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1、World Economic Geography,Geographers Perspective of World Economies,Geographers are interested in the distribution of wealth in the world today.What are the patterns of wealth worldwide?Why is wealth distributed in the manner that it is?What can be done to improve the wealth of the poorer countries?

2、,Economic Geographers,explain how people in various places make a living, by analyzing the characteristics of, differences among, and movements between areas of production, exchange, and consumption.,Of special interest economic geographers is the localization of economic activity how has such activ

3、ity has evolved historically within specific cultural and technological contexts What are the particular physical and human resources and economic and political conditions that influence development,professional term in Context产业(industry):承担社会分工一部分的经济活动的统称。产业分布(distribution of the industry ):产业活动在不

4、同地域上的表现。经济地域(economic region):产业活动与具体的特定条件结合而形成的相对完整的地理空间。,劳动地域分工理论,劳动地域分工或经济地域分工:人们在社会物质生产过程中,以产品或商品交换为前提的地区之间的分工。古典经济学家与马克思对劳动分工的论述:劳动分工的客观性;劳动分工是生产(经济)的内在属性;分工会促进商品经济的发展,是提高劳动生产率的重要手段。,经济地理特征:是指一个国家或地区的经济状况、主要物产,工业、农业、交通运输业的特点及自然资源的开发利用状况。,1、经济体系的性质 2、工业地理(工业生产水平、内部结构、主要工业部门,供、产、销的关系,工业布局、发展趋势 )3

5、、农业地理 (农业生产水平、经营方式、地区差异,主要农作物 ) 4、交通运输及其他5、自然资源的开发利用(土地、气候、水、森林、矿物、生物和海洋的开发利用 ),参考书目:reference books:,Modern history of the world(世界近代史)International economy(世界经济)World market geography(世界市场地理)Geo- economics(地缘经济学)Geo- politics(地缘政治学)Overview of various countries(各国概况)world economic geogrophy(世界经济地理

6、),参考杂志,国际经济评论国际贸易地理经济纵横世界经济,Chapter one Characteristics of the forming and development of International economic region system,复习思考题:,1、文明起源的地理分析(地理环境对文明生成的影响)。2、地理大发现。3、从第一次产业革命扩散探讨经济地域分工规律。4、第一次、第二次、第三次科技革命的主要标志、产生的影响和在世界经济地域系统形成中的作用?,文明起源的地理分析-古代文明(ancient civilization),1、大河流域文明 2、海洋文明3、边缘文明,世界经济

7、地域系统的形成过程,The early river valleys are often called the,“Cradles of Civilization”,Which early civilization was located along a narrow strip of land along the Nile in Africa?,EGYPT,Which civilization was located between the Tigris and Euphrates?,MESOPOTAMIA,The name for the region located along the Me

8、diterranean Coast connecting Mesopotamia and the Nile is known as the:,FERTILE CRESCENT,Which civilization was located along the Indus and the Ganges?,INDIA,Which civilization was located on the Huang He (Hwang Ho) River ?,CHINA,People tended to settle in river valleys because:,Water was available f

9、or irrigationSoils were rich for farmingPhysical features such as deserts and mountains provided a natural defense,Examples of the technology of Ancient River civilizations include:,USE OF COPPER, BRONZE& IRONCHARIOTS FOR WARFAREPLOWS FOR FARMING,Location of Greece:,Balkan Peninsula EuropeAsia Minor

10、,Major trade routes to spread Hellenic (GREEK) culture,Black SeaDardanelles Strait,The good harbors and merchant trade emphasis resulted in this for Ancient Greece:,1. Cultural diffusion 2. Technological advances,With such a mild climate, Greeks congregated in the AGORA and:,Engaged in civic and com

11、mercial activities.,Independent city and surrounding lands (small kingdoms),CITY-STATES,边缘文明,玛雅印加文明非洲南部,The Mayan civilization was located in:,Mexico and Central America (Guatemala),Empire located in the Andes Mountains of South America,INCAN,Main Incan city known for its terraced farming in the mou

12、ntains,Incan economy based on,Mountain grown crops,The two major African civilizations of Sub-Saharan Africa are:,1. Ghana2. Zimbabwe (located on upper southern Nile),Bantu kingdom in Southern Africa, in between the Zambezi and Limpopo Rivers:,ZIMBABWE,“Great Zimbabwe”,Migratory invaders threatened

13、Chinas northern borders leading to the construction of:,THE GREAT WALL OF CHINA,China was connected to the Western world (including Rome!) via the:,SILK ROAD (a trade route over land),The Tang period saw the increasing importance of education & high standards set for govt. officials with new:,CIVIL

14、SERVICE EXAMS,Japans culture was MOST heavily influenced by this country:,CHINA,Japans best defense from invaders was:,The island geography! (4 main islands),Feudal Regions & The Beginnings of Trade,Agricultural innovations; bubonic plague; the European Renaissance,地理大发现的背景,13世纪马可.波罗行记的影响15世纪资本原始积累过程中狂热追求黄金资本天文地理知识和航海与造船技术的发展,哥伦布,麦哲伦,达伽马,地理大发现的经济地理意义,1、使新旧大陆连为一体,开辟了世界市场,推动了世界贸易,导致世界经济地域联系开始加强。2、为欧洲主要国家的原始积累开辟了新资源。3、促进了新旧大陆间农商产品的交流,改革了农业体系。4、带来了世界性的人口移动。5、改变了世界贸易的航线和中心。,



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