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1、小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接:http:/ 提供:快乐其实很简单Happy life every day is the goal of each of us to pursue, it was tireless, hard to pursue, still can not find a happy film. Some people silently, quietly waiting, happy always on schedule, with its around.A reporter to a market interview, he saw an old lady in

2、a corner of the sale of lemon, lemon! Lemon! Five cents a! Old man weakly shouting, the old ladys business is clearly not very good, I did not sell a few in the morning. The reporter moved the compassion, intends to buy all the old ladys lemon, so that she can happily go home early. When he told his

3、 old lady about his idea, the old ladys answer surprised him: I am now selling to you, and thats what I sell in the afternoon.Happy for the old lady, is the sense of life, experience around the drip thing. Our eyes sometimes deceive us, we think that the trouble is actually happy, and we think that

4、people will be happy with full of trouble. Real life, often bring people endless fun, as long as you know how to feel, you will be happy.There is a busy for the money bruised and not happy father asked her daughter: Are you happy? Daughter happy to answer: happy. Puzzled father said: What is happine

5、ss? Daughter naively replied: For example, now we have finished the dinner, you accompany me in the roof to see the stars, I feel very happy. Confused father Son to clear the reasons for their unhappy.Girl happy so simple, but it is from the heart of the most real happiness. Careful experience, surr

6、ounded by a grass and a tree, a flower leaves, can bring us the most pure happiness. The hearts of calm and joy, whether it is looking at the stars, or bow down flowers, is the water watching fish, or listen to the rain, are fun.Sakyamuni Buddha once in a beautiful scenery, said with emotion: the sc

7、enery so beautiful place, if the cover of a Buddhist temple just fine. God Emperor picked a grass inserted on the ground, said: Buddha, the temple covered, Buddha said happily: good zai, good zai.In the heart of the Buddha, every good place, good mood, good hope, are the temple. We should never forg

8、et to build their own hearts in the temple.Some people in their own life in the pursuit of fame, glory and wealth, that has the supreme power and endless wealth, their own can be happy to bring happiness to others. They will vowed to the beloved people said: treat me to the world, so you all the wor

9、ld for the house.To be my fame, let you spend the next month to wait for my name full of mansion, so you sing the horse. You promised to marry Hong Xia. I am rich and prosperous, so you ten peach . Jinbang title, the bridal chamber candle night, others encountered the case of knowledge, long drought

10、 every rain, known as the four happy birthday, but they bring us happiness, in the long life also appears to be very short, can only bring us A moment of happiness. We can only find in their own heart eternal happiness.In the world, each of us is like a flower, some people withered after the flowers

11、, will bear fruit, fame and fortune, harvest quite well. Some people will only flowering will not result, life did not make any earth-shattering events, but a flat life away. Most people are living a dull life. Even so, we have to bloom, bloom out of the most beautiful posture, the fragrant fragranc

12、e, fragrance of their own, fragrant others, fragrant world.每天开心快乐的生活是我们每个人追求的目标,有人孜孜不倦,苦苦追寻,仍找不到快乐的影踪。有人默默不语,静静守候,快乐总是如期而至,伴其左右。一名记者到一个集市上采访,他看到一个年迈的老太太在一个角落里卖柠檬,“柠檬!柠檬!五毛钱一个!”老人有气无力地喊着,老太太的生意显然不太好,一上午也没卖几个。记者动了恻隐之心,打算把老太太的柠檬全部买下来,以使她能“高高兴兴地早些回家”。当他把自己的想法告诉老太太时,老太太的回答让他大吃一惊:“我现在都卖给你了,那我下午卖什么”。快乐对于这位


14、悦,无论是仰望星空,还是低头赏花,是临水观鱼,还是听风赏雨,都是其乐无穷。释迦牟尼佛有一次在一个风景优美的地方,感慨地说:“风景这么优美的地方,如果盖一座佛堂就好了”。天帝随手摘了一株草插在地上,说:“世尊,佛堂盖好了”,佛陀开心地说:“善哉,善哉” 。在佛陀的心里,每一个好的地方,好的心情,好的希望,都是佛堂。我们也应该时时不忘建造自己心中的佛堂。 有些人终其一生都在追求功成名就,荣华富贵,以为拥有至高无上的权力和无穷无尽的财富,自己才能获得快乐,才能给别人带来快乐。他们会对心爱的人信誓旦旦地说:“待我君临天下,许你四海为家。待我功成名达,许你花前月下。待我名满华厦,许你放歌纵马。待我高头大马,许你嫁衣红霞。待我富贵荣华,许你十里桃花”。金榜题名时,洞房花烛夜,他乡遇故知,久旱逢甘雨,被称为人生四大喜事,但它们带给我们的快乐,在漫长的人生中也显得很短暂,也只能带给我们一时的快乐。我们只有在自己的内心才能找到永恒的快乐。在世上,我们每一个人都像一朵花,有的人花朵凋谢以后,会结出丰硕的果实,名利俱收,收获颇丰。有的人只会开花不会结果,一辈子没有做出什么惊天动地的大事,只是平平淡淡的走完一生。大多数人都是在过着平淡的生活。即使如此,我们也要努力绽放,盛开出最美的姿态,散发醉人的芳香,芬芳自己,芬芳他人,芬芳世界。



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