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1、上海大学硕士学位论文人寿保险销售决策支持系统的设计与实现姓名:张胤杰申请学位级别:硕士专业:软件工程指导教师:辛明军20090501AflR14fl SM Eat fl*Y #tIW :)4ansIf flflflrj Enn flJ 1tflLW fliflUflflnnimn -nWnneYac t 3 1:I9Jffl41LkflflWflflYMfl 1#flfl *4tW4Y flZ* Tfl1*fl(IItflWflX4ffl7fifl Wfl*ny gnwwY WYIrIi flJH WWWHM 01 T t4+flItfl .tiifl*(tilt ABSTRACTInform

2、ation technology is regarded as the lifeline of the financial industry, over the past 10 years, in China, the information technology of insurance industry has been in the acceleration. The large insurance companies, such as the Peoples Insurance Company of China, the Life Insurance Company of China,

3、 the Ping An Insurance Company of China, and the new small and medium insurance companies spare no effort in information technology. From business data to knowledge-based technology, the development of decision support system that based on data mining and data warehouse, in the next few years, will

4、be sought after by insurance companies.This article focused on the design and implementation of decision support system in life insurance sales, and the research of decision support system technology. Based on the analysis of development status quo and trends of insurance industry information techno

5、logy in China, in this paper, it puts forward the overall design and implementation of decision support system in life insurance sales, then the family plan system is introduced as an example of decision support system in life insurance sales.In this paper, the main research and innovation summarize

6、d as follows:1. Based on the current Life insurance business system, it makes the overall design of life decision support system in life insurance sales, and it proposes the system framework.2. According to the system framework, it puts forward the design and implementation of the online analytical

7、processing system, customer relationship management system and sales management system.3. The customer service and support functions of Customer relationshipmanagement system is achieved a system as the family plan system, through this system, customers can make decision to buy products.Keywords: de

8、cision support, life insurance, model, sales, family plan systemVIZF 4TII:j :ni(U)o .f;:LI4WO*2YE fLoiy :y*lw11 I.z.T)_ VIo_wic 1LuIX4 op(ft (fu1ujq-(J) () fSSai ($) ()fWf1 ssue(S/D 1iJS/wTp) ff/4S!A1s(MG U!IpU!)nO TA& WP) ( sscu wis .ioddns uoTsTp:j i%j 08 0 Y( (SSG UIS(S i.ioddns UOTSTp)UIqjz1 ILI

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10、I(!1liU WWft tlifl2EWfl Ufl *Wf)Ufl Wn7 onnrflttM4I 4L*flfl W MfNFfl *14 WWkIfl i$fl*ZL4 U I Li I 4 coot F4aflx) WWD1flWP11 Hf Y Wfl 0IM f(wflt VT.ioddns uoisioap-onaqia(s 4011)(SSUSN uiaisXs“iYiI fffMThflflY?1flnfl 1fl fl iausanq Ffl4flU (4WY (SSUS uiosAs 4.Ioddns uo!spap-3!4044U1Cs)!tZ flf*flWM Wf

11、lWWflWfltna*J*tdiSftfl: fl 41Xt, Tiflt&*;4nVPflfl: 4kflh4, 4uflit3(t; tIL aa!ZUflfl*RL LtTflFfl*II4V*1&L M t1*Ngflflw, an Mfln1Rfl” iSW)1fiJfl,&ttEUW*1 fl” jfljfl*&Wifl YuflVfl4* 3tia iiat1 tt ni*-3E1th Tfliflfl*u1tt0 flh*t9n1Hfl1U1Hfl ?kfl*utflt 4Nflfl ?fnyfflltS4cfl t nannia nnwawnnutyfliVy flcctc

12、itn o o:afl7 (NU) fl4fl ()O(flfl) Mfln01munan*mnra win ntnt4kfl WdIg n*ns flHfl i4,1*UPjiPfl 4T*wmmiP*flfl4LIflHl*LIM Z+3fl34( *u-l4awfl.cfWWri flWk W”rfl1 W 1O(fl) fflfl tnrrt inn# ojMflfl#flilfl 44liV 4Yfl 11i*Ifl iflWfl flWifltJWdfl WW*(W WW&NLI1YflW3 flflWW fUfltZE “t (It*tLflfl1ItYwwc nflitoN u

13、*aux fl qih2A MJflUt2.4.11. 4ittfl*Iffflflfl1t)Hti)flfl ff t#$flo tW*UJWIflflfflMffl, iflTiL0 Wflfltfltflb 4th *flWifl, ifliWfl flfl. Mt4 flflllt, rEnLUWfl fl (SIAJHcI)*W L (SNHU) flfl(SNHJN wa4sXs TUuionuflu osnq jGOUI)#tW*tflNflflXir 1rvzuaqi JfJ!,yj ffWHIHflflflfl4 flu fltEMfl flLNHIU Uflfg 3 flT

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