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1、1Unit7 School clubs目标导航高频词 power, attend, teach, disappear, surprised, another, skill, boring, information, recent词组 learn about, all the way, of course, remote control, look up句型 1. Last month, they attended the Clubs Fair.2. Linda and Leo were very surprise.3. When a mum teaches her child to make

2、a cake, she shows her how to do it.4. I was so excited that I could not sleep!语法 1. 掌握一般过去时的用法。2. 掌握动词过去式的构成。3. 掌握规则动词加-ed 后的读音规律。4. 掌握一般过去时的时间状语。交际用语 1. What do you do? 2. Thats amazing! 3. Me too.4. Thanks for the email. 5. What happened? 6. Thats interesting!7. Im sorry to hear that.写作目标 学写课外兴趣小组

3、的海报。2Reading难点精讲1. These are some of the clubs you can join. (P86) 这些是你能参加的一些俱乐部。1) you can join “你能参加的” ,是一个完整的句子,在整个句子中作定语,修饰名词 clubs。如:There is much fresh water you can drink. 那里有许多你可以喝的新鲜水。There are many pets you can choose in my bags. 在我的包里有许多你可以挑选。2) join“参加” ,指加入某个团体,成为其中的一个成员。如:My brother jo

4、ined the Army last month. 我哥哥上个月参了军。I want to join the Robot Club. 我想加入机器人俱乐部。2. Last month, they attended the Clubs Fair. (P87) 上个月他们参加了社团展览。1) last month “上个月” 。如:We visited the Great Wall last month. 我们上个月参观了长城。There was a school sports meeting last month. 上个月开了运动会。2) attend “参加,出席” ,多指参加会议。如:Wel

5、l attend an English lecture. 我们将参加英语讲座。Did you attend the meeting yesterday? 你昨天出席了会议了吗?3. First, Linda and Leo learnt about the Rocket Club. (P87) 起初,3琳达和利奥去了解火箭俱乐部。learn about “学习、了解” 。如:We learnt about the simple past tense today. 今天我们学习了一般过去时。They learnt about 200 English words last month. 上个月,他

6、们学习了大约 200 个英语单词。4. Our club will teach you how to build rockets.(P87) 我们俱乐部将教你如何造火箭。teach sb sth “教某人某事 ”,teach 后带两个宾语,一个指人,一个指物。如:Please teach me how to swim. 请教我怎样游泳吧。Does Miss Lee teach you English? 李老师叫你们英文吗?5. The rocket disappeared into the sky. (P87) 火箭消失在天空中。Disappear “消失、消散” ,是不及物动词。如:I ho

7、pe my worry will soon disappear. 我希望我的忧虑很快会烟消云散。People like reading in the Net now. Will book disappear in the future? 人们现在喜欢在网上阅读。将来书本会不复存在吗?6. Linda and Leo were very surprised. (P87) 琳达和利奥感到非常惊讶。be surprised “感到惊讶” ,本句的 were 是 are 的过去式,动词4be 随人称和时态发生变化。如:We are very surprised to hear the news. 我们

8、听到这个消息感到非常惊讶。Tom wasnt surprised at all. 汤姆一点也不惊讶。7. Will it go all the way into the space? (P87) 它会一直升到太空吗?All the way “一直、一路上” 。如:We walked all the way. 我们一路上都是步行的。It was very good all the way. 一路上都很愉快。8. Of course it wont. a girl from another club shouted. (P87) “当然不会, ”另外一个社团的一个女孩喊了起来。1) of cour

9、se “当然” 。插入语,表示肯定的语气。如:Of course I remember you. 我当然还记得你。Of course Ill help you. 我当然要帮助你。2) another “另一个” ,其后一般只接单数可数名词。如:Sandy was from another basketball team. 桑迪来自另一个篮球队。Its another fine morning in Guangzhou. 这是广州有一个晴朗的早晨。9. When a mum teaches her child to make a cake, she shows her how to do it.

10、 (P88)当妈妈教孩子做蛋糕时,她会示范给她看。1) teach sb to do sth “教某人做某事” 。如:5Will you teach me to use the washing machine? 你叫我使用洗衣机好吗?Father taught Jim to make a kite. 爸爸教吉姆做风筝。2) show sb sth “给某物看某人” ,show 后带两个宾语,一个指人,一个指物。如:Do we need to show you our passports? 我们要向你出示护照吗?Show us your pictures on the computer, ple

11、ase. 请在电脑上给我们展示你的图片。 10. I played with some other children. (P88) 我和其他一些孩子玩。1) play with “玩,与 玩” 。如:The boy played with his toy train. 这孩子玩他的玩具火车。He plays with his dog every day. 他每天和狗在一起玩。2) other“其他的 ”,在此作形容词用,后接名词。如:Where are the other students? 其他的学生在哪里?I have some other questions. 我有另外一些问题。11.

12、But a few minutes later, an old lady found it and gave it back to me! (P88) 但几分钟后一位老奶奶发现了它并把它还给了我。1) a few “一些” ,表示有几个,但数量不多。后接可数名词的复数形式。如:Youd better wait a few days. 你最好再等几天。6Please try it again in a few minutes. 请在几分钟之后再试一次。2) give back “归还” ,如果物件用代词代替,代词要放在 give 与back 之间。如:I will give back your

13、bike later. 我稍后会把自行车还给你。I must go to the library to give it back tomorrow. 我明天必须到图书馆把书还了。12. I had an exciting time at school yesterday! (P89) 昨天我在学校玩得很开心!Have an exciting time “玩得很开心” 。如:Children had an exciting time in the park yesterday. 孩子们昨天在公园玩得很开心。Did you have an exciting time on New Year? 你元

14、旦玩得开心吗?13. Tell me about it. (P89) 把那件事告诉我。 Tell sb about sth “吧某事告诉某人” 。如:Please tell me about your trouble. 请把你的烦恼讲给我听听。Tom is telling her mother about their trip. 汤姆正在给妈妈讲述有关他们旅游的事。 14. Did you get to know any other clubs? (P89) 你了解其他俱乐部了吗?Get to know “逐渐了解” 。如:How did you get to know her? 你是怎样认识

15、她的呢?It will take me some time to get to know the new place. 我需要一7些时间来熟悉新环境。随堂测验一、选择最佳答案填空。1. There are a few _ in the fridge.A. milk B. banana C. orange juice D. apples2. I dont like this dress. Can I have _ one?A. other B. another C. the other D. the others3. Im using your bike. May I _ two days la

16、ter?A. give back it B. give back them C. give it back D. give them back4. Tony _ to Bangkok last month. A. go B. goes C. went D. will go5. I want to _ the painting Club.A. join B. attend C. take part in D. join in 二、根据中文意思完成句子。1. 他们决定把钱包归还失主。They decided to _ wallet _ to its owner.2. 我父母想了解我的英语学习情况。My par


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