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1、对比选择类作文万能模板一Some people are in favor of the idea of (某种行为). They point out the fact that (支持某种行为的第一个论据). They also argue that (支持某种行为的第二个论据).However, other people stand on a different ground. They consider it harmful to do (某种行为). They firmly point out that (反对某种行为的第一个论据). An example can give the de

2、tail of this argument: (反对某种行为的一个例证).There is some truth in both arguments. But I think the disadvantages of (某种行为)outweigh the advantages. In addition to the above-mentioned negative effects it might bring about, (某种行为) also may (可能产生的另一个弊端).To conclude, (你所得出的结论 ). a dozen of measures are supposed

3、 to take to prevent (某种行为)from bringing us more harm.万能模板二(某种行为 )is a common occurrence in our lives. The attitudes toward this issue vary from person to person. Some people tend to (观点一) when they are asked, because (支持观点一的理由).The most typical example is that (支持观点一的例子).There might be some element

4、of truth in these peoples belief. But if we consider it I depth, we will feel no reservation to conclude that (与观点一相反的观点二). We point out that (支持观点二的事实) for the reason that (支持观点二的理由).As far as I am concerned, I will choose to (表达自己的观点)because this choice fits my personality and my life-long belief.

5、 现象解释类作文万能模板三These days we often hear that (某种社会现象). It is common that (说明现状).Why dose such circumstance occur in spite of social protection? For one thing, (原因一 ). For another, (原因二). Whats more, (原因三). It is natural that (这种现象引起的后果).To solve the problem is not easy at all, but it worth trying. We

6、should do something such as (举例说明其解决方法) to improve the present situation, and I do believe everything will be better in the future.万能模板四With the development of the society, many formerly unimaginable things come into the reality. For example, (某种事物) have penetrated into more and more Chinese peoples

7、 lives. (举例或用数据说明).Without a doubt, (事物好的影响). But problems are easy to be reminded when talking about (事物不好的影响). Actually, there is (举例说明). Besides, (事物另外一个不好的影响). Last but not least, (事物第三个不好的影响).Indeed, these unique points can be controlled to remind people that (总结). Based on the above discussion

8、s, the better choice would be (给出建议).问题解决类作文万能模板五Nowadays, it is generally accepted that (提出问题)./ It is reported that (问题)are very common in 指出问题的重要性Special attention should be paid to (问题). On one hand, (原因一). On the other hand, (原因二 ). Therefore, it is high time that (原因三).阐述这一问题备受关注的原因Many ways c

9、an be adopted to (解决这一问题). First of all, (解决方法一). In addition, (解决方法二). Moreover, (解决方法三). Only through these ways can (问题 ) be tackled. ()给出解决的方法,总结全文。万能模板六Recently, there has been a discussion about (某个问题). Consequently, (问题引起的结果). Therefore, it is high time that (解决问题的必要性).引出问题,指出问题现状In view of (

10、这个问题), we should adopt immediate measures. Firstly, (第一解决方案). Secondly, (第二解决方案). Additionally, (第三解决方案)阐述问题的解决办法或决定因素As for me, (表明自己的观点). Every college student should (强调必要性). 表明自己的观点,强调其必要性观点论证类作文万能模板七(一种观点 ), which has been generally accepted. It means that (解释这种观点). The truth of it is deep and

11、profound. There are numerous examples supporting this argument. A case in point is (例证一). This is close to suggest that (). For another example, (例证二). Moreover, (详细论证观点的可行性).Judging from the evidence offered, we might safely draw the conclusion that (得出结论). But one thing we have to notice is (). In

12、 short, ( 总结观点).万能模板八No one can deny that (提出某种观点 ). The truth is deep and profound. (进一步说明). As we know (观点的普遍性). So (强调该观点的正确性).Many remarkable reasons contribute to this argument. First of all, (造成该观点的原因一). Moreover, (造成该观点的原因二). For example, (举例证明). In addition, (进一步论证).All mentioned above tell

13、us that (再次强调观点的正确性 ). In short, (总结全文).应用类作文 万能模板九Dear Sir and Madam,I am writing this letter to show you keen interest of your position advertised in (报纸或杂志 ) because my major and experience closely meet your requirements.Not only do I have the qualifications for this job, but I also have the right personality for a (职业). As the resume indicates, (介绍自己的能力 ).Would you please arrange an interview at your earliest convenience? You can reach me at (电话或地址 ). T



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