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1、关于冬季校园安全的英语演讲稿演讲稿 英语演讲稿 关于冬季校园安全的英语演讲稿关于冬季校园安全的英语演讲稿ampus seurit : ith a sharp r, marks the landing a human life, the existene of life mean? hen the red sun rises in sk. the tinkling of an ee, the sun ill be the golden spread to ever orner of the orld, everthing es bak to the earth - - - - - - it is

2、 beause of the existene of life; the deliate floers in green leaves daning in the dark, fireflies blinking singing, livel ampus seurit hildren rolled on the grass - - - - - - these are for life in the presene of. life everhere, everhere. life is too preious! there is a life, have petition and strugg

3、le, has a life, has happiness and sadness, ith life, have hope and ideal, have a life of love. our life is just like a spring ble floer, the orld beause of floer life onderful! some people live, earl life floer ithered. as e all kno, the most basi human needs - in addition to the air, ater and food

4、needs, is safe. nespapers, television, nes ontent more and more people fear, suh as fire, flood, tsunami, earthquake, disaster, aident, terrorist attak, ar, violene and so on, e have onvined ourselves living environment is not 100% safe.as a student, one ear has most of the time in the shool and the

5、 surrounding life. in this densel populated area, narro speial environment, safet is alas our fous of attention, the relevant departments of the state speiall set up relevant las and regulations, formulate relevant regulations. suh as student injur aident treatment measures , minor protets a la , th

6、e prevention of juvenile delinquen la , at the same time the ountr has put forard the safet responsibilit be eightier than mount tai , safet first, prevention first priniple, at the same time, the state established the safet administration, responsible for the national ork safet management, it india

7、tes that the ountr attahes great importane to seurit ork. investigation shos, our ountr middle and primar shool students in traffi aidents, ollapse of buildings, food poisoning, droning, seurit aidents, violent rime, death, a dail average of more than 40 people, the equivalent of a da is a lass of s

8、tudents lose their floer life! building ongestion ausing injuries, but hasing aused b frature, lass is the penil head injuries, experimental proess, droning, burns fights and ar rashes and other aidents are impossible to guard against. dr old figure, these hearts a flutter fats behind hat do e see?

9、the dead to their fresh and short life puts to us hat aution? hope the teaher, students thinking! e are still a long a to the orld, everone living has left something beautiful! friends, our heart like muniation, be able to touh our heart, i feel ou the full heart in favor of fighting, even in trembling. e should let his life in mind fighting through, like leaves, like xie hua, smart, smart, do on the life of no regrets, let the light of life brilliant forever. treasures the life, even if life is onl a moment, then let it bee an eternit.:/anjianggao/inguanjianggao/1451818471722637.htm


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