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1、- 1 -湖北省十堰市竹山县茂华中学八年级英语下册Unit 1 Wil l people have robots学案 6(无答案) 人教新目标版2、学会使用 fewer, less, more 来谈论可数与不可数名词3、掌握 There will be,somebody will 的将来时态及答语。(二)能力目标:学会谈论将来以及同学对将来世界的变化的想法。(三)情感目标:通过本单元的学习,引导学生懂得珍惜今天的时间来学习为将来找份好工作而努力学习。【教学重点】:学会使用 fewer, less, more 来谈论可数与不可数名词【教学难点】: 掌握 There will be,somebod

2、y will 的将来时态及答语。 【Task 1】: 用所给动词的适当形式填空1、 (predict) the result can be very difficult.2、Well have (little) free time next year than this year.3、Robot (help) people (do) housework in the future.4、My uncle _(live) in their hometown las t year, but now he _(live) in Beijing because he is working there.

3、He says he (live) in Washington in 2 years.5、What he said (come) true soon.6、Five years ago, Jim (be) in high school, but now he (be) in college.7、When I was young, I (come) to the city, then I (fall)in love with it.8、Do you think there (be) any paper money in one hundred years?9、If you are ill, you

4、 must (drink) much water.10、There (be) fewer animals living here in ten years.【Task2】句子翻译1、十年后你的生活将会是什么样的?your life ten years?2、我甚至有可能养一只鹦鹉。I a pet parrot.3、我不喜欢独自一个人居住,因为我会感到孤单寂寞。I dont like because I will feel .4、在周末,我将能够穿的更 随便些。_the weekend. I_ _ _ to _ _casually.5、预测未来可能很困难。 the can be very diff

5、icult.6、机器人做和人一样的事将会是很困难的。be difficult a robot the things a person.- 2 -7、一些机器人将看起来像人,其他的有可能看起 来像蛇。robots will humans, might like snakes.8、人们将不使用钱,一切东西都将是免费的。People money, will .9、十年后将会有少一些的污染吗? 不,不会。 in ten years?No, .10、人们将会活到 200岁吗?不,我不认为如此。people live to be 200 years old?No, I .【复习诊断】动词运用,选用方框中动

6、词的适当形式填空fall, get, talk, seem, walk, finish, fly, buy, rain, look 1、When I came out of the supe rmarket, it began , so I was all wet.2、It that its going to rain.3、Why not with your mother about your proble m?4、I need some money gifts for my family.5、I think you should a part-time job.6、I went to Hai

7、nan last month and in love with it.7、I need smart for m y job interview.8、One day I to Hong Kong Disneyland to see Mickey Mouse.9、It took them two years the work.10、The scientists have made robots and dance.【限时作业】 满分 10分 得分_1、It took me two hours my homework.Afinish Bfinished Cfinishing Dto finish2、

8、The students should a uniform to school every day.Adress Bput on Ctake Dwear3、The old man went to look for his grandson .Abefore a few days Bin two daysCtwo days ago Dnext two days4、在操场上有数百人。There are _ _ people on the playground.5、我们向月球发射卫星的梦想终于实现了。Our dream of sending a satellite to the moon final

9、ly _ 6、没有人知道未来的生活是什么样子。No one knows what the life is like _ _ _ .7、10 年后,污染将会减少,树木将更多。In 10 years, there will be _ _ and _ _ .8、60 年后人们能活到 120岁。People to 120 60 years. 【Homework】 1、请递我一张纸。Please pass me paper.2、她一看那件衣服就喜欢上了它。She the dress as soon as she saw it.3、我们必须穿校服上学。We have to to school.4、下周一,我叔叔将乘飞机去广州。Next Monday my uncle is Guangzhou.- 3 -【学后反思】_



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