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1、如何用英语表达你的“男神”最近你要是不说点关于“长腿欧巴”或者“来自星星的你”有关的内容,似乎好像说明你有点 OUT 了。所以,赶紧的。下面这篇文章就是教大家如何用英语表达“长腿欧巴”和“教授” 。Winning looks key to successThere is no shortage of pretty faces in South Korean drama - the problem, rather, is choosing the prettiest ones. Lets check out todays most popular Korean drama stars and s

2、ee how their hallmark handsomeness can be described in the English language.韩剧中从来都不乏俊男美女,但问题是:谁才是最养眼的男神女神?让我们来盘点一下时下人气最旺的韩剧明星,学习一下如何用英文来表达他们每个人所不同的独特魅力。注释:1. no shortage of不缺乏,也可以 fall/be short of2. Korean drama: 韩国电视剧3. Check out: 看看,这是特别地道的表达,经常可以在美剧里听到 go check it out 就是去瞧瞧的意思Leggy“长腿欧巴”Lee Min-h

3、o, 26, actor/singer李敏镐,26 岁,演员兼歌手Basics: Best known for his leading role in romantic comedy drama The Inheritors. In July 2012 in South Korea, Lee was voted the most attractive male celebrity in TV commercials for cosmetics brands.基本资料:因主演爱情剧继承者们而名声大噪。2012 年 7 月,李敏镐被评选为“化妆品电视广告最具魅力男艺人” 。注释:1. Leadin

4、g role: 主角,主角还有一个词是 protagonist. 他们之间的区别是说某人在某部影片中领衔主演,用leading role 或 play the lead in the film。protagonist 在影评和小说评论中更为常见,当主人公讲。2. Inheritor: 继承者 v. inherit n. inheritance3. Celebrity: 名人4. TV commercial 电视广告。Commercial 既可以作为 adj.商业的也可以作为 n.广告5. Cosmetics: 化妆品 plastic surgery: 整容 这两项内容都是韩国最有名的。Char

5、acteristic: In his fans eyes, Lees physique is leggy (having attractively long and slender legs) and his personality introverted while still radiating a kind and vibrant warmth.特点:在粉丝眼中,李敏镐堪称“长腿欧巴” ,一双标志性长腿令人着迷;而性格内敛的他也散发出一种善良而富有活力的“暖男”气质。注释:1. Physique: 体型;身形2. Slender: 细长的 slim: 苗条的;修长的 thin:瘦的3.

6、Introvert: v./n. 使内向;内向的人 introverted: adj. 内向的 反义是 extrovert4. Radiate: v. 发出;辐射 radiation: n. 辐射 radiant: adj. 容光焕发的Aloof“面瘫教授”Kim Soo-hyun, 25, actor/singer金秀贤,25 岁,演员兼歌手注释: aloof: adj. 孤僻的Basics: Kims popularity skyrocketed when he starred in the hit period drama Moon Embracing the Sun (捧日之月), w

7、hich was the most popular in its time slot and, at its peak, had viewer ratings of 42.2 percent in South Korea. Known as the “Professor” in the hit drama Man From the Stars, Kims popularity has hit the roof in China.基本资料:金秀贤因出演热门古装剧捧日之月而迅速蹿红,该剧成为韩国同时段收视冠军,创下 42.2%的超高收视率。现在,因出演时下大热的韩剧来自星星的你中“教授”一角,金秀

8、贤在中国可谓人气爆棚。注释:1. Skyrocket: n./v. n.表示冲天火箭 v.表示猛涨2. hit period: 黄金时间 hit drama: 火的剧 这里的 hit 都表示成功,火的意思3. time slot: 时间段4. viewer ratings: 收视份额Characteristic: His character in the show has stirred a lot of discussion among fans, with his omnipotent ability to walk through walls, read minds, and engag

9、e in psychic interfacing. The alien he depicts appears to have an icy exterior and seems very aloof. Kims perfectly proportioned figure also means everything on him is a showcase of good fashion.特点:他在来自星星的你中所饰演的角色可谓上天入地无所不能,具备了穿墙术、读心术以及意念操控等特异功能,从而引发粉丝热议。他饰演的外星教授外表冷若冰霜、看起来有些“面瘫” 。 “黄金比例”的身材也意味着金秀贤的着

10、装无处不展示着绝佳的时尚品味。注释:1. omnipotent: adj. 无处不在的 omni-这个前缀表示遍的意思2. phychic interfacing: 表示精神或心灵连接3. alien: n./v. 外星的;外国的4. icy exterior: 冷冰冰的外表 exterior 相对的词是 interior,既可以作为 adj.也可以作为 n.5. perfectly proportioned figure:比例完美的身材。这也是“长腿欧巴”的 hallmark.6. showcase: 陈列橱窗 这里用了一个比喻。非常形象。文章分析自普特英语网环球教育 北美考试院托福听力老师 黄清 教育学硕士,英语专业八级,相关英语考试都取得高分。第十四届世界游泳锦标赛曾为多名裁判与泳联主席翻译。多次担任美国知名企业在中国的会议翻译,随同翻译。多次教授知名企业比如柯达公司在华的美国高层汉语。标准的美式发音,热爱英语教学工作,亲切有耐心,课堂轻松有趣,对托福真题做了深入的研究,总结出一套能在短时间内帮助学生提分的技巧方法。格言:授之以鱼不如授之以渔.



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