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1、突破英语句型及时态的误区在中英文之间架起一座桥一、 英文作为第二语言教学与学习国际上公认的 3 种方法。传统教学法,句型教学法,功能教学法。GIVE YOU A FISH AND YOU EAT FOR ONE DAY;TEACH YOU TO FISH AND YOU EAT FOR A LIFETIME. 给你一条鱼,你只吃一天;教会你捕鱼,你将享用终生。二单词的记忆靠的是提高记忆的方法记忆的七大要素1重复;2。理解要记的信息;3。一心不二用;4。把新的信息与已知的信息连接起来;5。将信息分类(每次不可超过七类);6。回忆;7。享受学习(疲劳。心情不好不学)。三 英语中的经纬度- 词性和词

2、序英文靠什么构成句子被学生忽视的-最宝贵也是最简单的东西。 英文句子的三种基本模式 主+系动词+表1 这个人 是 一个老师。 The man is a teacher. 主语 系 表语 主语 系 表语(名词) 2 他 (是) 很忙。 He is busy. 主语 系 表语 主语 系 表语(形容词) 注意中文中的系动词经常被省略,而英文中绝不能省。3 她 (是)在教室里。 She is in the classroom.主语 系 表语 主语 系 表语(介词语)词序 1 1 主语2 2 系动词3 3 表语即句子主体 用于连接主语和表语表示主语身份、状态及所处的位置词性 * 名词 代词 Be (is

3、, am, are)* 名词 形容词 介词+*名词 定语只修饰名词,不破坏句子基本结构.注意词序的不同。形容词 介词短语4 4 高个子的 男人 是 从英国来的 老师。The tall man is a teacher from England.5 5 她在 二楼的 小 教室里。She is in the small classroom on the second floor. 谓+主+状 该句型通常用于表达某地存在某物(人)房间里 有 一张桌子。 2 我们家 有 五人。There are 某人某物 某地 There are 某人某物 某地1 There is a table in the ro

4、om. 2 There are five people in my family.3 There is a big table in the room on the second floor. 主+谓+宾+状词序 5 状语 1 主语 2 谓语 3 宾语 4 状语 5 状语句子的 主体 主语发出 的动作 动作的接 受者 修饰谓语动词表示谓语动作发生的时间地点原因等词性 介词+名词 名词代词 动词(do) 名词代词 副词 介词+名词名词 介词短语 副词 动词 名词1. 学生们 在大学里 努力 学习 英语。主语 状语 状语 谓语 宾语The students study English hard i

5、n the university.主语 谓语 宾语 状语 状语1. The number of speakers of English in Shakespeares time is five million. Today it is 260 million.2 2 A life without a friend is a life without a sun. 3.昨天,在戏院(theatre)里,我后面的一男一女总是大声说话。A young man and a young woman behind me were talking loudly Yesterday in the theate

6、r,. 句子的扩展-名词性从句主 语 谓 语 宾语(宾语从句) 每个人都 知道 地球 围太 阳运行主 语 谓 语 宾语(宾语从句) Everyone knows ( that ) the earth moves around the sun. 主语(主语从句) 系 表语 地球围着太阳运行 是 一条真理。主语(主语从句) 系 表语 That the Earth moves round the sun is a truth. It is a truth that the Earth moves round the Sun. 主 语 系 表语(表语从句) My idea is ( that ) we

7、 will go to the Great Wall . 宾语 从 句 I know that he studied English hard in the university for the testwho five years ago. what how where why I know who studied English hard in the university for the test . I know how he studied English for the test five years ago.What you want is what I want.1 * Wha

8、t is learned in the cradle 摇篮 is carried to the grave 坟墓.摇篮里学到的东西会带进坟墓。(幼年学的到死不会忘。)2 * What we do willingly is easy. 天下无难事,只怕有心人。3 * You never know what you can do till you try. 句子的扩展-定语从句 . 他 是 那个下学期要教我们的英文老师。主 系 定语从句 表 He is an English teacher who will teach us next term.1 Im talking about the dog

9、 that is running after the cat that is running after the rat that is eating the cheese. Now you know which dog I mean.2 *He who has many friends has no friends.3 *He who would hang himself is sure to find a rope.4 4 *He who loses wealth loses much; he who loses a friend loses more; but he who loses

10、courage(勇气) loses all. 这 就是 我们老师写的那本书。主 系 定语从句 表语定语从句 This is the book which(that) was written by our teacher. = This is the book written by our teacher. The girl who is sitting in that corner is a good singer.坐在角落的那个姑娘是个好歌手。(现在分词短语做定语时表示的是进行)=The girl sitting in that corner is a good singer.分词短语做定语

11、 动名词 Seeing is believing. Teaching is learning. Saying is easy. Doing is difficult. Teaching English as the second language is not an easy job. Winning or losing is temporary, but friendship lasts. My job is teaching English.。 Watching TV after supper is What he likes .1. 1. *Lying and stealing are

12、next-door neighbors.2. 2. It has been said that everyone lives by selling something. In the light of(依照,按照)this statement, teachers live by selling knowledge, philosophers(哲学家)by selling wisdom(智慧)and priests by selling spiritual comfort. 动词不定式* To see is to believe. To save time is to lengthen life. * It is hard to catch birds with an empty hand.1. 1. *It is good to have company in trouble(or) misery.2. 2. *The first step to knowledge is to know that we are ignorant.。3. To save time is to lengthen life .


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