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1、凡事预则立,不预则废。Unit 2 性格与行为特征 导学案一、根据所给汉语,写出英语单词1. 勇敢的 _2. 明智的 _3. 健忘的 _4. 礼貌的 _ 5. 粗鲁的 _6. 温和的 _7. 沉默的 _8. 诚实的 _9. 谦虚的 _10. 自私的 _11. 愚蠢的 _ 12. 直接的 _13. 有天赋的 _14. 幽默的 _15. 体谅的 _二、根据要求写出单词的正确形式1. pessimistic (反义词 ) _2. negative (反义词) _3. mean (反义词) _4. rigid (反义词) _5. dependent (反义词 ) _三、根据所给汉语,写出单词的正确形式

2、1. He has a cheerful but quiet _ (性格).2. Mary has the _ (品质) of honesty and generosity.3. People with a positive _ (态度) to life are admirable.4. TV violence may cause aggressive _ (行为).5. He was known to be a man of great _ (智慧). 6. You must try to be a little more _ (实际的).7. We are looking for some

3、one who is _ (可靠的) and hard-working.8. You need to be more _ (灵活的) and imaginative in your approach.9. It was _ (慷慨的) of him to offer to pay for us both.10. John is a(n) _ (善解人意的) and intelligent young man.11. She is over eighty, but is still _ (活跃的).12. He was too _ (倔强的) to admit that he was wrong

4、.13. Kate is very _ (严格的) with her students.14. She is very _ (有耐心的) with young children.15. He is quite _ (自信的) about his own abilities.四、用 四、用括号中所给词的正确形式填空1. He has the ability _ (attract) clients.2. She was determined _ (win).3. It is bad manners _ (talk) with your mouth full.4. She was accustome

5、d to _ (get) up early.5. Gradually Mike lost the courage _ (speak) out about anything.五、选出适当的单词,并用其正确形式填空1. He is a very _ boss who is never easily satisfied.2. John has a nice _ and we all like him.3. She doesnt want to get into trouble, so she is always _.4. He always become _ after drinking alcoh

6、ol.5. Dont be so _ youve had three pieces of cake.6. Im very _. Nothing means more to me than winning.7. This film is not _ for young children.8. Is she _ enough for such responsibility.9. He is a(n) _ man who always sticks to traditional values.10. He looked _ in that hat which made people laugh. 六

7、、选出适当的短语,并用其正确形式填空1. He took a deep breath to _ himself _.2. Its cruel to _ people who are disabled.3. Many people think parents _ their childrens bad behaviour.4. You can hardly _ him _ not waiting.5. My eyes slowly _ the dark.demanding, greedy, cautious, aggressive, ambitious, appropriate, ridicul

8、ous, mature, conservative, personalitycalm . down, blame . for, make fun of,be responsible for, grow accustomed to凡事预则立,不预则废。Unit 2 导学案答案一、1. brave 2. wise 3. forgetful 4. polite 5. rude 6. gentle 7. silent 8. honest 9. modest 10. selfish 11. stupid / foolish / silly 12. direct 13. gifted / talented

9、 14. humourous 15. considerate / thoughtful二、1. optimistic 2. positive 3. generous 4. flexible 5. independent 三、1. character 2. qualities 3. attitude 4. behaviour 5. wisdom 6. practical 7. reliable 8. flexible 9. generous 10. sensitive 11. active 12. stubborn 13. strict 14. patient 15. confident四、1. to attract 2. to win 3. to talk 4. getting 5. to speak五、1. demanding 2. personality 3. cautious 4. aggressive 5. greedy 6. ambitious7. appropriate 8. mature 9. conservative 10. ridiculous六、1. calm; down 2. make fun of 3. are responsible for 4. blame; for 5. grew accustomed to



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