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1、 本文由小真妹妹贡献doc 文档可能 在 WAP 端浏览体验不佳。建议您优先选择 TXT,或下载源文件到本机查看。2011 中石油职称英语押题宝典 一、 翻译 (第七课)1.Altho ugh recent years have seen substantial reductions in noxious pollutants from individual motor vehicles, the number of such vehicles has been steadily increasing. Consequently, more than 100 cities in the Uni

2、ted States still have levels of carbon monoxide, particulate matter, and ozone (generated by photochemical reactions with hydrocarbons from vehicle exhaust) that exceed legally established limits. There is a growing realization that the only effective way to achieve further reductions in vehicle emi

3、ssions-short of a massive shift away from the private automobile- is to replace conventional diesel fuel and gasoline with cleaner-burning fuels such as compressed natural gas. liquefied petroleum gas, ethanol, or methanol. 1.尽管近几年来私 人机动车辆排放的有害污染物已有相当程 度的减少,但这类车辆的数量却仍在稳定地增长。因此,美国 100 多个城市仍然存在着超过法律限定

4、的一氧化碳、悬浮颗粒物和臭 氧(由于车辆排出气体中碳氢化合物经过光化反应产生)。人们 逐渐认识到实现车辆尾气排放更进一步减少的唯一有效方法-大 规模消减私人小汽车除外-是用燃烧更为清洁的燃料,如压缩天 然气、液化石油气、乙醇或甲醇代替传统的柴油和汽油。 2.All of these alternatives are carbon-based fuels whose molecules are smaller and simpler than those of gasoline. These molecules burn more cleanly than gasoline, in part b

5、ecause they have fewer, if any, carbon-carbon bonds and the hydrocarbons they do emit are less likely to generate ozone. The combustion of larger molecules, which have multiple carbon-carbon bonds involves a more complex series of reactions. These reactions increase the probability of incomplete com

6、bustion and are more likely to release uncombusted and photochemically active hydrocarbon compounds into the atmosphere. On the other hand, alternative fuels do have drawbacks. Compressed natural gas would require that vehicles have set of heavy fuel tanksa serious liability in terms of performance

7、and fuel efficiency-and liquefied petroleum gas faces fundamental limits on supply. 2.所有这些替代物都是碳基燃料,它的分子要比汽油的小而简 单。这些分子要比汽油燃烧得更为清洁,部分是因为他们碳-碳键 较少,而且即使会释放出碳氢化合物,也不太可能会成为臭氧。较大分子的燃烧,由于它们具有多重碳-碳,伴随着更为复杂的一 系列反应。这些反应增加了不完全燃烧得可能性并且易于放出未 燃烧的、易起光化反应的碳氢化合物释放到大气中。从另一方面 来说,替代燃料也有缺点。压缩天然气要求车辆有一套沉重的燃 料箱-在外观和燃料效率方

8、面有严重的不利之处-并且液化石油 气面临着基本的供应量限制。 3.Ethanol and methanol, on the other hand, have important advantages over other carbon-based alternative fuels: theyhave higher energy content per volume and would require minimal changes in the existing network for distributing motor fuel. Ethanol is commonly used as

9、a gasoline supplement, but it is currently about twice as expensive as methanol, the low cost of which is one of its attractive features. Methanols most attractive feature, however, is that it can reduce by about 90 percent the vehicle emissions that form ozone, the most serious urban air pollutant.

10、 3.从另一个方面来看,乙醇和甲醇具有由于其他碳基替代燃料 的重要优势:它们在单位容量下有更高的能量含量,并且只需要 在现存的配送燃料的网络中做很小的变更。乙醇通常用作汽油的 补充燃料,但它现在的价格是甲醇的两倍,后者的低成本是具有 吸引力的特征之一。不过,甲醇最吸引人的特征是它能够将形成 臭氧的车辆尾气这一严重的城市空气污染减少 90%。 (第十一课 Smoking and Cancer) 1. Americans smoke six thousand million cigarettes every year (1970 figures). This is roughly the equi

11、valent of 4,195 cigarettes a year for every person in the country of 18 years of age or more. It is estimated that 51% of American men smoke compared with 34% of American women. 1、 美国人每年抽烟 60 亿支(1970 年的统计数字)。这大致等于每个 18 岁以上的人一年要 吸 4195 支烟。据估计,美国有 51的男性吸烟,而女性吸烟的比 例则为 34。 2. Sinc e 1939,numerous scient

12、ific studies have been conducted to determine whether smoking is a health hazard. The trend of the evidence has been consistent and indicates that there is a serious health risk. Research teams have conducted studies that show beyond all reasonable doubt that tobacco smoking,particularly cigarette s

13、moking,is associated with shortened life expectancy. 2、1939 年以来, 为了确定抽烟是否有害健康进行了大量的科学研究。证据所显示 的趋势是一贯的,并表明对人体的健康有严重的危险。许多研究 小组进行的研究不容置疑地表明,吸食烟草,特别是吸卷烟与预 期寿命缩短有关。 3. Cigarette smoking is believed by most research workers in this field to be an important factor in the development of cancer of the lungs

14、 and cancer of the throat and is believed to be related to cancer of the bladder and the oral cavity. Male cigarette Smokers have a higher death rate from heart disease than non-smoking males. (Female smokers are thought to be less affected because they do not breathe in the smoke so deeply.) The ma

15、jority of doctors and researchers consider these relationships proved to their satisfaction and say,Give up smoking. If you dont smoke-dont start! 3、这方面的研究人员大都相信吸卷烟是产生肺癌、喉癌的重要因 素,还认为膀胱癌、口腔癌也与此有关。男性吸烟者的心脏病死 亡率比不吸烟的高。(他们认为女性吸烟者受影响小一些,因为她 们吸烟不那么深。)大多数医生和研究人员认为,上述那些关系已 得到令人满意的证实,并且告诫说:“戒烟吧,如果你不会抽-那可不要学!

16、”4. Some competent physicians and research workers-though their small number is decreased even further-are less sure of the effect of cigarette smoking on health. They consider the increase in respiratory diseases and various forms of cancer may possibly be explained by other factors in the complex human environment -atmospheric pollution,increased nervous stress,chemical substances in processed food,or chemical pesticides that are now being used by farmers in vast quantit



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