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1、 摘 要 分税制改革后,地方政府财权与事权不匹配,地方政府财政状况不佳,主要依靠中央政府的转 移支付和税收返还维持财政收支平衡,没有余力进行公共投资。但是随着房地产业的不断发展,土地生财模式成为地方政府财政收入的重要支柱。2011年在审计部门的调查下地方政府庞大的债务 规模逐步显露出来,引发了地方债务风险的担忧。本文首先通过对地方债务的发展历程进行梳理发现地方政府存在过度负债进行公共投资的强烈 偏好。随后对国内外对于地方政府债务的研究论述和现状进行分析归纳,得到本文的研究结论:地方政府巨额负债的深层次原因是 地方政绩考核体系和财源支持的结果,银行业起到了推波助澜的 作用。我国实行集权式的行政管

2、理体制,因此分析地方政府债务 风险要上升到我国政府总体债务上进行定量分析,总体上说地方债务风险可控,但是局部风险、短期风险很高。随着中央政府对房 地产行业采取了史上最严格的宏观调控,继续实行现有的土地生 财模式不可持续,地方本级财政收入以及土地出让收入的不稳定 性加剧,中央政府面临着兜底风险。本文根据研究发现:地方政府债务的深层次原因是政绩考核体系和土地生财模式共同作用的结果。因此本文从政治体制改革、财政体制改革、金融体制改革、土 地生财模式改革四方面出发,通过四位一体的改革使地方政府举 债投资冲动和超前财源的支撑得到有效抑制,使地方政府举债的 边际成本和边际收益相等,实现当地居民的福利最大化

3、。关键词:土地生财模式信号传递地方债务Abstract After the reform of tax sharing system, the sub-national governments do not have enough financial powers to fulfill its functions. The financial condition of sub-national government is not good, which mainly rely on the central governments transfer payment and tax return

4、to maintain the balance of revenue and expenditure, without any revenue to public investment. But with the continuous development of the real estate, mechanism of land making money becomes the important pillar of local government finance. At 2011, investigation of National Audit Office revealed that

5、 the scale of local government debt makes me to do research on the local debt crisis. This paper is based on the history of the debt of the sub-national governments, which prefer investment by debts. Then I will summary the research on sub-national government debt both at home and abroad, and get th

6、e conclusion of this paper: The deep-level reasons of sub-national governments debts are local government performance appraisal system and financial support of the results. At the same time, the bank has promoted the process of it. Because of the implementation of centralized political system, thus

7、the analysis of the debt risk of sub-national governments should relate with our central governments debt, and undertake quantitative analysis, which reveal the whole local debt risk is controllable, but local short-term risk is high. Along with the central government taking the most strict macro-co

8、ntrol on the real estate industry in history, which makes land business model is not sustainable. The sub-national governments revenues and land income is instability, the central government shares the risks. In this paper,by the establishment of land under the support of sub-national governments de

9、bt model study found thatachievement evaluation system and land making money make Joint action. By making the political system reform, financial system reform, financial system reform, land money mechanism reform, will suppress the local government debt investment impulse and advance financial suppo

10、rt effectively, so that the marginal cost and marginal revenue of sub-national governments debt is equal, achieving the goal of local residents welfare maximization. Keywords: land business mechanism, signal transduction, Sub-national governments debt 目 录 一、引言 .1(一)研究背景和意义 .1(二)研究综述 .4(三)本文的研究方法 .12

11、(四)本文的研究框架 .13(五)本文的创新和不足之处 .14二、地方债务相关概念的界定及发展历程 .15(一)地方债务的概念 .15(二)地方债务的发展历程 .16三、我国地方债务风险衡量 .21(一)地方债务的存量风险分析 .21(二)从地方财政流量分析 .28四、地方政府土地生财模式的重要性 .31(一)地方政府土地显性收益 .32(二)地方政府的间接土地收入 .33(三)土地财政的不可持续性 .35五、地方巨额债务的深层次原因 .39(一)政绩考核体系下的地方政府投资冲动 .39(二)土地生财模式下的财力支撑 .44(三)地方政府债务模型的相关实证分析 .46六、应对土地生财模式的债务

12、问题的建议 .49(一)我国地方政府债务治理的外部制度调整 .49(二)土地生财模式的转变 .53参考文献 致谢1一、 引 言 (一)研究背景和意义在美国金融危机爆发后,冰岛、希腊、爱尔兰、葡萄牙、西班牙乃至意大利接连爆发债务危机。国际评级机构连续下调西方多国主权信用评级,危机逐渐向美国蔓延,西方主权债务危机愈演愈烈。一方面,金融危机使世界经济陷入低谷,发达国家经济发展大幅下跌,这使得政府税收锐减的同时财政支出的刚性增长,使得财政收支严重恶化;另一方面,为应对金融危机,各国政府实行扩张性财政政策,使财政赤字大增,收支状况进一步恶化。国际评级机构下调有巨额债务的主权国家信用评级,推高其融资成本,加大政府融资的难度,使得西方主权债务危机愈演愈烈。西方主权债务危机不仅恶化了中国的外需环境,使得中国的经济增速受到负面冲击,更引发了我国地方政府债务风险的思考。 在2008年金融危机爆发后,中央政府迅速出台4万亿的经济刺激计划,通过加



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