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1、两分钟做个小测试,看看你的英语水平http:/ 提供: 无 fuck 说 sun 心病狂等词,英语的正确表达方式说到棺材板快按不住了这个梗,是由之前在网上流行的“气的活过来”而延伸而来, 总的来说,就是表示对于一种违反正常定律的吐槽形式。而在英语中也恰好有相同意思意思的说法,那就是“气得从棺材里跳出来”。1.die a second time.e.g. If my mother had known of it she would die a second time.如果我妈妈知道这事,她一定会气得从棺材里跳出来。2. be turning in grave.e.g. They were ver

2、y negative last night and the Bootroom dynasty must be turning in their graves.他们昨天实在太消极了,我想如果当年的“利物浦王朝”看见这一切一定会气得从棺材里跳出来。那么关于让语文老师棺材板按不住的词有哪些呢?1、无 fuck 说(无话可说)had nothing to saye.g. I had nothing to say regarding this matter.对于这件事我无话可说。can say nothing moree.g. Theres nothing more I can say.我今天没啥想要多

3、说的。2、无可 phone 告(无可奉告)No commente.g. Even a less-than-enthusiastic tone of voice or a terse no comment can be asdamaging as a negative remark.就连不甚热情的语调或者简明扼要的“无可奉告”都有可能像负面评价一样影响你的形象take the Fifth 以美国宪法第五条修正案为庇护;避而不答我们在警匪片里警察们常常会说:你有权保持沉默,并有权请律师。You have the right to remain silent and consult an attor

4、ney.而犯罪分子回答说:Ill take the fifth.我选择使用沉默权。这里的“take the fifth”,是指美国宪法第五修正案规定受到指控的人有权保持沉默,所以常用 the fifth 指沉默权。3、Tony 带水(拖泥带水)not sloppilye.g. Do things neatly, not sloppily.办事要利落, 不要拖泥带水。messye.g. Yes, you are the first, other man is blunt, never messy.是,你是第一个,其他男人都直截了当的,从不拖泥带水。4、sun 心病狂(丧心病狂)to become

5、 frenziede.g. Did you hear his frenzied tattle?你听见这丧心病狂的闲谈了吗?5、more 名奇妙(莫名其妙)without rhyme or reasone.g. His wife scolded him endlessly, without rhyme or reason.他的太太莫名其妙地骂他个不停。bafflinge.g. It is quite baffling that he left without a word.他一声不吭就走了, 真叫人莫名其妙。6、book 思议(不可思议)inconceivablee.g. It sounds i

6、nconceivable but is the naked truth.这听起来不可思议,但却绝对是事实。incrediblee.g. If it does work, what an incredible advance it would be.如果真的有效,将是多么不可思议的进步。7、cheer 不舍(锲而不舍)perseverancee.g. Nothing lay ahead of us but exertion, struggle, and perseverance.在我们的脑海里,只剩下了努力,奋斗,锲而不舍。8、无 shit 可击(无懈可击)irreproachablee.g.

7、Your testimony on this matter is hardly unimpeachable.在这个问题上你的辩驳很难说是无懈可击watertighte.g. It sounded a good watertight story.起来是个很好的说法,无懈可击。9、Eason 不坑(一声不吭)as mute as a mousesay neither ba nor bum【口语】一声不吭,不开腔10、铺天 gay 地(铺天盖地)out the sky and the lande.g. The blizzard blotted out the sky and the land.暴风雪铺天盖地而来。两分钟做个小测试,看看你的英语水平http:/


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