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1、综合复习编写人 隗功霞 备课组长签字 教研主任签字 班级_小组_姓名 _ Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show?一 Words 情景喜剧肥皂剧 有教育意义的查明,弄清喜剧 新闻忍受希望 发生介意笑话 打算,计划预料,期待讨论 毫无意义动作影片文化,文明 出现富有的可能,可以 原因电影失去 准备好的人物装扮,乔装打扮 陆军行动动画片 著名的开始变得有成就的 主要的普通的不幸的 女朋友准备好做某事简单的 好莱坞代替,替换干得好 米老鼠二 Phrases 1.介意做某事mind doing .介意某人做某事 mind sb doing/ mind ones d

2、oing3.看访谈节目 watch talk shows 4. 向某人学习 learn (sth) from sb.5.学习许多关于 的知识 learn a lot about 6. 计划做某事 plan to do sth7.希望做某事 hope to do sth/ hope that 从句 8.希望某人做某事 wish sb to do sth9.发生, 进行 go on,/ happen 发生在某人身上 happen to sb. 碰巧做某事 happen to do sth 10.进行关于的讨论 have a discussion about sth11.跟随某人 follow sb

3、 12. 接下来发生什么 What happens next ?现在正在发生什么事? What is happening now?昨天发生了什么事? What happened yesterday?明天将要发生什么事? What will happen tomorrow?13. 昨天 Tom 发生什么事了? What happened to Tom? 14. 期待做某事 expect to do sth 15.期待某人做某事 expect sb to do sth 16. 想起 think of17. 美国文化的一个著名象征 one very famous symbol in American

4、 culture18. 因而出名 be famous for China is famous for the Great Wall.19.作为 而出名 be famous as Yao Ming is famous as a basketball player. 20.第一个有声和音乐的卡通 the first cartoon with sound and music21. 出版, 发行 come out 22.受到某人的欢迎 be popular with sb.13 其中的一个主要原因 one of the main reasons 24. 一个普通人 a common man25. 人们

5、去电影院看小人物羸 people went to the cinema to see the little man win. 26.看到某人做了经常做某事 see sb do sth.27.看到听到发现某人正在做某事 see/ hear/ find sb doing sth. 28.尽最大努力去做某事 try ones best to do sth.29. 面对任何危险 face any danger 30.准备做某事 be ready to do sth.(表示结果) get ready to do sth.(表示动作)for sth for sthHe is ready to win th

6、e game. 他准备好了赢得比赛.(信心十足)He is getting ready to win the game. 他正在为赢得比赛做准备.(在做准备工作)Everything is ready. Lets have dinner. 一切都准备好了,咱们吃饭吧.Tomorrow we are going to take a trip to Wuhan. Do you getting everything ready?明天我们就要去武汉旅行了, 你把一切都准备好了吗? 31.失去家园 lose ones home / house 32 他们中的大多数/许多/一些/ 一个/所有 most/

7、many/ some/one / all of them 33. 第一个做某事的人 the first one to do sth He was the first one to get to school.他是第一个到校的人.The boy is always the first one to finish work.这个男孩总是第一个完成工作的人. 34.一部令人激动的动作电影 an exciting action movie35.来自, come from , be fromWhere are you from? Where do you come from?Where is he fr

8、om? Where does he come from? 36. 一个古老的中国故事 an old Chinese story37. 她打扮成一个男孩的样子 she dresses up like a boy.get dressed 穿衣服 dress oneself, 给自己穿衣服 dress up 盛装打扮 dress up like 打扮成。 。 。 。 。 。的样子 38.代替某人 take ones place / take the place of sb.39.代替某人做某事 take ones place to do sth. 40 饰演某个角色 play the role /

9、play a roleplay a role in 在中发挥作用/有影响 Computers play an important role in our life. 计算机在我们的生活中发挥着重要的作用。They usually play a role in deciding the winner. 他们通常在决定胜利者方面发挥作用。 John is playing the leading role in this years play. 今年的演出中约翰是主角。 Schools play the most important role in education. 学校在教育中起着最为重要的作

10、用。41. 其他的所有演员 the other actors 42.他们在电影中做的很好 they did a good job in the movie.43.表现了对某人的热爱 show ones love for sb.44.成功(名词) success 成功的 (形容词)successful 成功地(副词 successfully三 Sentences1. 你想看游戏节目吗? Do you want to watch game shows?2. 你想看什么? What do you want to watch?3. 你认为谈话节目怎么样? What do you think of ta

11、lk shows?4. 我很喜爱/很喜欢/不介意/不喜欢/受不了它们. I love / like / dont mind/ dont like/ cant stand them.5. .那么咱们去看谈话节目吧Then lets watch talk shows.6. .今天晚上你打算看新闻吗? Do you plan to watch the news tonight?7. 因为我希望了解世界各地正在发生什么.Because I hope to find out whats going on around the world.8. 昨天你在课上做什么? What did you do in

12、class yesterday?9. 我们讨论了一下电视节目 We had a discussion about TV shows.10. 我喜欢跟随故事情节了解接下来发生什么. I like to follow the story and see what happens next.11. 你可以期待从它们那里学到很多. You can expect to learn a lot from them.12. 我希望将来某一天成为一个电视记者. I hope to be a TV reporter one day.13. 你喜欢看什么喜剧节目? What kind of comedy show

13、s do you like to watch?14 今天晚上你打算看一个运动节目吗?Do you plan to watch a sports show tonight?14. 你能期望从这条新闻中了解什么 What can you expect to learn from the news?15. Mickey 很不幸,有许多比如失去家园或女朋友之类的问题 Michey was unlucky and had so many problems such as losing his house or girlfriend.16. 人们去电影院看小人物羸 People went to the cinema to see the little man win.17. 他总是准备好尽最大努力. He was always ready to try his best.18. 他们中的大多数想要成为像 Mickey 一样的人.Most



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