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1、技术合同英文范本技术合同英文范文一合 同 ontrat日期:合同号码:date: ontrat no.:买 方:卖方:商品名称:name of modit:数 量:quantit:单 价:unit prie:总 值:total value:包 装:paking:生产国别:ountr of origin :支付条款:terms of pament:保 险:insurane:装运期限:time of shipment:起 运 港:port of lading:目 的 港:port of destination:法律咨询:解答法律疑问,提供法律建议,出具法律意见;legal onsult: anse

2、r legal questions, give legal suggestions, and give legal opinions.b) 合同审查: 起草审阅合同,提出修改意见,规范合同管理;revie ontrat: draft and revie ontrat, give amending suggestions, standardize ontrat management.)参与决策:参与甲方决策,提供法律依据,防范法律风险;partiipate deision: partiipate deision of part a, provide legal basis, and keep X

3、X legal risks.d)专项服务:劳动法律、法规、政策咨询;代理劳动争议案件处理。起草法律文件、合同、规章制度、协商方案、谈判提纲。全程代理、监理员工招聘、录用、退工。企业转制、改制、减员方案策划。转制企业员工整体解盘;季节性、临时性员工过度托管。履历调查、素质评测及机构设置方案制订。普通员工、管理人员、保密对象上岗培训及专业讲座。speial servies:providing advies on labor las , regulations and poliies ; serving as an agent to handle ases of labor disputes .dr

4、afting legal douments ontrats , rules and regulations ,onsultantive proposals and negotiative outlines.representing and managing the hole proedure of headhunting , reruitment and dismissal .planning proposals on transforming , reforming and outing don of an enterprise .entire undertaking of transfor

5、med emploees ; transitional trusteeship of emploees seasonall and temporaril .resume investigation, qualit measurement , and making out plans for institutions reorganization .providing post trainings and speialized letures for ordinar emploees , managerial staff and some seret vips 甲方涉及劳动纠纷,委托乙方诉讼方式

6、协调解决的,可免收服务费。part a involves in labor disputes, entrust part b to reonile b means of litigating method, the fee an be aived.第三条服务方式artile three servie method3.1 甲方获得或者乙方提供法律服务的方式或途径包括:3.1 the as and methods part a got legal servie from part b:a)电话咨询;phone onsultation;b)面见商谈;intervie;)专题会议;speial top

7、i meetings;e)法律讲座;legal seminar;f)参与谈判;partiipate in negotiation;g)出庭诉讼;appear in ourt to litigate;h)庭外协调;out of ourt settlement;i)代为交涉;represent to deal ith;j)其它方式。other methods.第四条保密义务artile four onfidentialit obligations4.1任何一方在履行本合约过程中所获得的与另一方有关的任何信息、合同、资料、专业意见或其它商业秘密,非经授权或同意,不得以任何方式向第三方及双方各自无关人

8、员传递泄露,否则,按本合约第七条承担违约责任;exept authorized or agreed on, neither part shall dislose to an third part or irrespetive persons in either part aninformation about other part, ontrat, doument, professional suggestions or other business serets gained during the exeution of the agreements.4.2 前项所列保密义务不因本合约的终止

9、、解除、变更或废止而免除。the above mentioned onfidentialit obligation ill not be aived after the termination, expiration, amend or revoke of the agreement.第五条责任担保artile five arranties5.1甲方保证,其向乙方提供的文件、资料及事实真实、完整与全面,力免误导与失实;否则,甲方应自行承担相应的法律后果及经济损失。5.2乙方保证,其向甲方提供的专业意见合法、准确,并保证所提供的专业服务符合律师行业一般公认业务准则与专业操守;否则,应就甲方所受到

10、的损失承担赔偿责任。第六条顾问费用artile six ounseling prie1 本合约期is rmb 80,000 uan, the part a ill pa part b ithin 3 das after the agreement signed b both parties. the bank aount of part b is:开户行:bank:户 名:aount name:帐 号:aount number:2 乙方应甲方之要求处理甲方法律事务的过程中,因出差到上海市外所发生的必要差旅费用及其它官方费用由甲方承担。 if part b need to travel to p

11、lae out of shanghai.duringdealing ith legal fair requested b part a, the neessar transportation fee and other fees ill be beard b part a.第七条违约责任artile seven liabilit7.1 如乙方在本合约期内未依约向甲方提供本合约第二条所列的各项服务,或服务质量未达到行业一般公认的专业水准,甲方有权提前终止合约,有权要求乙方将已收之费用就已履行的期间作相应扣除后退还甲方;if the part b does not provide the serv

12、ies speified in the artile to of this agreement in the onsignment period, or the servie qualit does not reah the ell reognized professional level in the laer in the la servie, the part a has right to terminate the agreement, and request part b to return part a the paid ounseling pament ith neessar d

13、edution of the exeuted part.7.2由于乙方或其指派的顾问在提供服务过程中的过错或失误,导致甲方利益遭受到损失的,由乙方或对乙方承保的保险机构依法承担相应的赔偿责任。part b shall indemnif for the loss to part b for liabilit dueto the default or mistake during the assigned ounseling laerprovides servie, the part b or the insurane organization of part b shall have the o

14、rresponding indemnif responsibilit.7.3 甲方应按本合约规定的时间向乙方支付约定的顾问费,及时处理乙方已经发生的应由甲方承担的差旅费或其它费用,若甲方逾期30 天仍未向乙方支付本合约第六条规定之顾问费的,乙方可暂停提供相关服务,并诉请甲方付清约定费用。若非因乙方的原因,甲方提前解除本合同,法律顾问费用仍应支付或不予退还。part a shall pa part b the ounseling pament aording to terms and onditions speified in the agreement. promptl deal ith th

15、e pXXble transportation fee and other fees should be beard b part a. if part a delas the pament under artile six in this agreement over 30 das, the part b ill ithhold related servie, and request part a to pa off the agreed osts.if part a terminate the agreement ithout fault of part b, the legal ouns

16、eling pament is still pXXble or not to be returned.第八条争议解决artile eight arbitration8.1 本合约在履行过程中若发生争议,双方应友好协商妥善解决,若协商不成,提交上海仲裁委员会解决。an dispute arises during the exeution of the agreement, both parties ill settle them b friendl negotiation, if not settled b mutual agreement, shall be finall settled b arbitration in shanghai.8.2 本合约及与本合约有关的争议,均适用中华人民共和国法律。the las of the people s republi of hina shall govern thisagreement and an disputes related ith the agreement


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