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1、段落翻译1、Shopping centers provide building enclosures to enable the buying public and the retailing industry to do business. For thousands of years,these enclosures and the spaces between have been evolving as a changing reflection of the overall society,its products and delivery systems.After World Wa

2、r II significant programmatic changes in society broadly changed the design of shopping centers.A more affluent middle-class spread into the emerging suburbia and relied on the automobile as if it were a body part. The result was the development of the typical enclosed mall and strip center accessed

3、 only by car and located in the suburbs.购物中心是为购物的大众和零售行业提供做生意的场所,千百年来,这些场地及其空间在不断演进,反映着整个社会的边画,包括其产品及传送系统, “二战”之后,重大的,有步骤的社会变革极大地改变了购物中心的设计,更富裕的中产阶层嵌入不断涌现的城郊居住区,并且像对待自身的一部分那样依赖汽车。结果就是典型的封闭式商场以及只有汽车才能进入的位于城郊的下场商业街区的发展。2、The shopping center fo the future will be viewed more as a flexible business ente

4、rprise adapting to and in competition with many other product delivery and entertainment systems and less as a relatively unchanging real estate asset.While location will still be a key to real estate,the design,merchandising,and promotion of shopping centers will become equally important.Thus,to at

5、tract paying customers,the shopping center designs of the future will reflect the demands of the customers of the future:competitive pricing and higher levels of service with convenience,entertainment,sophistication,and excitement.未来的购物中心将更多地被看作是灵活的商业企业,与许多其他的产品传送和娱乐体系相适应、相竞争,而不是一个相对来讲没有什么变化的不动产但对于不

6、动产而言方位任是一个关键,购物中心的设计规划和营销奖同等重要。这样,为吸引有支付能力的顾客,未来购物中心的设计将反映未来顾客的需求:有竞争力的价格、提供便利、娱乐,兼具综合性和刺激性的更高水准的服务。3、Many people searching for personal fulfillment have found inspiration in the Arts &.Crafts Movement.The movement emphasized the importance of useful,creative work to the individual and to society as

7、 a whole.Ideas aboutthe simple life.back-to-the-land.and self-sufficiency were part of its philosophy as were issues around healthy eating and dress reform.许多追求自我完善的人们在工艺美术运动中得到启示,这一运动从整体上强调实用的、创造性的作品对于个人各社会的重要性。 “简单生辉” 、 “回归土地”和自给自足的理念是其知道思想的一部分正如它们也曾是围绕健康饮食和着装改革所占开的话题。4、Crafts education is an impo

8、rtant legacy of the Arts & Crafts Movement.The movement emphasized the importance of creativity but also encouraged individuals to learn through practical experience.The movement invigorated the teaching of embroidery and handwriting in primary schools from the early 20th century.Craft teaching in s

9、econdary schools,art colleges and teacher training colleges was heavily influenced by the practicalhands-onapproach of the movement while craft manuals and materials produced by firms such as Dryad provided many individuals with a first-hand experience of arts and crafts.工艺教育是工艺美术运动的一份重要遗产。这一运动强调创造性

10、的重要,但同时也鼓励个人从实践经验中求知。从 20世纪早期开始,这一运动就倡导在初级学校中展开刺绣和书法的教学。在中等学校、艺术院校和师资培训中展开的工艺教学在很大程度上收到该运动所提出的“动手”实践方法的影响,同事有诸如德瑞艾达公司所提供的工艺手册和相关原料也为很多个人提供了对于工艺美术的第一手经验。句子翻译1、even in childhood was possessed of a romantic attachment to forests and gardens and flowers and birds which,with his interest in mediaevalism,

11、would recur in his art,his poetry,and his fiction for the rest of his life.”圣旨还在幼年时期,他对森林、花园、鲜花和鸟就有着浪漫的依恋之情,同事伴随着对中古风情的浓厚兴趣。这些在他以后的绘画,是个和小说中都的到体现。 “此处,which 指代前面所说的 romantic attachment.2、Morris and his friends and acquaintances decorated the house themselves in properly mediaeval fashion,building al

12、l the furnishings,designing stained glass windows,painting murals,and weaving tapestries,and discovered that they enjoyed it.”莫里斯和他的朋友和熟人们一道依据中世纪的风格装修了这所房子,制作了全部的家具、设计了玻璃嵌花窗、绘制了壁画、编制了挂毯等,从中得到了不少的乐趣。 ”building,designing,painting,weaving,一组由现在分词阴道的状语从句描述了“装修”的具体行为。3、The Grand Hyatt Shanghai,for exampl

13、e,has a trio of inspirations:ttraditional Chinese,Western art deco,and contemporary design,From the exterior to the smallest interior detail,this design pays homage to tradition and changes in Chinese architecture.例如上海的凯悦大酒店的设计就受到三方面因素的影响:中国传统、西方装饰艺术和当代设计风格。从其外观设计到室内设计的细微末节,都体现出对中国建筑传统及其变革的敬意。4、Symb

14、olizing good fortune,the number eight recurs as a theme-in the eight-section floor plan,the building setbacks and the 88storeys-in keeping with fengshui principles,作为好运的象征,数字 8 的主题一再重复-大厦低平面分为 8 快向内收缩,总层数共 88 层-遵循着风水术的定律。5、In the reception area,a double ceiling-height glass curtain wall offers views

15、 of the western bank of Huangpu River,and the waterfront district know as the Bund,which features early 1900s architecture,在接待区,透过一道双层的与天花板同高的玻璃幕墙,可以浏览黄埔江西岸的风景和以 20 世纪早期建筑为特色的外滩景区。6、A card such as this is typically on stock that is coated on one side-you print color on the coated side,black and whit

16、e on the uncoated side .This allows you to strike a balance between the impact of color and the reality of budget restraints.这样的一张卡片通常只有一面套印-你可以将彩色印在这一面,另一面没有套印的只能印黑白的内容,这就使得你能在色彩效果和预算限制间求取平衡。7、In truth,the marketing potential of a simple 31/2 by 5 inch card is unbounded.You can show something such as a photograph of a new product, a remodeled showroom or the impressive gear you use to provide your service.实际上,一张 3 英寸半乘以 5英寸的卡片的市场潜力是相当大的,你可以展示某个新产品的照片,一方面打造的展厅或某个你提供给客户的关键零部件



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