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1、Unit 4 What Can You Do ?第一课时 导学案自主学习:(Learning guide)1、出示词卡,clean the bedroom, sweep the floor,water the flowers 三个已经接触过的单词,让会读的学生当小老师教给学生。可以请学生到讲台上来,教学生单词的发音,如果有错误,老师及时纠正。另外两个单词,让学生先听录音,模仿发音,让先学会的同学到讲台上教,老师及时纠正。2、听句子“Im helpful! I can sweep the floor.”,学生模仿发音,引导学生理解这句话的意思,生生进行连环问答。合作探究(Group work)1

2、、小组组长带领本组学生开展单词发音练习,边说边表演,最后进行小组展示,看哪一组的学生说得又快又齐又准确。2、 小组进行连环问答:What can you do ? I can _.最后老师挑小组展示。拓展延伸(Consolidation and extension)1、出示几幅图片,让学生试用“she/he can _ ”说图片上的内容。2、第 44 页的 Lets chant ,带领学生边听录音边跟着一起有节奏的说唱。课堂小结(Summary)这节课你学会了什么?还有什么疑惑吗?大家可以回家后说给你的父母听。当堂检测(Test)一、英汉互译。1、cook the meals 汉语_2、cle

3、an the bedroom 汉语_3、扫地 英语 _4、倒垃圾 英语_2.选择正确答案(1 ) ( ) I can cook the mealsA.我会做饭 B.我会洗衣服 C.我会看电视(2 ) ( ) I can water the flowersA.我会浇花 B.我会喝水 C.我会种花(3) ( ) Im helpful。 A我可以帮助你。B 我是能干的 .第二课时 导学案准备诱发1、 Lets chant。2、 Guessing game: T:Now,boys and girls. Please look at the blackboard. What day is it toda

4、y? T: What can I do on Saturdays? T:Im helpful. I can What about you? S1:I canT and Ss :Helpful, helpful, youre helpful. 3、 Lets make a chant. 4、小组评价安排,鼓励学生积极表现。5、让学生观察课本第 47 页 Lets try 插图,鼓励学生思考: What can Mike do? 6、布置任务 让学生把对话通读一遍,标记出重难点地方。 让学生完成下列要求。我会自学 (一)自主预习,捕捉目标1、仔细观察第 47 页 Lets try 插图,动动脑筋大

5、胆推测一下对话内容。2、把对话通读一遍,用笔划出你不懂的地方。3、出示学生预习课本中第 47 页对话,以小组为单位进行简单的交际性问答。4、链接新知掌握询问和回答别人能做什么家务劳动的句型:What can you do ? I can 和 Are you helpful at home? 点拨导思 1、T:Mike is helpful. Are you helpful at home? What can you do ? T: Great! Youre so helpful. Chen Jie is helpful ,too.What can Chen Jie do? 2、播放课件或录音,

6、让学生先视听后跟读。3、布置任务。让小组长安排组内成 员任务并交流,负责检查或交换批改。4、追问、点拨、更正、归纳、评价。针对任务 1 出现的难点,引导学生利用工具书查一查或通过上下文推测。针对任务 2 引导学生听音选择正确答案。针对任务 3 开展多种形式的表演活动。针对 Group work,教师可以先请两位学生到黑板前与老师进行示范,再请学生在小组练习,全体学生进行评价。反馈测评 总结学生学习情况并对过程评价进行小结。同学们,在今天的学习内容里,你还有哪些地方不理解的,先小组内讨论交流一下,如果还不能解决,那么就请小组长问问其他小组,然后完成本节课检测题。我会探究 (二)借助媒介,听音正音

7、 1、S1:I can 2、刚才大家都划出了自己不懂的单词或句子,下面请通过录音来学习,更正自己在预习中不会读或读不准的词句吧!3、下面再次尝试把对话读一读,这一次要求比以前熟练。(三)合作交流,汇报展示、有没有不认识或者不明白意思的单词或句子呢?小组内交流交流吧!请同学们再读对话,借助单元词汇表或通过上下文猜测对话内容,并在小组内讨论:What can Chen Jie do? 2、 Listen ,repeat and choose. 3、请同学们细读对话,这一次要求大家能尽量模仿人物的语气和感情色彩,可以先在小组内排练排练,表演原对话或者加入自己的新想法都可以。然后把你们排练的小对话向大

8、家秀一秀吧!4、小组内完成 Group work:Make a survey . a. Interview 3 students using the question”What can you do?”b. Report the Survey. 5、教育学生要热爱劳动。我能达标 (四)回顾提升,盘点收获以 My friend 为题目写一篇作文。例:My friend is *, shes/hes tall ,strong and healthy, shes/hes helpful, she/he can cook the meals, clean the bedroom, sweep the

9、floor and empty the trash. (五)Homework 1.Make a new dialogue with your friends. 2.Help your parents do housework and say it loudly.第三课时 导学案一、 Self-study(自学新知) Clues: (自学提示) 1Find out phonetic symbols and meanings of new words. (找到下列生词的音标和中文意思) wonder baggage could favor anything manage2. Read and re

10、member them. (大声朗读并记住生词) 二、 Self-test (自我检测)Translate essential expressions into Chinese. (将基本表达中出现的句子翻译成中文 ) 三、 Self-test (自我检测) 根据对话内容,选择句子,补全对话。 Assistant:_1_ Mother: _2_ for my daughter. Assistant:Here, madam. Here are clothes for young people. Mother: That coat looks nice. Do you like it, Alice

11、? Alice: No, I like greet better. Assistant: Green? Heres a green one. Alice: _3_, mother? Mother: It fits you well.Mother: (to the assistant)_4_. Assistant: Its cheep, only twenty pounds. Mother: OK,_5_. A: We want it. B: What can I do for you? C: How do you like it? D: Well take it. E: How much is

12、 it? F: Im looking for a coat. 四、 Exercise (巩固练习) 选出符合对话情景或含义的最佳答案。 1.- Let me help you carry the box. - No, I can manage, but _. A. not at all B. it doesnt matter C. thank you just the same. D. the same to you. 2. - Will you make me a kite?- _. A. Im glad. B. Ill be glad. C. Im going to be glad. D.

13、 Ill be glad to. 3. - You seem to get lost, need help? -_. A. Yes, would you please help me with the bag? B. Yes, take me there, please. C. Help me find my key, please. D. Im looking forShanghai Road. 4. - What can I do for you? - _. A. Thank you. B. Certainly. C. All right. D. Do you have a ten-spe

14、ed bicycle? 5. If you want to give somebody some help, which of the following is true? A. Anything I can do for you? B. Can I be of any help to you? C. May I give you a hand? D. Something I can do for you? 6.- Can I have some meat? - Certainly, just _. A. take it as you like B. eat it as you please.

15、 C. help yourself D. help yourself at home 7.-Id like to buy a shirt. - _. A. How much is it? B. Thats fine. C. What color do you want? D. Yes, I think so. 五、Reading comprehension (阅读理解) 从题中所给的 A,B,C,D 四个选项中选出最佳选项,完成下列短文。 Mrs. Williams had two sons. One morning during the holidays, when she _1_the washing for the family, her younger son came and _2_ her for some money_3_sweets. “Sweets are _4_for your teeth,


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