为创造出能容纳和鼓励社会活动的建筑, 实现动态性的学习和研究,

12、 围绕着中庭组织了许多开放的学习空间。 从概念上说, 中庭在建筑里创造了一颗搏动的心。 高高升起的中庭大大扩展了室内空间, 通过巨大的空腔,通过开放的售货店、 书店、 楼梯、 露台和桥, 它获得了三维空间的连接。天井小的开放天井处在教室之间的各种位置上, 它们通向一条宽阔的走廊。 从建筑背后的山上吹下来自然的风, 通过不同楼层上的天井吹进主中庭, 从而降低了空气的温度。 (周晓燕 译)34563 校园规划 /Campus Plan4 模型图片 (校园广场及平台) /Model Photo (Campus Plaza & Platform)5 地盘地图 /Site Map6 模型照片鸟瞰 /Model Photo Bird View



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