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1、2012年职称英语(综合类)阅读理解中英文背诵模板*第二十五篇 Income文章名称 问题 答案Income25. Income(综 B)1) This passage is mainly about2) Which of the following statements is true according to the first paragraph?3) It can be known from this passage that the government levy tax on4) According to this passage, the money you get as int

2、erest from government bonds is5) The passage implies that25. Income(综 B)1) the difference between national income and personal income.2) The money that goes for capital consumption is not regarded as income.3) corporation profits.4) The money not earned but received.5) People pay taxes somewhat unwi

3、llingly.收入25. 收入(综 B)本文是关于_。根据第一段,正确的观点是_ 。政府对于_征税。从政府证券中获得的利润_。这篇文章暗示_。25收入(综 B)国民收入和个人收入的区别用于资本消费的钱不算收入公司利润不是挣的钱而是得到的钱人们不愿意支付税+第三十四篇 (新增)To Have or Have Not文章名称 问题 答案To Have or Have Not34. To Have or Have Not(综 A)1) Why did the writer want to leave the hotel?2) What attracted the writer to the sho

4、p?3) The writer found the stock in the front of 34. To Have or Have Not(综 A)1) To have a change of scene.2) The light coming from inside.the shop_.4) What was unusual about the way the woman looked at him?5) The writer disliked the back room because_.3) of top quality4) She seemed to know him well5)

5、 he saw nothing he really liked逃 亡逃 亡(综 A) 作者为什么想离开旅馆_。 是什么吸引作者到那个商店_。 作者发现小店前面存放的物品是怎样的_。 那个女人看他的方式有什么不寻常_。 作者不喜欢后屋的原因是_逃 亡(综 A) 去看看风景 商店里的灯光 质量上乘 她看起来认识他 没有他喜欢的东西+第三十五篇 (新增)Going Her Own Way文章名称 问题 答案Going Her Own Way 36. Going Her Own Way(综 A)1) Maria wanted to attend_.2) In those days, most Ital

6、ian girls_.3) You can infer from this passage that_.4) Maria s father probably_.5) High school teachers in Italy in those days were_.36. Going Her Own Way(综 A)1) technical high school.2) did not go to high school3) only boys usually attended technical schools4) had very traditional views about women

7、5) quite strict选择她自己的路36. 选择她自己的路(综 A)玛丽亚想去个怎样的学校_。当时大多数的意大利女孩的选择是_。36选择她自己的路(综 A)技校不上高中从这篇文章可以推论得出_。玛丽亚的父亲很可能_。当时意大利的高中老师_。通常只有男孩儿才上技校对女性的态度很传统 非常严格+第三十六篇 A Tale of Scottish Rual Life文章名称 问题 答案A Tale of Scottish Rual Life 35. A Tale of Scottish Rual Life(综 A)1) What is Sunset Song mainly about?2) W

8、hich statement is Not true of Chris?3) What is the opening section of the novel mainly concerned with?4) Who are responsible for Ewans death,according to Chris?5) The word sunset occurring in the title of the novel most probably means_.35. A Tale of Scottish Rual Life(综A)1) The lives of rural Scotti

9、sh farmers2) She married only once3) The history of Kinraddie4) The Germans5) The end of traditional life苏格兰乡村生活的故事35. 苏格兰乡村生活的故事(综 A)歌曲 Sunset Song主要是关于 关于 Chris的说法中不正确的是_。小说开篇部分主要是关于_。在 Chris看来,谁应该为 Ewan的死负责_ 。小说题目中 Sunset这个单词的意思最可能的意思是_35苏格兰乡村生活的故事(综 A)苏格兰乡村的生活她只结过一次婚Kinraddie 的历史德国人 传统生活的结束+第三十七

10、篇 (新增)Pop Music in Africa文章名称 问题 答案Pop Music in Africa37. Pop Music in Africa (综 A)1) This passage is about how African pop music is_.2) For people outside of Africa, African pop music is_.3) The musicians mentioned in this passage all_.4) Eric Wainaina_.5) Witness Mwaijaga writes about the problems

11、 of women partly because_.37. Pop Music in Africa(综 A)1) more serious than most pop music2) both familiar and different3) write about serious problems4) studied music in Boston5) she has had a difficult life herself非洲的流行音乐37. 非洲的流行音乐(综 A)这篇文章是关于非洲流行音乐为什么会_。对非洲以外的人来说,非洲流行音乐是_。文中提及的音乐家们都_。Eric Wainain

12、a _。Witness Mwaijaga 写关于女人的问题的原因是_。37非洲的流行音乐(综 A)比其他流行音乐更严肃既熟悉又不同写严肃题材的歌曲在波士顿学习音乐她自己的困难经历+第三十九篇 Eat to Live文章名称 问题 答案Eat to Live39. Eat to Live(综 A)1) According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?2) Why does the author mention an elderly mouse in paragraph 2?3) What can be inferred a

13、bout completely 39. Eat to Live(综 A)1) We have to begin dieting from childhood.2) To illustrate the effect of meager food on mice.3) They are more likely to suffer normally fed mice mentioned in the passage?4) According to the author, which of the following most interested the researchers?5) Accordi

14、ng to the last two paragraphs, Spindler believes thatfrom inflammation.4) The mice that started dieting in old age.5) Dieting is not a good method to give us health and a long life.为了活着吃饭39. 为了活着吃饭(综 A)_是不正确的。作者提到老老鼠的目的是_。从正常喂养的老鼠中可以看出_。研究者最感兴趣的是_。Spindler 认为_。39为了活着吃饭(综 A)童年时代就开始减肥证明节食对老鼠的影响它们更可能得炎症老年开始节食的老鼠节食并不是带来健康与长寿的方法+第四十篇 New US Plan for Disease Prevention文章名称 问题 答案New US Plan for Disease Prevention40. New US Plan for Disease Prevention(综 A)1.) Which of the following is NOT true of chronic diseases in the US?2. )The author mentions all the following as ways of disease preventio



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