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1、1Unit Two ColourExercise One一、 词汇1、用所给的中文或首字母完成句子.(1)Id rather_( 穿 )blue than green.(2)Simon wants to tell his friends about the colours of the_(彩虹).(3)I think black l_ good on you. Put on this black T-shirt.(4)Attention !The traffic lights turned y_.(5)Wed r_ sing this song than that one.(6)How man

2、y c _are there in the rainbow?2、用所给词的适当形式填空.(1)My watch doesnt work .I think there is _(nothing) wrong with it.(2)The world would be a dull place_(with) colours.(3)Ive just _(see)a rainbow in the sky.(4)She prefers a _(colour) dress to a white dress.(5)Id rather_(stay) at home than go out.二、 单项选择1、T

3、here must be something wrong_ the computer .I cant fix it.A. to B. with C. in D. on2、There are two apple on the table ._do you choose to eat?A. What B. When C. Which D. Where3.Pink is a girls colour, it looks good _you.A .on B. in C .at D. with4.How many colours _in a rainbow?A. are they B .are ther

4、e C. they are D. there are5._is not easy to get to the top of the class, but students at this school have confidence.A. It B. This C. That D. They2Exercise Two一.词汇.1、英汉互译.(1) 影响某人的心情(2) 感觉轻松(3) 给你一份满足的感觉(4) 带给你成功(5) 使想起(6) 做决定有困难(7) make us feel sleepy(8) the feeling of harmony(9) feel stressed(10)i

5、n cold climates(11)cheer you up(12)the colour of wisdom2、所给词的适当形式填空.(1) Colours can make us_(feel) happy or sad, energetic or _(sleep).(2) When I go to the teachers office, I will feel_(relax).(3) I like blue and the walls were_(paint) blue in my bedroom.(4) _(wear)blue clothes or sleeping in a blue

6、 room is good for the mind and body.(5) Green represents new life and_(grow) and blue represents_(sad).(6) His English was very poor and he spoke with_(difficult).(7) I hope we can make a _(decide) today.(8) This summer, the terrible weather has greatly_(affect) out moods.(9) “Cheer up” means “make

7、someone_(happy)”.(10)My parents were_ (content) with my marks.3、用所给的中文完成句子.(1) Orange_(代表 )joy. It can bring you _(成功)and cheer you up.(2) Yellow is also the colour of _( 智慧 )(3) Nanjing is so hot in summer ,I like to live in cooler_(气候).(4) Every time my father drinks a cup of hot tea after supper,

8、 he feels very_(满足).(5) When I saw the old picture ,it_(使想起 )me of my childhood.(6) Did you know colours can _(影响) our moods?3(7) Green is the colour of money and _( 妒忌).(8) He is under great_(压力)because of his new job.(9) Wearing red makes it easier for you to take_(行动 ).(10)I had _(困难 )making a _(

9、决定 ).二.下列句子中 A.B.C.D 中,有一处错误,请找出并在横线上订正.1、The students are busy get ready for the autumn sports meeting.( )_A B C D2、The walls were painted blue a calm peace colour. ( )_A B C D3、Sleep in a blue room is good for our bodies. ( )_A B C D4、What he says makes us very happily. ( )_A B C D5、These colours

10、give us a happy and contented feel. ( )_A B C D6.-Is there strange anything in her bag?A B C-No, there isnt. ( )_D7.They would rather using colours like orange and yellow. ( )_A B C D8.Green represents new life and grow and it is the colour of nature. ( )_A B C D三、 按要求改写句子.1、That colour makes us fee

11、l unhappy.(改为被动语态 )We _ _ _ _unhappy by that colour.2、Wearing blue clothes is good for the mind and body.(改为同义句)._ _ good for the mind and body _ _ blue clothes.3、It can make you remember a warm, sunny day.( 改为同义句 )It can _ you _ a warm, sunny day.44.Orange can make you feel warm.( 对划线部分提问 )_ _ oran

12、ge make you feel?5.We met some friends and went shopping for clothes together.( 改为一般疑问句 )_ you _ _ friends and _ shopping for clothes together?6.What should I wear? I dont know.(合并为一句话)I dont know what _ _. 7.A T-shirt is enough. I dont want any other things.( 改为同义句 )A T-shirt is enough. I want _ _.

13、8.I have found nothing special in this shop.( 改为同义句 )I_ found _ _ in this shop.四、 选用所给词组填空,每个只能用一次.Taking action, cheerup, feel better, would ratherthan ,remindof1. When I feel sad, my friends always _ me _.2. Orange can _ you _ a warm, sunny day.3. _ is more difficult than making a decision.4. I ho

14、pe you _.5. He _ wear blue _ pink.五、 翻译下列句子.1、你知道颜色能影响我们的心情吗?Do you know that colour can _?2、许多人喜欢白色,因为它代表纯洁。Many people like white, because it _.3、蓝色能创造出一种元器件调的感觉。Blue can_ the feeling of _.4、当你做出决定有困难时,红色会帮助你。Red can help you when you are _.5、她担心很多,所以常常感到不安。5She worries a lot and often _.Exercise Three一.动动你的聪明小脑袋,就会很快找出他们的近义词的。1、happiness2、strong3、sad4、contented5、energetic6、calm7、know8、affect9、need10、 sadness11、 characteristics12、 moods13、 hope14、 exercise二.根据括号内中的要求,转换下列句子.1.Theres something wrong with th


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