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1、最新公司新年寄语范文(双语)节日祝福短信 新年贺词 最新公司新年寄语范文(双语)最新公司新年寄语范文(双语)xxxx公司:xxxx pan:在爆竹声声中,我们迎来了的 2017 年。在此新年佳节之际,向一贯关心、支持公司发展的*省委、省人民政府、省直各有关厅局、社会各界朋友致以新年的祝福!向集团公司系统全体员工和家属在过去的一年中,为公司发展作出的积极努力和重要贡献,表示诚挚的感谢!in the fireraker sound, e ushered in the xx. this ne ear festival, to onsistent are, support the developmen

2、t of the pans * * provinial part mittee, peoples government of the provine, the provinial relevant departments and bureaus, the soial friends from all alks of life to express m best ishes! to group pan sstem staff and families in the past ear, development for the pan to make positive efforts and imp

3、ortant ontribution, to express m sinere thanks!2017年,是我们集团公司稳步发展的一年。在这一年里,我们攻克了一个又一个难关,取得了一个又一个成绩。在全体公关人员的努力下,我们顺利拿下“渤海湾*”项目,并成功完成第一阶段的所有项目。此外,海外市场的拓展,我们成功的打入了欧美市场,奠定了开发海外市场的基础。我们成功的完成了 2017 年初设定的全年计划,并以优异的业绩受到了省委的高度扬,被评为“*单位”。这些成绩的取得,离不开辛勤劳作的员工及家属,在这里,向大家说声辛苦了。in xx, our group are the stead develop

4、ment of the pan of the ear. in this ear, e overe another diffiult, obtained another ahievement. in the publi relations staffs efforts, e suessfull on the bohai ba * * projet, and suessfull pleted the first phase of the projet. in addition, the expansion of overseas markets, e have suessfull entered

5、the european market, laid the foundation for the development of overseas markets based on. e suessfull pleted a set at the beginning of 08 ear plans, and exellent performane b the provinial part mittee high praise, as named the * * * * unit. the taking of these ahievement, is inseparable from the ha

6、rd ork of the staff and their famil members, here, to sa hard.当然前进的路上还有不少困难,我们的工作也存在很多缺点。目前我们需要解决的最主要问题是如何协调新的研究方向和维护传统,最具挑战性的任务是在未来的基地建设中兼顾精简队伍和营造自由宽松的学术环境并最大限度地维护职工的利益。我们将在知识创新工程总体战略思想的指导下,依靠上级组织并发挥群众的创造性,尽快地探索出一种适合我所生存与科学史学科可持续发展的建设方案和管理模式来。of ourse, there are man diffiulties along the a, our ork

7、 also has man shortings. at present, e need to solve the most important problem is ho t to oordinate the ne researh diretions and maintained the tradition, the most hallenging task is the future of the base onstrution in both lean team and reate free XXdemi environment and to maximize the maintenane

8、 of the interests of the emploees. e ill be in the knoledge innovation projet overall strateg under the guidane of thought, rel on the superior organization and pla and reativit of the masses, as soon as possible to explore a suitable for the survival and sustainable development of the onstrution of

9、 the disipline of histor of siene program and management mode.当新一年的阳光开始普照大地的时候,我们开始了新的征程。我们要以坚定的信心,坚强的毅力,不屈的精神,来完成我们的梦想。hen the ne ear the sun began to shine hen, e began a ne journe. e should take a firm onfidene, perseverane, indomitable spirit, to make our dreams e true.最后,祝大家在新的一年里身体健康,工作愉快,事业有成!finall, i ish ou all in the ne ear health, happ, suessful! 最新公司新年寄语范文(双语)


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