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1、Windows7 的 media center 程序被“软件限制策略阻止”打不开之解决方案前两天装了下 win7 专业版,这个版本可是微软的校园先锋计划提供的正版操作系统,价值 200 不到,够便宜;用了新系统么总要把玩把玩的,然后就玩出问题来了,听网上介绍 Windows media center 很档次的,所以也想运行下看到底有多档次,没想到根本就在“开始” 菜单里面找不到,找了一下路径,发现可以使用 Win+R,然后敲入 “%windir%/ehome/ehshell.exe”打开,如此做了之后没想到出来如下一句警告: 此程序被软件限制策略阻止,果然厉害,问题是我到底改过什么地方我自己都

2、忘了,唯一记得的是没改过注册表和组策略,就驱猫上网,查找解决方案。第一种方案:开始菜单运行输入 gpedit.msc打开“本地组策略编辑器 ”计算机配置管理模板Windows 组件Windows media center右边双击,打开后把“已禁用” 勾上 重启。这个方案,我试了下,把“计算机配置 ”和“用户配置” 里的 windows media center 都设置了下,没有用。第二种方案:有说是被 Win7 优化大师给限制的,禁止媒体中心的那个选项被选中了,只要去掉就行。这个方案,查看了下并没有任何勾选,没有用。第三种方案:使用替换法或 TIMESTOP,来破解 windows7,功能不全

3、就不能用 Windows Media Center 了,需要重新破解这个方案,没必要看,正版系统,没有用。第四种方案:“Win+R”regeditHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREPoliciesMicrosoftWindowsMediaCenter 右面的MediaCenter 的属性设置为 0,然后HKEY_CURRENT_USERSOFTWAREPoliciesMicrosoftWindowsMediaCenter 右面的MediaCenter 的属性设置为 0第五种方案:那就是修复系统了,这是自己想到的,马上“Win+R”cmdsfc /scannow,漫长的等待后说

4、没有问题,悲剧的。这个方案,试过了,也没有用,我还查找了所有的WindowsMediaCenter 项,都改成 0 也没用。=无语,搞不定,准备向困难低头了,都开始翻 win7的“F1”帮助文档了,最后给我灵感想起还可以找微软官网的问答区=第六种方案这个方案好啊,中文的问答区居然没人回答,那就搜英文的吧,果然被我找到一个方法,外国人就是牛啊。方法如下,由 Jason H. - Support EngineerMicrosoft Support 给出了答案:Follow the steps mentioned below and check if that fixes the issue:1.

5、Open control Panel and go to Administrative Tools.2. In Administrative tools open Local Security Policy.3. In Local Security Policy right click Software Restriction Policies and click “New Software Restriction Policy”.4. Now Left click on software restriction policies and in the right-hand window yo

6、u should see enforcement.5. Double-click on enforcement and set the policy to apply to “ALL USERS EXCEPT LOCAL ADMINISTRATORS”第一步控制面板管理工具本地安全策略(这个我一开始以为和 gpedit.msc 组策略一样的,没想到不是很类似)右键软件限制策略新建软件安全策略左键软件限制策略在右面窗口可以看到强制 双击强制设置策略为“除本地管理员以外的所有用户”其实做完这步我觉得心里还不是很有底,至少这个我确实没设置过Now try to restart your comput

7、er and check for the issue.Check if Media Center is enabled?1. Open Default Programs (just type that at the Start menu), and click Set program access and computer defaults.1. Expand Custom, and make sure that Windows Media Center is both listed (in the choose a default media player section), and the

8、 enable access to this program checkbox is ticked.2. If its there (but not ticked), tick the box, and hit OK.3. If its there (and is ticked), untick it, OK out, reboot. Go back in, and tick box.第二步控制面板程序默认程序设置程序访问和计算机的默认值扩展开“ 自定义” 如下图方法设置这样就可以了,然后重启,这个时候我觉得应该没问题了,果然重启之后看到华丽的 windows media center 界面了

9、。哈哈。Refer the following links which addresses similar issue:http:/ still you find any difficulty in starting the program then you may perform sfc scan on your computer.Here are the steps to do SFC scan.1. Click Start, click All Programs, click Accessories, right-click Command Prompt, and then click

10、Run as administrator. If you are prompted for an administrator password or for a confirmation, type the password, or click Allow2. Type the following command, and then press ENTER: sfc /scannow The sfc /scannow command scans all protected system files and replaces incorrect versions with correct Mic

11、rosoft versions.A message will appear stating that The system scan will begin. Be patient because the scan may take some time3. If any files require a replace SFC will replace them. You may be asked to insert your Win7 DVD for this process to continue 4. If everything is okay you should, after the s

12、can, see the following message Windows resource protection did not find any integrity violations 5. After the scan has completed, close the command prompt window, restart the computer and check.Check the below mentioned link for further guidance on SFC scan http:/ SFC 的方法,事实证明这个不管用 Thanks and Regards:Suresh Kumar- Microsoft Support.Visit our Microsoft Answers Feedback Forum and let us know what you think.长沙 http:/ 5XTO9j1UBZf3



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