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1、香港中文大學社會工作學系,我的行動承諾 健康生活從和諧家庭開始與窮共舞: 貧窮社群的親子關係,黃洪博士香港中文大學社會工作學系,Consultancy Study on the Promotion of Parent Education for Economically Disadvantaged and Hard-to-reach Families in Hong Kong為弱勢家庭提供家庭教育顧問研究,LAM Ching-man, Tam Wai-ming Frank Leung Tze Fong TerryDepartment of Social Work and Department

2、Educational Administration and Policy, the Chinese University of Hong Kong林靜雯, 譚偉明, 梁芷芳香港中文大學社會工作學系及教育行政及政策學系,香港中文大學社會工作學系,Part I: Quantitative study量性研究Parent survey 家長問卷 (N=10386)Organizational survey 機構問卷(N=315)Socio-economic status of the families, stress and coping, parental beliefs, parenting

3、behaviors, as well as their perception on parent education were explored.調查內容包括家庭社會經濟狀況、家長的壓力和應付模式、親職信念、管教子女的方法和行為及對家長教育的看法。,Methodology 研究方法,香港中文大學社會工作學系,Part II: Qualitative study質性研究Six service provider focus groups, eight parent focus groups and two policy focus groups 六次服務提供者焦點小組、八次家長焦點小組和兩次政策關

4、注者焦點小組。14 In-depth individual interviews十四次深入個人訪談4 Case studies(the parent work in a school, a church networking program, a parent development program organized by a NGO, and a MCHC parent program)四個個案研究分別為在學校內推行的家長工作、由教會推行的地區網絡計劃、非政府機構舉辦的家長成長課及母嬰健康院的家長活動,Methodology 研究方法,香港中文大學社會工作學系,Slide 6 to 13

5、are results of the following research:,Regulating parenthood and the pedagogicalization of parents: Rejuvenating parent education for parent empowerment on a liberating discourse a social R&D project. April 2006 Aug 2007. (PI: W.M. Kwong, CIs: C.M. Lam, P.W. Tse-Chan, L.H. Yuen,W.M. Wong). Strategic

6、 Research Grant, City University of Hong Kong,香港中文大學社會工作學系,Excerptions from parent group,工作員:剛才的討論, 大家覺得怎樣?家長A:其實我們平時都會有聊天, 剛才的討論和平時的聊天沒什麼分別工作員:那你希望我們下次用什麼方式進行?家長A:最好是跟我們講書家長B:是啊!直接講書比較有效工作員:那你們希望我給你講什麼書?家長B:告訴我們用什麼方法和技巧去做父母, 能比較好地管教孩子工作員:你們自己都有很多經驗,為什麼相信我講的一定是對的呢?家長A:我們沒有讀多少書, 沒什麼知識和文化. 你是博士, 又是這方面

7、的專家, 當然比我們有經驗家長B:是的, 我們参加這個小組是想專家傳授一些方法和技巧,W: How about the earlier discussion?Parent A: We used to have discussion among ourselves, I cant see the difference!W: What format you expect for our next session?Parent A: Its better to give us a lectureParent B: Yes, lecturing is more effectiveW: What kin

8、d of lecture you prefer?Parent A: Teach us the methods and skills to parent our childrenW: You got experiences in parenting, why you believe in what I teach?Parent A: We are not well-educated, we dont have knowledge. Your are a PhD, an expert in this area. No doubt, you are more experienced than usP

9、arent B: To have the expert to teach us the methods and skills is why we join this group,香港中文大學社會工作學系,Excerptions from parent interview,RA:你覺得XX在這裏的角色是什麼?家長:聽我們自由發揮。RA:你覺得這個形式是否適合你們?家長:我想他給我一些明確的答案和訊息。RA:你參加這個小組,是不是有一些期望?家長:是,我的目的是希望能夠學到一些知識。我的目的就是想聽多點XX的講解,但他就不是用這個形式,實際上我們傾談的時間最多。RA:你期望的情況是怎樣?家長:我期

10、望他會就着每個問題給我答案, 但我覺得我們說話比博士多。,RA: How you perceive the role of Mr. X?P: He listens to our free expressionRA: Does this format fit you?P: I expect him to give me clear message and answerRA: You come to this group with certain expectation?P: Yes, my goal is to learn some knowledge. My goal is to learn

11、from Mr. X. But he did not use this format, actually, we talk more than him?RA: What you expect from him?P: I expect him to give us answer to the question, but we talk more than the Doctor,香港中文大學社會工作學系,Continue,RA:其他家長會給你意見,這些是不是解決方法?家長:但我們的說話未必正確RA:你覺得這次的形式是否適合你?家長:我覺得博士需要說多一點,我覺得家長的討論和博士的發言應該是一半一半

12、,在我們討論問題後,他最好作一總結,並給予意見。RA:這次你覺得他有沒有總結?家長:好像沒有,也沒有給我們一個指定答案,有些人不會自己自行思考,離開後就會忘記,這樣會沒有意思。,RA: Other parents gave you opinion, those are not solutions?P: What we said might not correctRA: Does the format of this group fit you?P: I suggest the Doctor to talk more, at least half-half. After our discussi

13、on, he should make conclusion and give suggestionsRA: He had no conclusion?P: He didnt give us conclusion, nor answers. Some of us, we dont know how to think (to get the answer), we forget after leaving the group, its meaningless,香港中文大學社會工作學系,What the data informs us?,The response of parents reveal

14、the prevalence of pedagogical expectation of being taughtParents expect the “expert” to teach them and to provide them with “solutions” to the problemThey pre-occupy with the idea “expert is expert”, “expert know more and better than layman” and they prefer “listening to the expert opinion”They beli

15、eve in expert knowledge and are ready for professional peoples to “lecture” them,香港中文大學社會工作學系,The tricky dilemma we faced An “Empowerment Paradox”,Are we professions “impose” our ideology of empowerment on the parents who cherished expert knowledge?How can parent education be empowering with this em

16、powerment paradox?,香港中文大學社會工作學系,Since the implementation of Family Life Education in the late 1970s, our society has successfully constructed the deficit view of parenthood. Family life education programs and parent educators successfully bring in the idea of “learning to become better parents”Professionals and society at large has constructed a deficit view on parenting parenting is a problemThey have reinforced in the minds of the lay public our professional authority in holding expert knowledge in parenting,


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