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1、第 1 页 共 4 页2014-2015 学年度第一学期海口市第三十三小学五年级英语 book5 教学设计 科目 英语 课题 Module5 第一课时 课型 新授 设计者:海口市第三十三小学李院清 教 学 目 标 1. Knowledge aim(语言知识目标)(1)Grammar: Be able to use “There are nineteen.”(2) Words and phrase: Be able to understand “thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen.”2. Abil

2、ity aim(语言技能目标)(1) Be able to listen and say “There are nineteen.”(2)Be able to read and write “thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen.”(3) Be able to talk about “数量” with “thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen.”3. Emotion aim(情感目标)1.通过各种活动形

3、式,在巩固学生新知的同时,激发学生用英语口头表达的兴趣及求知的欲望。2.培养学生敢于开口,表达中不怕出错误的精神。教学 重点1. 会读会说这目标语句 There are .But there are.等表数量的语句。2. 能识别单词及正确书写“thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen.”教学 难点 能口头运用 There are . But there are.这类语句.描述数量的分配问题。教学策略 (1) Teaching Aids: cards, voice-pen, (2) Teaching M

4、ethod: 听说法、交际法、任务型教学法,直观教学法。学习策略 自主学习、小组合作学习教学理念 先学后教教学 课时 Period 1复备第 2 页 共 4 页教 学 过 程 Step1. Warm-up 1. Greeting( T and Ss)2.Revision: (one-twelve)T shows fingers and asks: How many fingers ? .Ss: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten , eleven, twelve3. lets sing a song.( Ten l

5、ittle Indians)(PPT)Step2. Presentation1.lead-inNow lets count one by one.( onetwelve, thirteen)引导学生学说 thirteen 2. Look and say( lets learn the new words with cards 等教具教学数字 13-15( thirteen-fifteen) 注意引导学生 teen 的读音及单词的构成法。(学法指导)3. 利用单词拆分法学习数字 14-19( 小组合作学习,试读单词)fourteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nine

6、teen fifteen4. Lets count one by one. (one-nineteen) Step3 Practice1.Lets play a game: (师生齐玩石头剪刀布游戏 ) 用(thirteennineteen)游戏规则:游戏时按老师要求人人开口说规定的数字:如 thirteen, thirteen, thirteen. 同时 5 人每赢一次为小组加 1 分,老师赢一次加 1 分) 。2. Lets play a game: (组与组之间比 )用(thirteen-nineteen)玩石头剪刀布游戏。获胜者 5 人同时获胜为小组加分3. Look and say:

7、(观察教室环境) Look! How many doors? How many windows? 设置情境引出句型:Look! How many books? How many girls?引导学生用 There is one. But there are two girls.4. Lets learn the sentences: There are复备教学Step4 Production任务一: 1.Look and say1) Review: children, chairs, caps, T-shirts.第 3 页 共 4 页过程2) look and say(利用所学单词和句型,小

8、组内学说图片内容)PPTEg: A: There are three crayons.B: But there are four children.2. 任务二1)Look and write(PPT )Group-work: 用 ”There are. But there are.”句型完成其他三幅图。反馈完成情况,师生共同订正。.3. Do exercises: (PPT 呈现练习内空)复备 教 学 过 程 Step5 Rounding-off1. Sum-up(本课时所学重点内容并齐读)2. Homework1) Copy the new words2) Read and recite

9、(今天所学单词)3) 预习 P67 (twenty-ninety)BlackboardModule5 Period1thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen nineteenThere are. But there are.Step 6 Reflection亮点:1. 教学设计关注了三维目标。2. 教学设计关注到了学生的学情而采用了相应的教学策略和学习策略。3. 采用歌曲和游戏活跃课堂气氛,同进激发学生的学习兴趣。4. 教学过程中关注学法的指导和学生自主学习能力的训练,注重小组合作意识的培养。5. 运用任务型活动将所学语言在活动中得到体现,训练学生交际能力。6. 评价机制激发学生参与课堂学习过程的积极性。7. 教具起到了促进教学的国辅助作用。8. 设置教学情境教授新课。不足:第 4 页 共 4 页1. 对于差生的关注度还不够。



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