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1、Lesson 73-74 The way to King Street. What did they do?本节课学习重点:不规则动词的一般过去式,一些副词,一般过去式提问:What did they do?New words and expressions:生词和短语1. Week: n. 一周。 相关短语:in a week 在一周内;last week 上一周;next week 下周。例句:How many days are there in a week?2. London: n. 伦敦。London is the capital of the UK. (the UK: 全称是 th

2、e United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国) 知识拓展:英国著名大学有:Oxford 牛津大学;Cambridge University 剑桥大学。“Titanic”泰坦尼克号的处女航,于 1912 年 4 月从英国南安普敦出发,原定目的地:纽约。很不幸的是航行途中撞到冰山沉没,造成空前的海难,1500 多人遇难。名人:莎士比亚,牛顿,伊丽莎白女王,戴安娜王妃,威廉王子,贝克汉姆,费雯丽,奥黛丽赫本,凯特温斯莱特等。3. Suddenly:adv. 突然地。sudden: adj.& n. 相关短语:

3、all of a sudden 突然地,出乎意料地例句:Suddenly, she looked ten years older. 4. bus stop:公共汽车站(小型停靠站,如公交展台)区别:bus station 汽车(总)站,单现代英语,尤其是美式英语里,区别不是太细了。Airport 机场; port 港口 (Shanghai Port 上海港) ;parking lot 停车场5. smile. v. 微笑, (过去式)smiled。 也可作名词,如 big smile 笑容满面Smile to oneself 暗笑。Smile on向微笑,对加以赞许 smile at 对微笑,

4、一笑置之6. Pleasantly:愉快地 adv. pleasant(adj.)令人愉快的 反义词:unpleasant例句:We talked pleasantly of old times. 我们愉快地谈论着过去的时光。The woman had a pleasant face. 那个女人长着一张和善的脸。7. understand (v.) 过去式:understood例句:Do you understand? I dont understand Japanese.8. speak: 说,讲,过去式:spoke 短语:speak English/Chinese/French 例句:I

5、can speak a little French. 比较 tell, say, speak, talk 的用法搭配:tell a story; say “goodbye”; speak English; talk about sth.; talk with sb.9.hand: 手 left hand 左手 in hand (adv.) 在手头,在进行中,在控制中 hand in:交上,提交(作业) hand in hand 手拉手 clap your hands 拍拍手 by hand (adv.)用手工(做的)10. pocket: n. 衣袋 coat pocket 衣袋 pocket

6、 money 零花钱,零用钱11. phrasebook. 短语手册 an English phrasebook 一本英语常用语手册12. phrase. n. Noun phrase 名词短语 key phrase 关键短语13. slowly:(adv.) 缓慢地 slow (adj.)缓慢的 He spoke slowly. 14. hurriedly: adv. 匆忙地 hurried(adj.) 匆忙的 hurry(n.) 匆忙 Hurry up! 赶快!in a hurry 立即,匆忙15. cut (v.)过去式 cut 割,切。 cut down 削减,砍到,杀死 cut of

7、f:切断,中断,使死亡,剥夺继承权 cut in 插嘴,超车,插入例句:Cut the tomatoes in half vertically. 把西红柿竖着切两半。16. thirstily. (adv.) thirsty(adj.) thirst(n.) 口渴例句:He drank the whole bottle of coco-cola thirstily.17. go. 过去式 went 走, go slowly 慢慢地走 go home 回家 go shopping 去购物18. greet 过去式 greeted 问候,打招呼不规则动词过去式小结:read-read put-pu

8、t cut-cut shave-shaved arrive-arrived is, am-was are-werego-went know-knew lose-lost see-saw say-said tell-told swim-swam smile-smiled speak-spoke take-took find-found eat-ate give-gave drink-drank meet-met understand-understood规则动词:ask-asked open-opened greet-greeted work-worked enjoy-enjoyed副词:bad

9、-badly hurried-hurriedly pleasant-pleasantly slow-slowly sudden-suddenly warm-warmly thirsty-thirstily careful-carefully quick-quickly课后练习:A The way to King StreetRead the passage on the textbook. Fill in the missing words. 根据课文内容填空。Last week Mrs. Mills to .She does not London very , and she her way

10、.Suddenly she a man near a bus . me, she . Can you me the to King Street, ?The man pleasantly. He did not English!He German. He was a .He a phrase slowly from his :I am , he said to Mrs. Mills. I not English.B VocabularyHow do these people do things? How did they do things? First, look at these adje

11、ctives and adverbs, then join the sentences like the example. 学习这些形容词和副词,然后模仿例句连接一下各组句子。bad-badlypleasant-pleasantlyquick-quicklyslow-slowlysudden-suddenlywarm-warmlycareful-carefullyangry-angrilyhard-hardlate-lategood-well1. She smiled. She wan pleasant. She smiled pleasantly. 2. He spoke. He wan q

12、uick. 3. She writes english. Shes careful. 4. They arrived. They were late. 5. He looked at me. He was angry. 6. He speaks English. His English is very good. 7. He cut himself. It was bad. 8. I worked in the office. It was hard. C Structure Look at these irregular verbs and write in the simple past

13、forms.写出以下不规则动词的过去式。be- was find- meet- speak- cut- cut give- read- swim- do- go- say- take- drink- lose- see- understand- Write in the simple past of the irregular verbs in these sentences. 用不规则动词的过去式填空。1. The man (speak) very slowly, but I didnt understand him.2. The most tourist (lose) his way in Hong Kong.3. My friends (meet) me at the railway station.4. Jills father (give) her the key to the front


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