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1、 退换货交易Exchange/Refund Procedure- 顾客需退货退款时,收银员应立即通知当班经理。Cashier must call Duty Manager when customer request Refund/Exchange.- 当班经理先了解顾客退款理由,并请顾客提供收银条及货品,只有在顾客提供的资料有效的情况下,才进行退款交易,在收银机上,将顾客退货的货品条码、金额、购物日期、时间输入收银机内,退款交易方可完成。Firstly, Duty Manager has to try to understand the reason why the custom

2、er wants to refund his/her payment, and then asks him/her to provide the receipt and the goods. The refund can be provided only after the customer provides all the valid materials. The refund can be completed after scanning the barcode, entering the value, the transaction code, the purchasing date a

3、nd time into the cash register.- 准确填写 “退款单” (附表)上的内容,并留下顾客的姓名、地址、联络电话等资料,并由顾客在“退款单”上签名。Correctly fill in the (See attached), record the customers name, address, contact telephone number, etc, and have the customer sign his/her name on the “Refund Sheet”.- 退款单必须连号使用。只允许在一本退款本用完后再使用另一本,不允许同时使用多本。The “

4、Refund Sheet” must be used according to its serial number strictly. Another “Refund Sheet” book is only permitted to be used after the former one has been used up. Its not allowed to use two “Refund Sheet” books at the same time.- 收银员与当值经理必须在“退款单”上签名。The cashier and the Duty Manager should both sign

5、 their names on the “Refund Sheet”.- 将顾客提供的原始收银条与退款收银条附在退款单后,收银条上须有收银员和当班签名。After attaching the customers original receipt and the refunding receipt on the “Refund Sheet”, the cashier and the Shift Manager should sign their names on the both receipts.- 区域经理或区域主管须过目每张“退款单” ,并在“退款单”上签字确认。The Area Mana

6、ger/Area Supervisor must check each of the “Refund Sheet” and confirm it by signing his/her name on the “Refund Sheet”.- 如涉及大额退款(超过 400 元) ,须第一时间与区域经理/区域主管联络。As for the large sum of refund (¥400 or above), people should contact the Area Manager/Area Supervisor immediately.- 退款时应核对顾客付款方式,如以信用卡付款,退款必须

7、发生在同一张信用卡上。When providing the refund, people should check the payment method. If it was paid by credit card, people must refund the payment to the same credit card.双倍差价退款运作流程The procedure for the twice price difference refund1、顾客需退款时,收银员应立即通知当班经理。When the customer wants to refund his/her payment, th

8、e cashier must inform the Duty Manager immediately.2、当班经理先认真检查顾客所持的资料是否符合本次活动的退款原则,并请顾客提供当天的交易小票,在小票上盖上“已作差额处理”的章,然后在指定收银机进行退款交易。Firstly, Duty Manager should carefully check whether the materials the customer provides conform with the refund rule of such activity, and ask the customer to provide tha

9、t days receipt and stamp the “Has been dealt with price difference” stamp on it, and then conduct the refund deal on the appointed cash register.3、收银机退款流程:Refund procedure on the cash register:* 按键“主管功能” ,再按交易退回Press the key “Supervisor Function”, then the “Refund” key* 输入主管代码主管密码Enter the superviso

10、r code the supervisor password* 选择退款,输入原始收银小票上的交易号码,并将货品条码扫描入机Choose “Refund” function, key in the No. of the original transaction and scan the Barcode of item.* 输入“差价退款”的金额Enter the amount to be refund.* 总计后,按“人民币”将赔款付给顾客。After knowing the total value, press “RMB” and do the refund to the customer.

11、4、准确填写退款单上的内容,留下顾客姓名、地址、联系电话等资料,再由顾客与当班经理在退款单上签名,在退款原因一栏注明竞争对手货品的零售价钱,并钉付退款小票。Correctly fill in the “Refund Sheet”, record the customers name, address, contract telephone No., etc; then, the customer and the Duty Manager sign their names on the “Refund Sheet”, and fill the retail price of the compet

12、ing rival on the column for the reason of refunding, and then staple the sheet with the refund receipt.5、无论顾客使用信用卡或现金购物,一律以现金退还顾客 2 倍差价。No matter whether the customer used credit card or cash to buy the goods, refund him/her with two times of the value of the original value in cash.6、然后将资料填写在“顾客退差价纪

13、录表” 。Fill the “Customer Price Difference Refunding Report” with the materials at hands.7、每天核对销售报表与退款单上的退款金额一致,将退款单上的第一联撕下,连同报表一起交上会计部。Everyday, check whether the refund value of the sales report is the same with that of the “Refund Sheet”, then tear off the first copy of the “Refund Sheet”, and hand in it together with the “Report” to the Accounting Department.



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