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1、递交大使馆的商务派遣函-英文样本(2008-03-21 15:09:07)标签:商务 签证 派遣函 英文 文化 (01)Statement of Certification* * * (02)This is to certify the staff - * * * (03) (Passport No: * * * (04) Date of Birth: * * * (05) Position: * * * (06) ) of * * * (07) is allowed to make a business visit to Germany from * * * (08).At the invi

2、tation of * * * (09) , the definite aim of this visit is to * * * (10).It is our expected that he/she/they will get more advanced experience and find more opportunity of international trade during the period.All of expenses covering his/her/their visit including air tickets, accommodation, health in

3、surance will be borne by our company.We further certify that he/she/they will obey the laws and regulation in Europe, and return to China on time to continue his/her/their work. Your cooperation will be highly appreciated.Best wishes!Company Seal (11) 单位派遣函样本说明一中文大意今有我公司职员* * *(护照号码:* * *, 出生年月:* *

4、*,职位* * *)在*年*月*日至*年*月*日期间赴德进行为期*周的商务访问活动。在* * *公司的邀请下,其此次出访的主要目的是* * *,相信通过此次商务考察,其本人将会掌握更多先进经验并寻求新的国际间贸易合作机会。此次出访期间的所有费用,包括机票、膳食、健康保险等均由本公司承担。我公司确保此人在出国访问期间遵守欧洲的法律法规,并按时返回中国工作。此致敬礼!领导签字及加盖公章二填写说明(01). 此处需正确填写签证申请人准备送签使馆的国内地址;(02). 此处需按照“日、月、年”的顺序填写此份派遣函的签发日期;(03). 此处需以汉语拼音的方式正确填写签证申请人姓名及其性别;(注:A.

5、签证申请人姓名拼写方式与其所持有效护照一致;B.“姓”与“名”之间用空格隔开,且“姓”与“名”的第一个字母须大写);(04). 此处需正确填写签证申请人护照号码;(05). 此处需正确填写签证申请人生日;(06). 此处需正确填写签证申请人职务;(注:此职务需与送签邀请函上职务一致)(07). 此处填写签证申请人单位名称;(注:此单位名称应与“单位抬头纸”及邀请函上的单位名称一致)(08). 此处填写境外申请国家的停留长度及其大致时间;(注:A. 此时间需与邀请函邀请时间或签证申请表格申请时间一栏一致,B. 建议表达方式为月至月为期一或两周)(09). 此处需正确填写境外邀请单位名称;(10)

6、. 此处填写出访目的,内容与邀请函的主要内容相一致;(11). 此处加盖签证申请人的单位公章。(注:此公章应与“单位抬头纸”及邀请函上的单位名称一致)三注意事项(01). 此函需以团员公司标准信签打印,并经单位领导签字盖章后方能生效;(02). 此函以派遣单位为一份;如人数超过 2人以上,则将个人资料(即第 03第 06项)以人员名单形式随件附后。(03). 派遣函中 he/she/they或 his/her/their需根据签证申请人实际情况予以选择。范本:(送立陶宛大使馆的商务派遣函)Visa Section,Lithuanian EmbassyB-30 Kings Garden Vill

7、as, No.18 Xiao Yun Road,Chaoyang DistrctBeijing 100016Statement of CertificationMarch 21, 2008This is to certify the staff Mr. Ge Binggao (Passport No: G09539822, Date of Birth: June 18, 1973, Position: Sales Manager) of Qingdao Yaqi The System Cold Engineering Co., ltd. is allowed to make a busines

8、s traveling to Lithuania from March 28, 2008 to April 11, 2008, total 15 days.At the invitation of Lithuanian Holidays the definite aim of this visit is to have a business traveling.It is our expected that he will get more advanced experience and find more opportunity of international trade during t

9、he period.All of expenses covering his visit including air tickets, accommodation, health insurance will be borne by our company.We further certify that he will obey the laws and regulation in Europe, and return to China on time to continue his work.Your cooperation will be highly appreciated.Best wishes!Li ShuzeGeneral ManagerQingdao Yaqi The System Cold Engineering Co., ltd.


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