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1、外国语学院英语专业本科毕业论文选题指南第 1 页 共 5 页英语专业本科毕业论文选题方向文学、文化、语言学、教育、翻译五个方面(选题要能体现专业)A 英美国文学(英美文学的文化研究、作品分析等); 国别文学研究和地域文学研究 文学流派研究 (如:浪漫主义,现实主义,自然主义,超现实主义,存在主义,黑色幽默,意识流,女性主义文学等) 作家研究和文本分析 中外比较文学研究 举例 文学类1. The Independent Spirit of Hester Brynne in The Scarlet Letter红字中海丝特白兰的独立精神探析3. On the Fatalistic Ideas in

2、 Hardys Works 论哈代作品中的宿命论观点4. The Influence of Inferiority Complex on the works of Charlotte Bronte试论自卑情结对夏绿蒂勃朗特创作的影响5. A Comparison between the Themes of Pilgrimage to the West and Pilgrims Progress西游记与天路历程主题的比较6. A Probe into the Feminist Idea of Jane Eyre 简爱男女平等思想的探索7. About the Breaking of Americ

3、an Dream from the Great Gatsby 从了不起的盖茨比看美国梦的破碎8. Humor and Satire in Pride and Prejudice 傲慢与偏见 的幽默与讽刺9. Influence of Mark Twains Works in China 马克吐温的作品在中国的影响10. Jane Austen and the Heroine in Pride and Prejudice 简奥丝丁和 傲慢与偏见的女主人11. On T.S. Eliots Mythological Consciousness 论艾略特的神话意识12. On the Develop

4、ment of Jane Eyres Character 论简爱的性格发展13. On the Poetry of William Wordsworth (1770-1885) 评议沃兹沃斯的诗歌14. Rhetorical and Narrative Devices in A Farewell to Arms 永别了,武器的修辞与描写手法15. The Forming of Heathcliff”s Tragic Personality in Wuthering Heights from the Perspective of Attachment Theory 从依恋理论看呼啸山庄主人公希力

5、克列夫悲剧性格的形成16. The Linguistic Charms of the Adventures of Tom Sawyer 汤姆索亚历险记的语言魅力17. Study of “Hemingway Style” 论“海明威风格”18. Thomas Hardy and his Tess of the DUrbervilles 哈代和他的苔丝19. On the Realistic Style of Chaucers Canterbury Tales论乔叟坎特伯雷故事集的现实主义风格外国语学院英语专业本科毕业论文选题指南第 2 页 共 5 页20. The Analysis on di

6、fferent Concept of Value in Sister Carrie嘉莉妹妹中不同价值观的分析B 西方文化(英美加澳新等西方国家文化以及与汉文化的比较研究); 文化与外语学习 中西方文化比较 地域文化研究 (如:“美国 60 年代的摇滚学-社会的晴雨表”)1. Face Considerations in China and the Us and its Implications for Cross-Cultural Business 中美面子观差异及其对跨文化商务谈判的影响 2. Politeness Representation in English Business Cor

7、respondence 礼貌与商务英语信函中礼貌的表现 3. Differences of Interpersonal Relationship between Eastern and Western People 东西方人际关系要素差异探析 4. A Tentative Study of Cultural Similarities and Differences from the Public Service Advertisement in English and Chinese 中英公益广告语言中的中西文化异同初探 5. The Grand Strategy of Politeness

8、in International Business Negotiation 礼貌大同策略在国际商务谈判语言中的体现 6. A Contrast Study on Compliment and Compliment Response in Chinese-American Business Negotiation 中美商务谈判中恭维语及恭维应答对比研究 7. Approach to Cultural Differences in Sino-U.S. Business Negotiation and its Impacts中美商务谈判中的文化差异及其影响探析8. English and Chine

9、se Euphemisms: A Comparison between Their Cultural Implications从英汉委婉语对比中透析中西文化差异9. A Comparison between Chinese and Western Cultural Differences from the Aspect of Privacy Right 从隐私权看中西文化差异10. On the Cultural Differences of the Etiquette Norms in Chinese and English Nonverbal Communication 中英非语言交际礼俗

10、规范的文化差异研究外国语学院英语专业本科毕业论文选题指南第 3 页 共 5 页C 语言学(语言学一般理论的研究); 语言学研究 (如:语言研究,文字研究,词汇研究,短语和句子研究,语篇研究,语言与文化等)1. Syntactical Features of Business English 谈商务英语写作的句法特征2. The Win-Win Pragmatic Strategies in International Business Negotiation国际商务谈判中的双赢语用策略3. The Application of Grices Cooperation Principle in I

11、nternational Business Negotiation Grice 的合作原则在国际商务谈判中的应用4. An analysis of Metaphor in Business Reading 经贸英语阅读中隐喻现象的语言学分析5. Linguistic Feature of Correspondences for Foreign Trade and its Application in International Trade 外贸英语函电的语言特点及其在国际贸易中的应用 6. Linguistic Features of Business Contracts 商务合同的语言特征7

12、. Linguistic Features of English Advertisements 英语广告的语言特征8. Politeness and Its Manifestation in Business Correspondence 礼貌及其在商务信函的体现 9. A Study of Politeness Strategies in English Business Letter 商务英语信函中的礼貌策略研究 10. A Study of the Variety of Move Structures in English Business LettersA Genre Analysis

13、 英语商务信函语步结构的多样性研究 11. Figure of Speech in Advertising in English & Chinese 比喻在中西广告中的运用 12. Linguistic Features of Abraham Lincolns Addresses 论林肯演说词的语言特征13. Linguistic Taboos in Chinese and English Languages 谈汉英语言中的禁忌现象14. On the Words and Expressions Belittling the Female 蔑视女性的词汇和表达法15. Semantic Ana

14、lysis of Nominalization in EST 科技英语名词化语义分析16. The cultural connotations of animals in Chinese and English英汉动物词汇文化内涵意义对比研究117.On Puns in English Advertisementsfrom the Perspective of Relevance Theory 从关联理论看英语广告双关语18. Symbolism in Idiomatic Expressions 论习语中的象征手法19. Points of View and the Mode of Disco

15、urse in Vanity Fair 论名利场的观点及言语方式20. Syntax in John Miltons Paradise Lost 弥尔顿的失乐园 的句法探讨外国语学院英语专业本科毕业论文选题指南第 4 页 共 5 页D 教学法(英语教学法、测试学等方面的研究); 语言教学研究,教学法研究,教学方法和技巧研究 (如:语言研究与语言习惯,测试与评估研究,课堂教学管理研究,教育技术的使用与开展研究) 英语学习个体差异研究 (如:不同性格的学生的口语能力有何不同?)1. Cultivation of Cross-cultural Communication in Business En

16、glish Teaching 商务英语教学中跨文化交际能力的培养 2. Developing Students Cultural Awareness through Foreign Language Teaching通过外语教学培养学生的文化意识3. Effects of Learners Motivation in Foreign Language Learning 高中(初中)英语学习中学习动机的影响4. Error Analysis in English Learning as a Foreign Language 英语学习中的错误分析研究5. A Study of Student-Centered English Vocabulary Teaching 以学生为中心的英语词汇教学6. Relationship of Age to SLA (Second Language Acquisition) 论年龄与第二语言


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