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1、.毕 业 设 计 论 文 题 目: 220kv 双回路新型钢管塔设计 学 院: 电气与信息工程学院 专 业: 电气工程及其自动化 姓 名: 学 号: 指导老师: 完成时间: .摘要随着我国国民经济的持续发展,城市用电量每年递增,城市用电负荷逐步增大,高压输电线路进入城市已成为发展趋势。因此,在城市建设的 220kV 高压输电线路将越来越多。由于电缆线路造价昂贵,我国目前还不能普遍采用,所以必然以架空线路为主,钢管杆具有结构简单、强度高、造型美观、加工周期短、占地面积少、运输和安装方便省时等优点,适用于多回路不同电压等级同杆架设,与现代化城市发展相协调,被广泛应用于 10220kV 输电线路的建

2、设。根据架空线路导线截面大,多种电压,多回路共杆,造价低的特点。与传统的钢筋混凝土电杆、角钢塔相比可以知道钢管杆具施工维护方便、强度高,为安全运行提供了有力保证;并且也可以设计较高的铁塔,以满足跨越人行道、树木的要求;易实现多回路,从而大大减少城市走廊的拥挤程度;不用打拉线,占地面积小,减少占用城市走廊;钢管塔可以实现全镀锌,防锈性能大大提高同时也使钢管杆造型美观,与周围环境比较协调的优点,本着重介绍设计 220kv双回路新型钢管塔设计。关键词:高压输电线,角钢塔,电力塔,双回路,架空线路.ABSTRACTAlong with our country sustainable developme

3、nt of national economy, the city electricity consumption increasing each year, the city power load increasing, high voltage transmission line into the city has become a development trend. Therefore, in the urban construction of 220 kv high voltage transmission line will be more and more. Due to cabl

4、e line construction cost is expensive, it is not widely used in our country, so it is give priority to with overhead line, steel rod has the advantages of simple structure, high strength, beautiful appearance, processing cycle is short, cover an area of less, easy to transport and install time etc,

5、and is suitable for multi loop with different voltage grade stem erect, in harmony with the modern urban development, are widely used in the construction of 10 220 kv power transmission lines. According to overhead line conductor cross section, a variety of voltage, multi loop pole, the characterist

6、ics of low cost. Compared with the traditional reinforced concrete pole, Angle steel tower can know convenient maintenance, high strength steel tube pole with construction, provides a powerful guarantee the safe operation; Can design high Eiffel Tower, in order to meet the requirements of across the

7、 pavement, trees; Easy to realize multi loop, thus greatly reduce the congestion of urban corridor; Without a cord, cover an area of an area small, less occupy urban corridors; Galvanized steel pipe column can achieve full, use steel tube pole covers an area of less, aesthetically pleasing, compared

8、 with the surrounding environment coordination, the advantages of this design instroduces The new 220kv doubie circuit steel tower design.Keywords: high voltage transmission line, Angle steel towers, power tower, the double circuit , overhead line conductor .目录 摘要 .IABSTRACT .II1 引言 .12 架空线路的基本知识及其选

9、用原则 .32.1 架空线路的基本知识 .32.1.1 架空线路 .32.1.2 架空线路的敷设 .42.2 输电线路各个参数的确定 .52.2.1 输电线路设计的耐张段如何确定 .52.2.2 关于分裂导线的知识 .52.2.3 导线的选择原则 .62.3 导线的型号确定 .123 主杆设计 .153.1 杆塔分类 .153.2 各杆塔特点 .163.2.1 钢筋混凝土电杆 .163.2.2 普通铁塔 .183.2.3 钢管杆 .203.3 杆塔各部分设计 .204 横担设计 .254.1 横担类型 .254.2 横担情况 .254.2.1 荷载情况 .254.2.2 截面强度计算 .254.2.3 横担根部断面内力 .264.2.4 总体强度计算 .274.3 挠度允许挠度值及计算 .275 基础设计 .315.1 基础主要类型 .315.2 地脚螺栓选用 .315.3 地脚螺栓定位 .315.4 基础设计 .326 相关配件的设计 .346.1 应引起注意的一些其他设计问题 .346.2 转角杆横担设计 .346.3 挂线板设计 .346.4 特殊爬梯设计 .34结论 .35参考文献 .36致谢 .37附录 .



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