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1、,How to teach English phoneticsin junior secondary schools初中英语语音教学张慧军,What do you think of your pronunciation?,What do you think of your students pronunciation?,Why teach phonetics ?What to teach ?How to teach phonetics ? When to teach phonetics ?,Why teach phonetics ?,综合语言运用能力,情感态度,学习策略,文化意识,语言技能,语

2、言知识,国际视野祖国意识合作精神自信意志兴趣动机,交际策略资源策略调控策略认知策略,跨文化交际文化理解文化知识,话题功能语法词汇语音,写读说听,课程目标,To help lay a good foundation for learning English vocabularyTo help with listening and speaking To affect reading and writing,To build up students confidence in learning English To improve understandingTo create a favorabl

3、e impression,学生发音存在的问题1 汉语中韵母无长短音之分,而英语的元音则有长短音之分。致使学生在发长元音时不够长,发短元音时不够短。2 发汉语韵母音时一般都开口不大,致使学生在发 和 等音时口开得不够大。3 英语前元音 与汉语拼音e的形状相似,学生可能常会把英语的 误读为汉语拼音的e。,4 受汉语双韵母音的影响,学生在发双元音时没有滑动过程和口型变化。5 汉语里没有的音素如 tr dr等,学生在学习时往往用汉语与英语相近似的音代替,这是不允许的。6 汉语里没有辅音连缀现象,学生在初学英语时往往在两个辅音之间加上一个元音,如把grade读成g r d等等,7 汉语中没有失去爆破这一

4、语音现象,学生往往把goodbye, sit down等中的爆破音d, t读得太重。8 在汉语中声母的清浊概念不很清楚,致使学生在发清辅音时声带振动,发浊辅音时用力不够,声带振动不够。此外,有些学生在没有掌握英语发音之前,用汉字来注英语,这是绝对不允许的。,What problems do students have with English pronunciation?,Using the wrong soundMaking long vowels shortLeaving sounds outAdding soundsPutting stress on the wrong syllable

5、 in a wordPutting stress on the wrong word in a sentenceUsing the wrong intonation pattern (G. Poedjosoedarmo, 2007)、,What to teach ?,义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版) 附录一 语音项目表,1语音教学是语言教学的重要内容之一。自然规范的语音、语调将为有效的口语交际打下良好的基础。语音教学应注重语义与语境、语调与语流相结合,不要一味追求单音的准确性。,义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版) 附录一 语音项目表,2在英语教学起始阶段,语音教学主要应通过模仿来进行,教

6、师应提供大量听音、模仿和实践的机会,帮助学生养成良好的发音习惯。,义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版) 附录一 语音项目表,3英语有不同的口音,如:英国口音、美国口音等。教学中,应让学生在基本掌握一种口音的基础上,适当接触不同的口音,为他们发展交际能力打下基础。,义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版) 附录一 语音项目表,1基本读音 (1)26个字母读音(2)元音字母a, e, i(y), o, u在重读音节中的读音(3)元音字母在单词中的基本读音(4)常见的元音字母组合在重读音节中的读音(5)常见的辅音字母组合在单词中的基本读音,如:th, sh, ch等(6)辅音连缀的读音,如black,

7、class, flag, glass, plane, sleep, bright, cry, sky, small, speak, star, street, splash, spring, screen, programme, quiet,义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版) 附录一 语音项目表,(7)成节音的读音,如table, people, uncle, single, middle, little, parcel, basin, cousin, often, seven2重音(1)单词重音(2)句子重音3意群的读音(1)连读和失去爆破(2)弱读与同化4语调与节奏(1)语调(升调,降调

8、)(2)节奏,How to teach?,语音教学的技巧和方法,1Imitation (模仿) There is no doubt that imitation is one of the keys, perhaps the golden key, to success in pronunciation.Eckersley, C. E.,模仿,模仿的目的在于确保语音、语调的正确和提高表达的流利程度。模仿的时候,口齿要尽量清楚;在刚开始模仿时,速度不要过快,用慢速模仿,以便把音发到位,等到发音准确后,再加快速度,用正常的语速反复多说几遍,直到不用想就能用正常语速把句子轻松地说出来。对于自己读不准

9、或比较生疏的单词要反复多听几遍,然后再反复模仿,逐个单词地,在那些常用词上下功夫,尽量模仿得像一些。,2Repetition (复述),复述是一种很好的自我训练口语,记忆单词和句子的方法。 复述方式 阅读后复述;听录音后复述 听录音后复述:既练听力,又练口语表达能力。可以提高注意力的集中程度,提高听的效果,而且还可以提高记忆力,克服听完就忘的毛病。 复述要循序渐进 复述的内容要有所选择,听音模仿:听和模仿是正确说的基础,听是第一位的,模仿是第二位的。听和模仿的时候,学生要看相应的形。读音:看词读或是看音标读,建议用熟词配上音标读,可以减轻学生的学习负担。,A sheep /i:/A ship

10、/i/,A sheep is not a ship! A ship is not a sheep!,Use minimal pairs (最小对立体),/ 3: / a bird the worker/ / the worker The worker has a bird.,/ / Cat/ e / BedWhats this? Its a bed.Whats on the bed?Oh! My god! Its a cat!A cat is on the bed!,/a:/ Father/ MotherFather and mother, mother and father, they gi

11、ve me a hug(拥抱)!,/ : / door / / dog Look! Its a door. Whats behind the door? Oh, its a dog. A dog is behind the door.,/u:/ Cool/u/ LookOh, you look so cool!,/ e i/ name/ a i/ I myWhats your name? I am Kate.Whats your name? My name is Mike.,/i/ boy/ u / goal /3:/ girlThe boy is looking at the girl. T

12、he girl is kicking a goal.A goal and a girl. We kick a goal but cant kick a girl.,/au/ out/i/ here/e/ there/u/ SureLets say it out: Here and there, we are the best!Are you sure? Yes! Here and there, we are the best!,be me he she tea eat sea seat meat beat each teach beach reach bean mean bee beef se

13、e seem seen been meet free tree three street deep keep jeep sleep sweep sheep green agreeit is hit bit sit fit six mix big pig dig this his him with too zoo moon soon noon spoon school cool pool tool food room broom afternoonbook look cook took good stood wood footcar card hard yard guard far farm f

14、armer arm army art part party star start park shark mark market large class glass grass pass last fast past heartus bus but cut nut must shut luck duck truck sun run gun bun fun funny sunny,or for form born worn forty nor north morning short sport port your four door floor all ball tall wall talk wa

15、lknot hot pot got lot shot box fox dog fog frog sock lock clock rock pocket rocketsir girl bird third thirty thirsty birth birthday first early earth learn her term turn burn work word world worm worse worst other mother brother father worker teacher player actor doctor visitoran and hand band sand at cat catch match hat that chat glad bad mad dad sadegg leg beg desk check sell tell bell fell shell spell smell head heavy,


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