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1、Competitive sports can help build confidence and resilience, argues the leader of a group of girls schools 一位女校组织领导表示,竞技运动有助于女孩们建立信心和加强恢复力。Girls should take part in competitive sport to build confidence and resilience, the leader of a group of girls schools will argue this week. 女孩应该参加竞技运动来建立自信和加强恢复

2、力,女校组织领导将于本周将就此话题展开讨论。Helen Fraser, chief executive of the Girls Day School Trust (GDST), will tell the groups conference that sport can help girls cope with failure. 女校信托组织的首席执行官海伦弗雷兹将在会议中宣布,运动有助于女生更好地应对失败。All girls and not just the sporty ones should take physical exercise, Ms Fraser will say. 弗雷兹

3、表示“所有女生,不仅限于运动爱好者”,都应该参加体育锻炼。Research that girls are far less active than boys is worrying, she argues. 她说,调查表明,女孩们远不如男孩们活跃,这是很令人担心的。Girls who are in schools which focus solely on academic achievement can experience success after success, and may never learn that you can have a real setback and come

4、 back and recover, Ms Fraser told BBC News. “尽管那些在学校里只在乎学业成绩的女孩们可能会不断地获得成功,但她们可能永远不会意识到自己的不足并且尝试着去弥补它”,弗雷兹对 BBC 说。The experience of losing a hockey game three-nil and carrying on to another match builds resilience. “如果你能在经历 3 比 0 惨败的曲棍球比赛后继续参加另外一场比赛,这将有助于锻炼你的恢复能力”。Ms Fraser will tell the conference

5、that she backs sport for all. 弗雷兹女士将对会议表明她“无条件支持体育运动”的态度。Thats why I love it when our schools have A, B ,C and D teams and beyond, she will say. 她会在会议上说:“这就是为什么我很欣赏我们学校分 ABCD 和其他不同组的原因”。Not all girls like ball games so its important to find alternatives, says the GDST 不是所有的女孩都喜欢球类运动,所以寻找其他的运动就显得很重要了

6、,英国女子日间公学信托表示。The GDST draws on research from the Womens Sport and Fitness Foundation which suggests only a quarter of girls in England meet current recommended levels of physical activity each week, with the proportion taking part in regular sport falling steeply after the age of 10. 英国女子日间公学信托在女性运

7、动和健康学基础里的调查表明,英国只有四分之一的女孩达到每周应该的体育运动量,在 10 岁以后,参加常规运动的比例更是猛跌。One in five girls do no physical activity at all, twice the proportion of boys, the research suggests. 调查表明,5 个里面就有 1 个女孩根本不参加任何体育锻炼,是男孩比例的两倍。Ms Fraser says other research suggests that more than 80% of senior women business leaders played

8、 organised sports while growing up. 弗雷兹介绍,其他的调查显示,在年长的女性商业领导里面,有超过 80%的人在成长时期会参加有组织的体育锻炼。She says similar high proportions of female executives believe sport made them more disciplined, resilient and competitive in their careers. 她说,还有相同高比例的女性高管相信,运动让她们在工作中更加自律,富有弹性,和更加有竞争力。She cites the example of

9、former US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, once a competitive figure skater and tennis player, while the head of the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde, was in the French national synchronized swimming team. 她还进一步以美国莱斯州前秘书为例子,当面临一个强有力的并且还会滑冰和打网球的对手时,作为国际货币基金组织的领头人,克里斯汀拉加德,正在法国国家游泳队里面

10、奋战。Ms Fraser says Olympic medallists like Jessica Ennis, Katherine Grainger and Nicola Adams are excellent role models for young women but says womens sport needs better funding and more media coverage. 弗雷兹说,像杰西卡恩尼斯、凯瑟琳格兰格和妮可亚当这样的奥运奖牌得主都是年轻女性的优秀榜样,但是女性运动的发展还需要更多的投资和更多的媒体鼓励。I think sport and exercise

11、 are ways in which women can reclaim their bodies from the kind of obsessions of the tabloid press and celebrity magazines, says Ms Fraser. “我认为运动和锻炼是将女人们的精力从对八卦报刊和名人杂志的痴迷里面解救出来的最好办法”,弗雷兹说。Valerie Dunsford, head of Sheffield High School, part of GDST, said it was important to offer a large range of

12、sports to attract different types of girls. 国女子日间公学信托分支谢菲尔德中学领导人瓦莱里丹斯瓦尔德认为,提供不同种类的运动项目来吸引不同类型的女孩们是很重要的。Not everyone wants to be out on the hockey pitch, said Ms Dunsford. 她说:“不是每个人都喜欢曲棍球。”You dont have to be a fantastic sportswoman to bounce on a trampoline and it gives you a great workout. “你不一定非得成

13、为一个在蹦蹦床上弹跳的运动狂粉,但这将给你带来一个全新的世界”。She said the great sporting advantage of girls schools was a lack of self-consciousness. 她说在女子学校运动的一个巨大的优势就是他们都缺乏主动性。Girls school pupils are less bothered about what they look like. Even of our sixth formers are still happy to put on a leotard and jump on a trampoline. 在女子学校的小学生们相对而言不怎么在意她们的外表。甚至我们前面的六个学校都仍很乐意让学生们穿上高领紧身衣在蹦蹦床上跳跃。The GDST is composed of 24 fee-paying schools and two academies. 英国女子日间公学信托由 24 所付费学校和两个学院组成。更多英语学习:企业英语 http:/


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