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1、大学英语四级写作专题,Review of Text A,Please close your book and look at the teacher!,Daily Proberbs,God help those who help themselves. 上帝助自助者。A good beginning is half done. 好的开始是成功的一半。/ 事半功倍。A bad beginning makes a bad ending. 不善始者不善终。Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。,Daily Proberbs,上帝助自助者。 God help those who h

2、elp themselves.好的开始是成功的一半。/ 事半功倍。 A good beginning is half done.不善始者不善终。 A bad beginning makes a bad ending.熟能生巧。 Practice makes perfect.,菜单,概述四级写作难点分析学生写作现状分析四级写作得高分技巧四级作文解析四级考试评分标准,概述,大学英语四级新题型考试第一部分是写作,写作写得如何会直接影响以后的做题。短文写得得心应手,对后面的答题可起到事半功倍的作用,否则就有可能功亏一篑。四级写作的体裁包括议论文、说明文和应用文。写作的素材或要求可以是中文、英文和图表。

3、写作字数在120字以上,写作的时间为30分钟,但你应留少量时间作最后的检查。写作既考查你的思考判断能力,也考查你的表达能力。因此,你应对一些校园、社会新闻和常识有一定的认识和见解,并能够有层次地、结构完整地在文章中清楚表达你的观点。,四级作文命题规律,历年四级作文题目,1995.1 Can Money Buy Happiness?1995.6 Advantages of a Job Interview1996.1 The TwoDay Weekend1996.6 Global Shortage of Fresh Water1997.1 Practice Makes Perfect1997.6

4、Getting to Know the World Outside Campus1998.1 Harmfulness of Fake Commodities1998.6 Do “Lucky Numbers” Really Bring Good Luck?,.,1999.1 Dont Hesitate to Say “No”1999.6 Reading Selectively or Extensively?2000.1 How I Finance My College Education2000.6 Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary?2001.1 How

5、 to Succeed in a Job Interview2001.6 A Letter to a Schoolmate2002.1 A Letter to the University President about the Canteen Service on Campus2002.6 Students Use of Computers2003.1 It Pays to Be Honest2003.6 An Eye-Witness Account of a Traffic Accident,.,2003.9 The Day My Classmate Fell Ill (or Got In

6、jured)2003.12 A Letter in Reply to a Friend2004.6 An Introduction for Tourists2005.1 A campaign speech2005. 6 In honor of Teachers On the Occasion of Teachers Day2005. 12 Should the University Campus Be Open to Tourists?2006.6 An Announcement for a Voluntary Program2006.12 On the Spring Festival Gal

7、a,.,2007.6 An Announcement to welcome students to join a club2007.12 What Electives to Choose2008.6 Recreational Activities2008. 12 Limiting the Use of Disposable Plastic Bags 2009. 6 Free Admission to Museums2009.12 Create a Green Campus2010. 6 Due Attention should be given to spelling2010.12 How s

8、hould parents help children to be independent?,命题形式,1. 提纲作文 提纲作文实质上是议论文,其下可分为四种类型: 现象阐释型 : 2003年1月四级作文考题 Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic It Pays to Be Honest. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chi

9、nese. 1. 当前社会上存在许多不诚实的现象; 2. 诚实利人利已,做人应该诚实。,.,问题对策型:分析问题,找出成因,提出解决办法,题目实例如下:1997年6月四级英语作文真题Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Getting to Know the World Outside the Campus. You should write at least 100 words and you should base your composit

10、ion on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 1. 大学生了解社会的必要性; 2. 了解社会的途径(大众媒介、社会服务等); 3. 我打算怎么做。,.,观点对比型:辨析两种对立观点,题目实例如下:1995年1月四级作文真题Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Can Money Buy Happiness? You should write no less than 100 words and you shou

11、ld base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:1.有人认为金钱是幸福之本(source of happiness)2.也有人认为金钱是万恶之源(root of all evil)3.我的看法,.,论说反驳型:支持或驳斥一种观点,题目实例如下:1998年6月四级作文真题Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Do “Lucky Numbers” Really Brin

12、g Good Luck? You should write at least 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:1. 有些人认为某些数字会带来好运;2. 我认为数字和运气无关,,2. 图表作文,近十年来图表作文只考过一次柱状图,3. 情景作文的实质是记叙文,主要考过这几种类型:A. 书信(1)告知信/ 建议信:2004年1月 四级作文真题Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to wri

13、te a letter in reply to a friends inquiry about applying for admission to your college or university. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:1. 建议报考的专业及理由;2. 报考该专业的基本条件;3. 应当如何备考。,.,(2)综合信2002年1月四级作文真题Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minu

14、tes to write a composition on the topic: A Letter to the University President about the Canteen Service on Campus You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:假设你是李明,请你就本校食堂的状况给校长写一封信,内容应涉及食堂的饭菜质量、价格、环境、服务等,可以是表扬,可以是批评建议,也可以兼而有之。,.,B. 演讲致辞2005年

15、1月四级作文真题Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a campaign speech in support of your election to the post of chairman of the student union. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese.A Campaign Speech1. 你认为自己具备是什么条件(能力,性格,爱好)可以胜任学生会主席工作,2.

16、 如果当选你将会为本校同学做什么?,.,议论文(共22题) 1. 现象阐释型: 1995年6月,1996年1月, 1997年1月, 1998年1月,1999年1月, 2003年1月 2. 问题对策型: 1996年6月,1997年6月,2000年1月,2001年1月, 3. 观点对比型:1995年1月,1999年6月,2000年6月 4. 论证反驳型:1998年6月说明文(图表作文)(共1题) 柱状图:2002年6月记叙文(共8题) 告知信/建议信:2001年6月,2004年1月 综合信:2002年1月 综合叙事:2003年6月,2003年9月 演讲致辞:2004年6月,2005年1月,2005



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