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1、关于企业投资的外文参考文献论文格式 关于企业投资的外文参考文献关于企业投资的外文参考文献harr markoitz. portfolio seletion . the journal of finane, 1952,7:77-91 illiam f. sharpe. apital asset pries: a theor of market equilibrium under onditions of risk . the journal of finane, 1964,19:425?442 j. lintner. the valuation of risk assets and the se

2、letion of risk investments in stok portfolios and apital budgets . revie of eonomis and statistis, 1965,47:13?37 e. fama, k. frenh. the ross-setion of expeted stok returns . journal of finane, 1992,47:427?465 e. fama, k. frenh. mon risk fators in the returns on stoks and bonds , jounal of finanial e

3、onomis, 1993,33:3?56 e. fama,k. frenh. disseting anomalies . journal of finane, XX:1653?1678 j. berk, r. green, v. naik. optimal investment, groth options,and seurit returns . journal offinan,1999,54:1553?1607 j. gomes, l. kogan, l. zhang. equilibrium ross setion of returns . journal of politial eon

4、om, XX:693?732 m. arlson, a. fisher, r. giammarino. orporate investment and asset prie dnamis: impliations for the ross-setion of returns . journal of finane, XX, 59:2577?2603 i. ooper. asset priing impliations of nononvex adjustment osts and irreversibilit of investment , journal of finane, XX,61:1

5、39?170 . polk, p. sapienza. the stok market and orporate investment: a test of atering theor . revie of finanial studies, XX, 22:187?217 i. ooper, r. priestle. real investment and risk dnamis . journal of finanial eonomis, XX, 101:182?205 辞海.上海:上海辞书出版社,1999:815 不列颠百科全书.北京:中国大百科全书出版社,XX:413 samuelson

6、, nordhaus. eonomis . 19th ed. ne ork: mgra-hill, XX dougall, orrigan . 10th ed. n.j.: prentie-hall, l978 r. ibbotson. prie performane of mon stok ne issues . journal of finanial eonomis, 1975,3:235?272 t. loughran, j. ritter. the ne issues puzzle . journal of finane, 1995, 50:23? 52 k. spiess, j. a

7、fflek-graves. the long-run performane of stok returns folloing debt offerings . journal of finanial eonomis, 1999. 54:45?73 m. billet, m. flanner, j. garfmkel. are bank loans speial? evidene on the post-announement performane of bank borroers. journal of finanial and quantitative analsis,XX,41:733?7

8、52 j. lakonishok,a. shleifer, r. vishn. ontrarian investment, extrapolation,and risk . journal of finane, 1994,49:1541 ?1578论文格式 关于企业投资的外文参考文献关于企业投资的外文参考文献d. ikenberr, j. lakonishok, t. vermaelen. market underreation to open market share repurhases . journal of finanial eonomis,1995,39:181 ?208 r. m

9、ihael,r. thaler, k. omak. prie reations to dividend initiations and omissions: overreation or drift? . journal of finane,1995,50:573?608 . anderson,l. garia-feijoo. empirial evidene on apital investment, groth options, and seurit returns . journal of finane, XX,61:171 ?194 p. m. fairfield, j. s. his

10、enant, t. l. ohn. arued earnings and groth: impliations for future profitabilit and market mispriing. the aounting revie, XX, 78:353?371 zhang. aruals,investment, and the arual anomal . aounting revie, XX, 82:1333?1363 m. t. bradsha, s. a. rihardson, r. g. sloan. the relation beteen orporate finanin

11、g ativities, analsts foreasts and stok returns . journal of aounting and eonomis, XX, 42:53?85 j. pontiff, a. oodgate. share issuane and ross-setional returns . journal of finane, XX, 63:921 ?945 m. ooper, h. gulen, m. shill. asset groth and the ross-setion of stok returns . journal of finane, XX, 68:1609?1651 p. gra, j. johnson. the relationship beteen asset groth and the ross-setion of stok returns . journal of banking finane, XX,35:670-680



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