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1、盐城二模知识点整理单选1.follow suit 依样画瓢 sink of swim together 共存亡 set eyes on it 见到/关注 get to the bottom of it 水落石出/找出真相补充 bottom 另外一个俚语To scrape the bottom of the barrel.To scrape 就是刮。Barrel 是一个圆的桶。当桶里的好东西都给别人都拿走了的时候,你就不得不刮桶底剩下的东西了。下面是一个例句。这是在说战争时期征兵的情况。例句 3: At first only young, healthy, single men were tak

2、en for military service. But the war lasted so long they had to scrape the bottom of the barrel and take married men and older men with all sorts of health problems.这句话翻译到中文就是说:最初,征兵的对象只是身体健康的单身年轻男子。但是,战争拖的那么久,他们不得不迁就地把那些结过婚的男人和那些有各种病的年纪大一些的男子征兵入伍。2.equal to the task 胜任这份任务 essential 基本的,必要的 be supe

3、rior to 优越于.反义词 inferior 低劣的,下等的3. sweep into the quarterfinal 闯入四分之一决赛 sweep into 昂首阔步走进.4. escape ones notice 俚语: 被某人疏忽 give notice 通知/通告 narrow escape 九死一生,幸免于难neglect ones duty 玩忽职守5. in favor of 支持,赞成 in terms of 就而言 with regard to 至于/关于 with reference to 关于/有关/参考,参照6. admire the natural beauty

4、 欣赏自然美景 cherish 珍惜 observe 观察,庆祝,遵守7. be hold up as an example 被树立为榜样8. the rush of the daylight quite confused me 突然之间闯入的阳光 其他用法:rush hour 交通高峰期 in a rush 匆匆忙忙 gold rush 淘金热 9. jasmine tea culture 茉莉花茶文化10. more often than not= frequently 经常,往往 Only that there is one = I only know there is one. 我只知

5、道有这么个人完型1. 选项中生词Count on 依赖,指望 touch on 与有关,提到,涉及 take in 吸收,欺骗,理解Psychologist 心理学家 involvement 牵连,参与,加入 preference 偏好2. defensive 防守的,自卫的3. philosophy 哲学4. stand a safe distance from their kids 与孩子们保持着安全的距离5. trial and error 反复试验,从失败中找到方法6. given that 鉴于,考虑到7. lower a childs academic achievement 降低

6、孩子的学习表现8. interfere with 干预,干涉,打扰,阻碍9. fill time 安排/打发时间10. peer(n) 同伴,伙伴 (v)盯着看,凝视阅读1. metropolis (n)大都市 metropolitan(adj) 大都市的2. qualification 资格限制3. individual effort 个人的努力4. professional assistance 专业帮助5. copyright material 有版权的材料6. fill out a form 填表格7. submit to 屈服,投降,递交 submission(n)8. the fo

7、llowing criteria 如下的标准9. blonde woman 白肤金发碧眼女人10. stockbroker 股票经纪人11. something of that sort 那一类的东西 /人12. artificial and extremely unrealistic tales 人为编造的,极其不真实的故事13. these romance stories are to literature what hot dogs are to fine food. A is to B what C is to D. A 对于 B 就像 C 对于 D 那样14. triple 三倍 r

8、evenue 收入 classic literary fiction 经典文学小说15. stereotype 陈规旧习 betray the stereotype 打破陈规16. long for 渴望,憧憬17. account for 解释,说明,占据比例18. enormous 巨大的 have enormous popularity 非常受欢迎19. womens liberation movement 女性自由运动 20 indulge in 沉溺于21. contemporary ladies 当代女性22. treat women with courtesy 礼貌对待女性 co

9、urtesy 礼貌,文明,谦恭 公交车上老弱病残孕专座 courtesy seats23. noble 高尚的,贵族的24. precious treasure 珍贵的宝藏 be regarded as possession 被认为是财富25. nutrition 营养 authority 权威机构 dignity 尊严 liberty 自由26. grow back 重新长出27. innovative field 创新领域28. seek to 寻求29. clinical application 临床应用30. organ transplant 器官移植31. ultimately re

10、ject the transplanted donor organ 最终排斥移植的捐赠器官32. immune system 免疫系统33. reserved 保守的34. worn out cap 破旧的帽子 wear out 筋疲力尽的35. sign the document 签署文件36. roll up the sleeve 卷起袖子37. pessimistic 悲观的 affectionate 深情的,慈爱的 persistent 坚持不懈的任务型同意替换1. the latest mental disorder caused by social.Constantly distu

11、rbing our peace of mind2. make it a strictly phone-free evening.We feel extremely depressed when forbidden to check our social network.3. in case you miss some titbit supplied by mere acquaintances or even strangers requesting your friendship Images of online friends appeal more to us, compared to o

12、ur real world friends.4. FoMo occurs mostly in people with unfulfilled psychological needsSome of us attempt to feel psychologically fulfilled on social network.5. If so, constantly watching others doing things that we are not is rich ground for a future of looking back in sorrow.We are constantly sorry for things that we didnt do.5. for everything you have missed, you have gained something else, and for everything you gain, you lose something else.Accept that loss can sometimes be “ a blessing in disguise”(因祸得福)



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