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1、 Watcha=what cha=what are you Old Yeller is a 1957 American family tragedy film produced by Walt Disney., which takes place in a small town in frontier(n.边境) Texas in the late 1860s. It is the story of a 14 year old boy named Travis Coates who must take care of his mama and little brother Arliss whi

2、le his papa(n.爸爸) takes the cattle to market. An old yeller dog wanders onto the farm and steals the familys meat. Traviss hate for the old dog soon turns to love when the dog rescues Arliss from an angry mother bear.Yeller:The dog was called yeller because yeller is a dialectical pronunciation of y

3、ellow, his color.Old Yeller:老黄狗一译父亲离家时 ,这是一部描写人与狗感情的经典名片。剧中名叫特拉维斯(Travis) 的小孩在父亲离家工作期间负担起照顾全家的重任,并和一只老黄狗交上了朋友。但老黄狗最后的下场很悲惨,患了上狂犬病,特拉维斯不得不开枪把它打死。但菲比的妈 妈每当看到这部电影时都在最快乐的场景后关掉电视,从来不看到结尾,所以菲比从小就认为这是一本欢乐的电影,直到在这一集里看到了真正的结尾。 Shut off the TV 关掉电视 rabies rebiz n. 内科 狂犬病,恐水病 Rabies is a serious disease that c

4、auses people and animals to go mad and die. doggie d n. 小狗,狗 snuff film: A tape where the planned killing; murder of someone is recorded. Snuff : 1. (verb) To kill, assasinate, destroy, murder. 2. (adj.) A real (not staged) filmed murder rubber gloves n.橡胶手套 bizillion=one million billion(1000 万亿) 1

5、个 billion 是 10 亿,100 万个 billion 就是100 万个 10 亿,就是 1000 万亿bazillion: an infinite number of something Knicks 尼克斯的比赛:The New York Knickerbockers, commonly referred to as the Knicks, are a professional basketball team based in the borough(bro n. 区;自治的市镇) of Manhattan in New York City. have breath issue 有

6、口臭 poke: V-T If you poke someone or something, you quickly push them with your finger or with a sharp object. 戳; 捅 Spike Lee : Shelton Jackson Spike Lee (born March 20, 1957) is an American film director, producer, writer, and actor. His production company, 40 Acres and a Mule Filmworks, has produce

7、d over 35 films since 1983.Lees movies have examined race relations, colorism in the black community, the role of media in contemporary life, urban crime and poverty, and other political issues. Lee has received two Academy Award(奥斯卡金像奖)nominations and won numerous other awards, including an Emmy Aw

8、ard(艾美奖 ), the 2013 Gish Prize and an Academy Honorary Award(奥斯卡荣誉奖,近年来又称为奥斯卡终身成就奖) in 2015. The Academy Awards or The Oscars is an annual American awards ceremony honoring cinematic achievements in the film industry. The Oscars is the oldest entertainment awards ceremony; its equivalents, the Emmy

9、Awards for television, the Tony Awards for theatre, and the Grammy Awards for music and recording, are modeled after the Academy Awar ds上 1 The Oscars上 2 the Emmy Awards上 3 the Tony Awards下 1 the Grammy Awards 奥斯卡奖杯的主体为一座 13.5 英寸重 3.9 千克的镀金男像,由美国著名的雕塑家乔治斯坦利设计。裸体男子双手交叉于胸前,握着一把长剑,站在一个五环片盘上,每一个环代表影艺学院的

10、一项重要工作部门:制片、导演、编剧、演员、技术人员。 “格莱美”(GRAMMY)是英文 Gramophone(留声机)的变异谐音。以它命名的音乐奖迄今已有 50 年历史,其奖杯形状如一架老式的留声机。 托尼奖全称为安东尼特佩瑞奖,设立于 1947 年,是由美国戏剧协会为纪念该协会创始人之一的安东尼特佩瑞女士而设立的。该奖杯正面是希腊悲剧、喜剧的面具,反面则是佩瑞女士的浮雕头像。 艾美奖奖杯寓意一个长了翅膀的女人抱着一个原子,翅膀代表艺术的缪斯女神,原子代表电子科学,它由电视工程师路易麦克马纳斯以他的妻子为模型设计的。每个艾美奖雕像重达(3.08 公斤),是由铜,镍,银,金组成的合金奖杯。 sm

11、ell v.散发(气味的 )/bruise v.打伤, 撞伤,使青肿 Glad to be of help 乐意效劳 minty fresh 口气清新big deal: 1)If you say that something is a big deal, you mean that it is important or significant in some way.2) You can say big deal to someone to show that you are not impressed by something that they consider important or

12、impressive. 没什么大不Youll miss The Brady Bunch.Big deal.“你会错过布雷迪家庭的。 ” “没什么大不了的。 ” Jag d = jaguar dwr, djur n. 捷豹a brand of Jaguar Land Rover,6 a British multinational car manufacturer headquartered in Whitley, Coventry, England, owned by the Indian company Tata Motors since 2008. Tape: verb to record

13、events on the tape so that people can what them on the television set Roll over: VERB If you are lying down and you roll over, you turn your body so that a different part of you is facing upward. liquourn 酒精饮品= liqueur N-MASS A liqueur is a strong alcoholic drink with a sweet taste. You drink it aft

14、er a meal. 餐后甜酒liquor lk N-MASS Strong alcoholic drinks such as whisky, vodka, and gin can be referred to as liquor. 烈性酒 be sick of 厌恶,对感到厌倦 Oh shoot=shit 但更文明一点:讨厌! endearment ndrmnt n. 钟爱;亲爱 Love Story,Brians Song,Terms of Endearment,The Killing Fields:在发现老黄狗的真相后,菲比担心自己以前所认为的所有欢乐影片都有一个糟糕的结尾,结果她就租来

15、了爱情故事(Love Story)、布里安之歌(Brians Song)和母女情深(Terms of Endearment).事实上,这三部都是悲情落泪戏:爱情故事里面的男女主人公最后阴阳相隔;布里安之歌(又译莫逆之交) ,描写两个不同肤色的球员之间的莫逆之交,但最后其中一个生癌症去世;母女情深描写一对母女的真挚感情,但女儿因癌症去世,被认为是八十年代美国最感人肺腑的电影之一。下面莫尼卡说的杀戮战场(The Killing Fields)虽然是一本战争片,但结局却是大团圆的,所以莫尼卡建议菲比看这本。 guacamole n.鳄梨酱A mexican food made of avocado(

16、n.植 鳄梨, 鳄梨树), tomato, onion, salt and sometimes chile. Usually put over tacos(n.墨西哥玉米面豆卷 ) and tostadas(n.炸玉米粉圆饼)./Wow, all you need now is The Killing Fields and some guacamole and youve got yourself a part-ay: A thick paste of mashed avocado (鳄梨), often combined with citrus(n.柑橘类的植物)juice, onion, and seasonings(n.调味品, 调料)and usually


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