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1、关于人生的英语演讲演讲稿 英语演讲稿 关于人生的英语演讲关于人生的英语演讲tips for happinein dail lifedail life an be made happier. it is a matter of hoie. it is our attitude that makes us feel happ or unhapp. it is true, e meet all kinds of situations during the da, and some of them ma not be ondutive to happiness. e an hoose to keep

2、thinking about the unhapp events, and e an hoose to refuse to think about them, and instead, relish the happ moments. all of us onstantl go through various situations and irumstanes, but e do not have to let them influene our reations and feelings.if e let outer events influene our moods, e bee thei

3、r slaves. e lose our freedom. e let our happinebe determined b outer fores. on the other hand, e an free ourselves from outer influenes. e an hoose to be happ, and e an do a lot to add happineto our lives.hat is happiness? it is a feeling of inner peae and satisfation. it is usuall experiened hen th

4、ere are no orries, fears or obsessing thoughts, and this usuall happens, hen e do something e love to do or hen e get, in, gain or ahieve something that e value. it seems to be the oute of positive events, but it atuall es from the inside, triggered b outer events.for most people happineseems fleeti

5、ng, beause the let hanging outer irumstanes affet it. one of the best as to keep it, is b gaining inner peae through dail meditation. as the mind bees more peaeful, it bees easier to hoose the happinehabit.here are a fe tips for inreasing happinein dail life:1) endeavor to hange the a ou look at thi

6、ngs. alas look at the bright side. the mind ma drag ou to think about negativit and diffiulties. dont let it. look at the good and positive side of ever situation.2) think of solutions, not problems.3) listen to relaxing, uplifting musi.4) ath funn edies that make ou laugh.5) eah da, devote some tim

7、e to reading a fe pages of an inspiring book or artile.6) ath our thoughts. henever ou ath ourself thinking negative thoughts, start thinking of pleasant things.7) alas look at hat ou have done and not at hat ou havent.sometimes ou ma begin the da ith the desire to aplish several objetives. at the e

8、nd of the da ou might feel frustrated and unhapp, beause ou havent been able to do all of those things.look at hat ou have done, not at hat ou have not been able to do. ou ma have aplished a lot during the da, and et ou let ourself bee frustrated, beause of some small things that ou did not aplish. ou have spent all da suessfull arring out man plans, and instead of feeling happ and satisfied, ou look at hat as not aplished and feel unhapp. it is unfair toard ourself.


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