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1、奥巴马开学演讲稿中英版演讲稿和发言稿奥巴马开学演讲稿中英版中英演讲稿开学巴马Hello, everbod! Thank ou. Thankou. Thank ou, everbod. All right, everbod go ahead and have a seat. Ho is everbod doing toda? Ho about TimSpier? I am here ith students at WakefieldHigh Shool in Arlington, Virginia.And e ve got students tuning in from all arossAme

2、ria, from kindergarten through12th grade. And I am just so glad that all ould join us toda. And I ant tothank Wakefieldfor being suh an outstanding host. Give ourselves a big round of applause.嗨,大家好!你们今天过得怎样样?我现在和弗吉尼亚州阿林顿郡韦克菲尔德高中的学生们在一起,全国各地也有从幼儿园到高三的众多学生们通过电视关注这里,我很兴奋你们能共同分享这一时刻。I kno that for man

3、of ou, todais the first da of shool. And for those of ou in kindergarten, or startingmiddle or high shool, it s our first da in a ne shool, so it sunderstandable if ou re a little nervous. I imagine there are some seniors outthere ho are feeling prett good right no - - ith just one moreear to go. An

4、d no matter hat grade ou re in, some of ou are probablishing it ere still summer and ou ould ve staed in bed just a little bitlonger this morning.我知道,对你们中的很多人来讲,今天是开学的第一天,你们中的有一些刚刚进进幼儿园或升上初高中,对你们来讲,这是在新学校的第一天,因此,假设你们感到有些紧张,那也是很正常的。我想也会有很多毕业班的学生们正自信满满地预备最后一年的冲刺。不过,我想不管你有多大、在读哪一个年级,很多人都打心底里希看现在还在放暑假,和

5、今天不用那末早起床。I kno that feeling. When I asoung, m famil lived overseas. I lived inIndonesiafor a fe ears. And mmother, she didn t have the mone to send me here all the Amerian kids entto shool, but she thought it as important for me to keep up ith an Amerianeduation. So she deided to teah me extra less

6、ons herself, Monda throughFrida. But beause she had to go to ork, the onl time she ould do it as at4:30 in the morning.我可以理解这份心情。小时候,我们家在印度尼西亚住过几年,而我妈妈没钱送我往其他美国孩子们上学的地方往读书,因此她决定自己给我上课 时间是每周一到周五的清晨4 点半。That s h toda I m alling oneah of ou to set our on goals for our eduation - and do everthing ouan t

7、o meet them. Your goal an be something as * as doing all ourhomeork, paing attention in lass, or spending some time eah da reading abook. Mabe ou ll deide to get involved in an extraurriular ativit, orvolunteer in our munit. Mabe ou ll deide to stand up for kids ho arebeing teased or bullied beause

8、of ho the are or ho the look, beause oubelieve, like I do, that all oung people deserve a safe environment to studand learn. Mabe ou ll deide to take better are of ourself so ou an bemore read to learn. And along those lines, b the a, I hope all of ou areashing our hands a lot, and that ou sta home

9、from shool hen ou don tfeel ell, so e an keep people from getting the flu this fall and inter.因此,在今天,我号召你们每个人都为自己的教育定下一个目标 并在以后,尽自己的一切努力往实现它。你的目标可以很简单,像是完成作业、认真听讲或天天浏览 也许你打算参加一些课外活动,或在社区做些志愿工作;也许你决定为那些由于长相或出身等等缘由而受嘲弄或欺侮的孩子做主、维护他们的权益,由于你和我一样,以为每一个孩子都应当能有一个安全的学习环境;也许你以为该学着更好的照顾自己,来为将来的学习做预备 固然,除此以外,我希

10、看你们都多多洗手、感到身体不舒服的时候要多在家休息,免得大家在秋冬感冒多发季节都得流感。No one s born being good at allthings. You bee good at things through hard ork. You re not a varsitathlete the first time ou pla a ne sport. You don t hit ever note the firsttime ou sing a song. You ve got to pratie. The same priniple applies toour shoolor

11、k. You might have to do a math problem a fe times before ou getit right. You might have to read something a fe times before ou understandit. You definitel have to do a fe drafts of a * before it s good enoughto hand in.没有哪个人一生出来就善于做甚么事情的,只有努力才能培养出技能。任何人都不是在第一次接触一项体育运动时就成为校队的代表,任何人都不是在第一次唱一首歌时就找准每个音,

12、一切都需要熟能生巧。对学业也是一样,你也许要反复运算才能解出一道数学题的正确答案,你也许需要读一段文字好几遍才能理解它的意思,你也许得把论文改上好几次才能符合提交的标准。这都是很正常的。So toda, I ant to ask all of ou, hat s our ontribution goingto be? What problems are ou going to solve? What disoveries ill ou make?What ill a President ho es here in 20 or 50 or 100 ears sa about hatall of

13、ou did for this ountr?因此,今天我想要问你们,你们会做出甚么样的贡献?你们将解决甚么样的困难?你们能发现甚么样的事物?二十、五十或百年以后,假设那时的美国总统也来做一次开学演讲的话,他会怎样描写你们对这个国家所做的一切?No, our families, our teahers, and I are doing everthing ean to make sure ou have the eduation ou need to anser these questions. I morking hard to fix up our lassrooms and get ou

14、the books and the equipmentand the puters ou need to learn. But ou ve got to do our part, too. So Iexpet all of ou to get serious this ear. I expet ou to put our besteffort into everthing ou do. I expet great things from eah of ou. So don tlet us don. Don t let our famil don or our ountr don. Most o

15、f all,don t let ourself don. Make us all proud.你们的家长、你们的老师和我,每个人都在尽最大的努力,确保你们都能得到应有的教育往返答这些题目。例如我正在努力为你们提供更安全的教室、更多的书籍、更先进的设施与计算机。但你们也要担起自己的责任。因此我要求你们在今年能够认真起来,我要求你们尽心肠往做自己着手的每件事,我要求你们每个人都有所成绩。请不要让我们失看 不要让你的家人、你的国家和你自己失看。你们要成为我们自豪,我知道,你们一定可以做到。Thank ou vermuh,everbod.God bless ou.God blessAmeria.Thank ou.谢谢大家,上帝保佑你们,上帝保佑美国。



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