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1、Unit 1a. Chinese to English1) Translate the following sentences into English.(1) 探索的魔力会激励我们的年轻人去学习数学、科学以及工程学,并为我们培养出新一代的改革者和开拓者。 (inspire 激发)The fascination generated by exploration will inspire our young people to study math, science and engineering, and create a new generation of innovators and pi

2、oneers.(2)一回到英国,他就利用媒体的高知名度,作为进入政坛的踏板。 (foray 突袭;侵略) Upon returning to England, he employed the favorable media attention as a launching pad for his foray into politics.(3)由于业务的自然增长,你将会时时处于忙碌的状态,并且必须能够接受倒班,包括在夜间和周末上班。 (be on the go) Owning to the nature of every growing business, you will need to be

3、 on the go constantly, and also be on the go prepared to work shift work, including nights and weekends.(4) 在澳大利亚,汽油价格也会出现下降不过,由于澳元兑美元走软,所以澳大利亚汽油降价幅度有限。 (counterpart 副本)In Australia, gasoline prices have retreated, although falls have been limited because of the weakness of the Australian dollar aga

4、inst its American counterpart.(5)亚洲经济出现了积极态势,一些国家已经克服金融危机的影响并且恢复发展,亚洲再次成为全球经济增长的焦点。 (spotlight 聚光灯)The Asian economy has presented a positive trend. Some countries have overcome the impact of the financial crisis and revived development. Asia has once again become the spotlight of global economic gr

5、owth.(6)中国加入世界贸易组织,不仅能够促进中国经济的发展,也会促进世界经济的发展,将为亚洲经济和世界经济发展注入新的活力。 (impetus) Chinas accession to the WTO can promote not only the development of Chinese economy, but also that of the world economy and will inject new impetus into the progress of Asian economy and world economy.(7)信息量的不断增长加上技术的发展,使得人们

6、能够比过去以更快的速度往更多的地方存储和发送更多的信息。 (couple with 结合,和。 。 。关联) The growing quantity of information, couple with the development of technologies, erable the storage and delivery of more information with greater speed to more locations than has ever been possible before.(8)未来是这样一件东西,每个人都以每小时六十分钟的速度朝他走去,不管他做什么

7、,也不管他是谁。 (at the rate 以, , , ,的速度)The future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of sixty minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is.Unit 3a. Chinese to English1) Translate the following sentences into English.(1)获取真正的知识需要冒险,并且要有开放的心灵,但是大多数人更喜欢确定感,而不是去了解事物的复杂的,甚至是使人不安的真相。 (prefer t

8、o) Gaining real knowledge requires taking risks and keeping the mind openbut most people prefer to be reassured rather than to learn the complex and often unsettling truth about anything. (2) 战士们非常勇敢,他们发誓要把入侵他们国家的任何敌人都消灭。 (wipe out 消灭)The soldiers were so courageous that they sworn to wipe out any e

9、nemy that dare to invade into their country.(3)他们对于用电视播映比赛的吸引力缺乏信心,以至于感到必须用一个说得天花乱拽讲解员来做实况广播,以便招揽观众。 (hype up)Theyre so lacking in confidence in the attraction of broadcasting the games on TV that they feel they have to hype up with some hysterical commentator in order to get anyone to watch them.(4

10、)更糟糕的是,一些人在网络上发放了某种恶意代码来搜寻和攻击这些设备中隐藏的危机,以此来盗取其中的重要数据。 (whats worse)Whats worse, there are those who would unleash malicious network attacks designed to exploit these hidden vulnerabilities to uncover the prized data within. (5)政府在房价干预政策方面的调整预示着稳定房价时期的来临。 (usher in 引起)The change of the governments in

11、terference strategies on housing ushered in a period of stable house prices.(6) 此设计表现了一种真正的领导能力、长远的眼光的坚定不移的承诺。他们因为多年坚持非常细致的工作而受到赞扬。 (be applauded for)This shows true leadership, sustained vision, and solid commitment. They were applauded for sticking with it for so many years with great subtlety.(7)

12、如何选择一种完成这项工作最简洁的方法,这仍然是一个未解决的问题。 (single out)How to single out the most succinct way to finish the work still remains a problem.(8) 但是国防部长盖茨说,美国已经把很多有关导弹防御计划的建议列入谈判的内容,现在是俄罗斯方面做出回应的时候了。 (on the table)But Defense Secretary Gates said the United States has put a lot on the table in terms of missile de

13、fense proposals and it is time for the Russians to reciprocate. Unit 4a. Chinese to English1) Translate the following sentences into English.(1)由于缺少清晰的政策架构,那些探索更具有前景领域(如低碳能源和基础设施)的潜在投资者,遇到了重重障碍。 (framework) Potential investors exploring more promising areas, such as lowcarbon energy and infrastructu

14、re, are stymied because of the lack of a clear policy framework.(2)幸运的是,大多数经营者欢迎这样的进取精神,他们也越来越多愿意让雇员在工作中更多的承担、当家作主。 (antonomy)Fortunately, most managers welcome such initiative, and they are increasingly willing to give their employees more responsibility, autonomy, and authority in their jobs.(3) 我

15、们提供一整套服务,其中包括提供整个办公室的计算机系统、人员培训和硬件维修。(package deal)We are offering a package deal which includes the whole office computer system, staff training and hardware maintenance. (4) 尽管这种所谓的连续性语音识别的方法已升了准确性,但是它还是有缺陷。 (by no means)Although this socalled continuous speechrecognition approach has indeed impro

16、ved accuracy, it is by no means infallible.(5) 这就是所谓在一件事情上面包含着两种互相矛盾的意义的具体例证之一。 (one and the same)This is a concrete illustration of what we mean by one and the same thing having two contradictory aspects. (6) 某一年的实际房屋需求量,特别是对私人房屋的需求量,取决于经济因素、发展商的商业决定和消费者的决定。 (in particular)Actual demand in a particular year, in particular in the private sector, depends on the economic factors and the commercial decisions of developers and consumers.(7) 如果你需要输血,你只能接受与你的血型相容的血型,这是很重要的。 (c



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